Dear Readers,

This is my first story on fanfiction. Please feel free to leave any comments and reviews about anything in particular. I am still unsure if I will continue this story because school starts two weeks later but, I promise I'll do my best to not abandon this story. I love reading VA Fanfics everywhere I go so I decided to write one. Enjoy & Review.

The wooden chariot creaked as it made its way to the dim lighted tavern. In the chariot sat Europe's almighty beast slayer Dimitri Belikov. Next to this handsome Russian, was his right hand man Ivan Zeklos who was cheering about their latest conquest. The team had rescued Princess Lissa Dragomir from the fire breathing dragon. Abruptly, the chariot had stopped, signaling that the mighty men's destination had been reached.

"Belikov, I bet we're going to get lucky tonight. Everywhere around Europe has heard about our current achievements. Tonight, baby, women are going to line up to drop their panties for me." Ivan smirked.

Dimitri scoffed at Ivan."They may drop their underpants for me but for you, I rather not think so." Dimitri opened the doors to the tavern and signaled a bald man to get four mugs of rum for he and Ivan.

"Well you're unavailable. What would Princess Ozera think with all these women you are whoring around with?"

"Ivan. My life does not consider Princess Ozera. My father has forced me to enter this competition against my will and he is demanding that I should fight in this useless game she has made up."

Ivan nodded, "This 'competition' just proves the greatness of her selfish vanity." Tasha Ozera had made up a quest for the bravest among knights to fight for her hand in marriage. From the rumors circulating the castle, Tasha had devised a very clever game which many knights could barely pass.

"Are you sure that you want to join this stupid competition? I think you haven't forgotten about her? Have you?" Ivan whispered as the man came up to pass their mugs of rum.

"I would be stupid to forget. But, this is for the best. If she was still with me, all my enemies would have gotten to her by now and killed her. My job as a warrior is unsafe for her." Dimitri muttered and took a sip of his rum.

"You know this is the city where you first met her. Dimitri, don't act stupid; I know why you chose this place to stop by. You have memories here with her and I know you're hoping to hear a whisper about her name. Don't act like you have just moved on to Princess Ozera and forgotten about Rose."

Dimitri cringed at that name.


His Roza.

Her name had the power to bring loving memories rushing back. How Rose had called him her comrade. How Rose had an ambition and stubbornness to never accept the answer 'no.' How he loved the beautiful silky strands of her swaying hair that had reached up to her waist.

"Ivan. Enough said. We'll stay here for the night in Turkey till we reach Russia. We will have no delays after this stop." He commanded in a stern voice.

"Whatever you say brother. I, however, am going to look for women while you rest at the inns." Ivan winked and strutted off.

Dimitri sighed and rolled his eyes at the typical Ivan behavior. He stood up and gave the man a bronze coin for the drinks. The bartender nodded with thanks and watched his customer leave.

Rose Mazur woke up in an eerie silence. However, like her many mornings before, her thoughts resurfaced about her lost love. She heard many stories about him unlike before. She even heard from her friend Lissa informing Rose about how Dimitri had saved her from the tower of dragons. Now, Lissa had her happy ending with Christian Ozera while Rose Mazur was still grieving over Dimitri Belikov.

Rose's husky pup who had sensed her distress came to slobber all over her face.

Rose laughed. "Blini, stop it." Rose named her pup after the breakfast dish Dimitri had made for her countless times. Blini had the same tan-white colored fur as her favorite Russian pancakes.

"Rosemarie! Come downstairs. You're father is asking for you to get some fruit from the farmer's market today." Janine yelled.

"Okay mother." Rose shouted back as she put on a cotton dress which showed her voluminous curves." Rose ran downstairs with Blini trailing behind her. She grabbed her empty basket and money and kissed her mother goodbye. Rose went down the street where civilians laid fresh vegetables, fruits, and meats. She shopped till there was a colorful array of foods in her basket.

Rose picked up Blini into her arms an fed him a piece of cheese with celery. Blini had gladly eaten the cheese but he spit the celery out with distaste at Rose. Roses squealed and patted Blini's head in a disciplining manner.

From afar, she saw a familiar silhouette. She chased through the streets till she was close to her destination.

"Lissa! I didn't know you were coming."

Lissa laughed. "I was trying to surprise you but I guess that's ruined. Hey, you should come to Andre's party tonight. It is near here and I bet we can sneak Blini in too can't we not?"

"A party? I don't think Abe will let me. . . come to our cottage right now. I bet Mother will be happy to see you."

"Come on Rose. You love these parties with endless fancying and dancing. Without you, the party hasn't even started yet. It is rare for Father to let us out in the suburbs. He was so worried after my kidnapping."

Rose was frankly jealous that Liss had been rescued by her knight and shining armor while she was wasting away in this small city. After all, not everyone had the privilege to be a princess. "Fine Liss, I will ask Abe. Come on let's go inside and eat food. I am starving to death!" She exclaimed.

They made their way to the house and the Rose's parents were ecstatic to see Lissa. They talked about Lissa's family back at Rome and were delighted to hear about Lissa's safety back home after the dragon's attack.

Dimitri Belikov made his way to the field of freesias where the cabin stood. It was the place where he and Roza had planned to live. He longed for his love and knew where indeed he had screwed up. Dimitri realized that he had to get her back soon.


"Dimitri, where are you taking me?" Rose giggled as he picked her up bridal style. "Put me down. I'm too heavy to be carried."

Dimitri chuckled. "Roza you are not heavy. However, on the contrary, it feels that you might've gotten a bit heftier after all that blini you've eaten.

Rose glared at him and hit his arm playfully. "I may eat a lot but I've seen you marveling my body last night when we were alone at the cottage,"

Dimitri put Rose back onto her feet as they arrived at a field of freesias. At the farthest corner of the field stood a beautiful cabin adorned with dahlias and ivy.

"Dimitri, it's so beautiful. How did you find such a place?" Rose's voice was filled with awestruck.

"I come to this place to think. However, it is nothing compared to your beauty. Happy 18th birthday my love." They walked inside and made love to each other for the whole day.


Dimitri turned around to face the cottage where Roza currently lived. With these memories rushing back, he realized he was nothing with her gone. All throughout the months without her, he had been blocking her out. This constant blocking was doing him no good and he was going to face his ultimate fear to face Rose. His cowardice insisted him to turn back but for once he did not give in.

Dimitri heard a faint barking sound in the cottage and recognized it as Blini's. Oh how he had missed this dog. He went up to the door to knock on it but before he did, the door swung open. In the cottage stood a very surprised but pregnant Rose and her best friend Lissa Dragomir with Blini rushing towards his feet.

Abe agreed to let out Rose with Lissa. Of course, when Abe had found about Rose's pregnancy, he banned her from attending any parties. Abe swore to castrate the bastard who had abandoned Rose with her baby. His first suspicions were Dimitri Belikov since the two couple were at it like bunnies when they thought Abe wasn't at home. However, Rose never spoke about the father of her child.

Rose looked beautiful as always as she descended down the stairs with Lissa in her dark purple velvet gown. Her five month baby bump showed proudly.

"Goodbye Baba, we'll be home by ten at the latest. I know it won't be safe after dark for the baby and I." Rose kissed Abe's cheek.

"You better be here or I'll send troops out for you." He promised. The Mazur women had no idea what Abe did for living other than that he had lots of men and made loads of money to keep the country of Turkey running. Although the Mazur's, were not the rulers, they stayed behind the scenes to avoid political violence. Very few royals knew about the Mazur's power excluding Rose and Janine.

"You needn't to worry Mr. Mazur. I'll even make sure no one will woo Rose into having a drinking contest." Lissa assured.

"Lissa, for the millionth time, we agreed that I wouldn't call you Princess Dragomir if you didn't call me Mr. Mazur. Call me Abe." He grinned.

"Of course Abe," Liss corrected.

"Baba, if you don't mind, we would like to head out now."

"Of course kiz. Remember to be careful and to be back before ten." Although Abe was furious when he learned about Rose's pregnancy, he became supportive through the months afterwards. Abe hid his joyful facade of becoming a grandfather.

Rose smiled and nodded. She walked towards the door but Blini was yipping furiously. "Blini I promise I'll be back soon. Stay home with Abe; I promise he won't dress you up like a baby girl as he did before."

Abe scoffed and Lissa giggled at the unforgettable picture of Blini in a frilly dress and pink booties.

Rose opened the door and froze as she saw Dimitri Belikov. His chocolate brown eyes stared straight into her soul. His cropped brown hair was grown until it reached till the nape of his neck. Dimitri's arms and chest seemed more muscular. Was that even possible? Dimitri's eyes averted to her stomach. Blini ran and started humping his leg jovially. Rose awkwardly jumped back taken aback at Blini's familiarity to Dimitri. Lissa stood there shocked and watched Rose slam the door shut to run to her room.

Abe curiously threw the door open and saw Blini humping Belikov's muscular leg. Abe knew Belikov had broken his daughters heart so he found the nearest thing which was a baguette of French bread and smashed it onto the side of Dimitri's head. Lissa speechlessly stared as the bread broke into half as it connected onto Dimitri's head.

Dimitri however, was unfazed by the offense and pulled a frightened Blini into his arms. "Mr. Mazur, I am here to see Rose.


"Abe, let's think rationally. I don't think Rose will want Dimitri dead. In fact, she'll hate you for killing Dimitri." Lissa confided and Blini whimpered agreeing with her.

"Abe, enough with the ruckus. There will be no one suffering from casualties today." Rose appeared from her room. "If you may, I need a word with Dimitri."

"Kiz, you are not going anywhere with this man. If you do, he'll screw you over again and that's not healthy for the baby."

"I'll be fine. It's going to be just a small chat." Rose assured.

"Fine. But remember what I told you when you were six. If he tries to rape you go for his ba-" Abe immediately shut up after he saw the glares thrown at his direction.

Rose grabbed Dimitri by the arm and dragged him to the guest room while Blini followed. She slammed the door shut and locked it.

"We've got to talk." Rose demanded.

"I know. I understand you are angry but I came to say I'm sorry for leaving."

"Do I look like a fool to you Dimitri? Half the men in this town are from various parts of the world to fight for Tasha's marriage. I know you come from a noble family in Russia and your father won't allow you to marry a Turkish women like me. You were stopping by in this city to continue your journey to the Ozera palace. May I ask why you stopped by here specifically? From what I sensed, your leaving was a way to get away from me."

"Roza, I was originally thinking of passing by but I just had to see you. I felt so horrible blocking everything about you. I even forbid Ivan to say your name. Just passing through this city brings back memories. Our memories."

Rose laughed humorlessly. "You were gone for five months and you expect me to take you back? This is even low for you Dimitri."

"Rose, who's the father of the baby?"

Rose was expecting this question but she wasn't expecting it right at this very moment. "The father of my child does not consider you."

"How far along are you? Is it a boy or girl?" Dimitri asked curiously and put his hand on Rose's showing stomach.

Rose was taken aback at Dimitri's gesture but she showed no emotion. It was one thing she had learned to do while being around him. "I'm five months. It's a boy."

"Is it mine?"

"No." She lied. Dimitri was going to leave anyways and she didn't want to stop him from "saving the world."

Dimitri was clearly disappointed by the answer dropped his hand from Rose's bulging stomach. However, he did not press the subject. He silently stroked Blini's fur. "Rose, I'll stay here and help you through the pregnancy. Forget Father and Tasha's stupid competition. It doesn't matter if I am not the father. I'm going to stay here at Aunt Alberta's house."

Rose didn't dare tell Dimitri the truth. He could've been lying after all. She watched him open the door of the guest room. When the door was opened, Abe fell face flat to the floor signaling that he had been eavesdropping at their conversation.

"Old man! I told you that I got everything under control. No need to spy." Rose glared.

"Rosemarie, I don't trust him near you. I was taking precautions. Without Janine here right now, my 'Forbid Rose From Having More Boyfriends' team is incomplete.

Dimitri signaled this as a cue for him to leave. He walked pass Liss giving him a pitiful look and shut the door behind the Mazur home knowing that he had screwed up and he was determined to win Rose's heart back.

Inside the Mazur home, Rose sobbed on Liss's shoulder. "I just couldn't tell him. What if he leaves us again?"

"Rose, he has a right to know. You're carrying his son. If the situation was reversed, you would be furious if you would've found out later."

"I know Liss. Sorry that we had to miss the party."

"Forget the party. It has little significance."

Blini stood by the door waiting for Dimitri to come back. He continued to wail sorrowfully knowing that his owner might not be coming back again. Rose remembered the day when she had first found Blini with Dimitri.


"Comrade! God! Why did we have to go hiking in such a hot weather? I'd rather have Christian ranting about his sex life with Lissa."

Dimitri chuckled. "You shall not say the Lord's name in vain."

"I've said worst like fuck. I love to fuck fuck fuck fuck Dimitri."

"Roza." Dimitri scolded with a warning tone. "We're almost there be patient."

"I love to fuck Dimitri."


"I love to fu-" before Rose could finish her sentence, there was a loud growling sound coming behind the trees."

"Rose! You angered the bears by your sailors mouth. Shh! Be quiet."

"I love to fuck Dimitri." Rose whispered.

Dimitri rolled his eyes and crept near the redwood trees with a pistol in his hand. "Stay back, Roza." Rose being Rose disobeyed and followed Dimitri into the woods. There, they found a newborn husky pup attached at their mother's flanks and a hungry bear ready to tear them apart.

As the bear charged and the mother whimpered, Dimitri shot the bear until it appeared to be dead. The mother husky gave the humans thankful glances and whined pleading for them to take care of her young as she died from exhaustion and hunger. The pup wailed as he realized that his mother wasn't coming back. Rose softly petted his fur to soothe his lost as they made their way back to the city.

Back at home, Dimitri put a dish of warm milk under the husky's feet. The puppy lapped up the milk greedily and gave Dimitri a sloppy kiss after he finished. Rose laughed and stroked the pup's fur.

"What are you going to name him?" Dimitri asked while making breakfast the next day while Rose set up the table and delivered a dish of warm milk to their new dog. Rose sat down as she picked up a piece of blini from the frying pan.

"Oh! I got it! The dog's name is going to be Blini!"

"Rose, you are not going to name our dog after a Russian Dish."

"Yes, I am. It's perfect for a Russian dog to have a Russian name." She confided.

"Roza, 'Blini' was found in the woods of the Turkish forest. He's not Russian"

"Do you know a word for blini in Turkish?"


"Then it's settled. This dog's name is Blini." Rose announced. Blini yipped happily as if he was agreeing with Rose.


"So let me get this straight. You left Rose five months ago, she got pregnant by some bastard and you told her you'll stick around even though the baby isn't yours?" Ivan asked.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Belikov, I thought it was your dream of having a child with Rose, not coming back months later to raise another man's son."

"Fate has a cruel way of twisting things around. Being there for Rose's baby is the only way for her to accept me back." Dimitri sighed.

"You do realize that Rose is extremely pissed off at you and probably won't let you come near the baby right?"

"Yeah, I'm aware of that."

"How are you going to woo her?"

"I have my ways." Dimitri smirked.

"You also realize that Rose probably has heard the rumors about you fucking women all over Europe while you were away."

"Ivan. Shut up! You have an extraordinary ability to boost up a man's confidence."

"Boys! Come downstairs! Dinner is served." Aunt Alberta called.

Both men rushed to the kitchen to help Alberta set up a table.

"Dimka. Have you seen Rose yet? Was she excited to see you?" Alberta asked.

"Quite the opposite, frankly. Dimitri is horrified about her pregnancy." Ivan answered.

"Ah. That news had circulated this town months before. She was considered an outcast and everyone stopped and stared at her whenever she passed by. It gotten so bad she wouldn't come outside of her house. Even Doctor Olendzki came by her home to check up on the baby. The rumors and staring stopped after Abe threatened to hurt people who had dared to make Rose feel uncomfortable.

"Do you know who the father is?" Dimitri questioned.

"This is an answer only Rose and Princess Vasilisa knows. Everyone doubts Abe knows. However, there were many rumors that said that the baby was yours." Alberta informed.

"Alberta, I asked Rose if it was mine. She said it wasn't."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything will be alright between you two."

"I hope so too."

The next morning, Rose awoke only to find a mild craving of Russian black bread. She knew that the only person capable of perfecting this recipe was Dimitri Belikov. However, Rose refused to require his presence because of a mild craving.

"Mom! I'm going to buy some bread and cheese." Rose said as she was greeted with her mother's auburn hair.

"What happened to the baguette you bought yesterday? Don't tell me you ate it all again." Janine sighed.

"Actually, I smashed it onto Belikov's head for leaving Rose." Abe chuckled.

Janine rolled her eyes. "Be back soon. Lissa's still sleeping in the guest room."

Rose nodded and was greeted by the fresh spring air as she opened the wooden door. At her feet was a basket of black bread she had been craving this morning. Rose took the card out and read a note written by her former lover.


I thought about making you some

fresh black bread this morning. Before

I even realized, I found myself

in the kitchen cooking loaves of black

bread. I left it behind so Abe wouldn't

decide to throw them at me. I promised

I would help you in your pregnancy so I

come bestowing gifts to reduce your cravings.


Dimitri Belikov

Rose reread the note a few times and hoisted the basket up to bring it inside. Maybe she didn't have to go to the farmers market after all.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I know it's kind of short but I promise to make a longer chapter in the future. As a said before, please feel free to leave comments or criticisms. I hope to get to know you, readers more so I'll propose the first question. "What is your favorite candy bar?" My favorite is Almond Joy. I know many people hate that gooey chocolateness of coconut but I am one rarity who loves it! Sorry to those who hoped Almond Joy would go bankrupt. I keep them running. Any Almond Joy lovers out there? Thanks for reading and PLEASE review.
