Author's Note: Hello! While this is not my first fanfiction I've written, it is the first one that I've uploaded here, so I'm still a little bit new to this. Please be patient with me. This fic was inspired by the song Staying Up by The Neighborhood. It will have multiple chapters. Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Legend of Zelda.

Classical piano melodies and phony hospitality floated through the dining hall as guests made uncomfortable small talk. This was the conventional atmosphere of all gatherings held at the castle. I knew what to expect. Except there was still a lingering nervousness. I adjusted the satin gloves on my fingers once more, took a deep breath, and entered the room. Around one hundred faces turned to look at me. My lips forcibly turned up at the slightest. The people clapped in a polite manner, then silenced themselves as I began to speak.

"Welcome, everyone. Thank you for attending tonight."

I walked the distance to the long table and took a seat in one of the lavish white velvet chairs, and soon enough there I was, sitting tall and proper, attempting to make eye contact with everyone there. I addressed any concerns of the townsfolk, answered questions, and accepted praise for my small part played in the reason behind the celebration. Each response had a dash of humor here and a few words of wisdom there. It was a balanced mix of seriousness and wit, as I was instructed to use in each gathering I spoke at.

"Don't slouch," Familiar tiny voices reminded me, blubbering about in my head. "Dainty smile! We want to look friendly now, yes we do, for no one likes an overconfident leader!"

My advisers had shaped my personality for me, it often felt like.

My speeches flowed strong and steadily, masking my internal fear. I didn't know why my heart was beating so quickly - I had been this position many times, hosting events. But I suppose this one was a little different.

Tonight, a feast was being held in honor of the execution of the Usurper King of the Twilight, Zant, and his superior, Ganondorf.

And I was one of two executors.

The other was a brave Hylian named Link, who was mainly responsible for the courageous deed. A handsome young man of eighteen, he successfully wielded his craft to defeat the evil that recently poisoned the land. Everyone deeply admired his determination and humble personality. He was a quiet one; a listener. All around kind.

"Your Highness!" A chunky civilian squawked, juice dribbling down his chin. "I believe it is time to make a toast!"

The whole bunch cheered, becoming a bit noisy. The echoes bounced around the room.

"Yes, yes," I raised my voice, motioning with my hands that they all settle down. "Here... is to the freedom we are all now blessed with. Here is to the Goddesses that helped guide our sacred hero on his journey. Here is to Link!"

The room erupted in applause. Everyone was happy now that the evil had been diminished. But even though the physical monsters had been slayed, there were still demons lurking in the back of my mind. Ones that could not die by a blade. Without a distraction, they would come out to play with the strings and wires that held together my fragile rope of sanity. My slowly splitting tightrope. As princess, I had been taught how to act - how to talk, how to walk, how to speak. I never learned how to feel. I never learned how to be me, how to deal with inner conflict. And that was my biggest flaw. I needed to learn, and sometime very soon.

For the wires were being reconnected in all the wrong places.