Dipper ran straight into the woods full steam, tears dry on his eyes.

Dipper then found a flat rock next to anice, steady-flowing river. He sat down on the rock, and pulled out journal 3. He looked at the golden 6-fingered hand on the cover of the book. It gave him chills.

Dipper began to flip through the pages in the journal, and thats when he came across a page he had never seen before.

It was a page about a creature called: The soul swapper.

He began to read about this strange creature. "This creature is just like the Hide-Behind, but swaps random victims sould before they could even let out a short, tiny scream." Dipper read.

Suddenly, Dipper heard a rustling in a nearby bush. It sounded oddly familier. It reminded him of when he first saw the Hide-Behind.

"Ohhhh...no, Oh boy, here we go... oh man." Dipper began to walk backwards slowly. then the rustling just, stopped. Like whatever was in the bush had suddenly died of natural causes.

Dipper was puzzled, yet intrigued. So he picked up a nearby stick, and began to tip-toe towards the bush.





Ever so quietly, he Tip-Toed closer to the bush.

He quietly stopped. Things had become Deadly quiet. He aimed th stick at the bush, and slowly pushed it foward about half a foot.

Than he shoved the stick full speed at bush!


A humongous creature leaped ot of the bush and onto Dipper!

Dipper could hear snarling, and began to scream! His scream came out very girlish. In fact, it was SO girlish, that it caused Stan (Back at the Myster Shack) to run downstairs. "Mabel, are you okay?" Said Stan. "That wasn't me." answered Mabel.

Back to Dipper:

Dipper screamed for a few more seconds, then everything went black...

A/N Post what you thought about it in the review section! Don't be afraid to use constructive critism.

I could also use some ideas for Chapter 3, and Ideas for another story. (I'll give you credit for the Ideas you give)