Bakura Chasing the Littl Girl/Bakura Chasing the Little Girl

Hey guys! Here's another story, but this time it's in the Yu-Gi-Oh category (my new obsession...hehe, but I'm still working on my Dragon Ball Z stories, so don't fret!). This one came courtesy of my little sister. She saw me typing up a story on the phone and wanted to write one, too. When I came to check up on her, VOILA! This was born! She really is quite talented, I would say...hehe. Anyways, enjoy the story!

(Don't worry if you can't read it. I've posted a translation under it).

Bakura chasing the littl girl
By Aliya S. A.
5 years old

Onse apon a tiym a litl girl was
Waking in tha gardin
She. Saw. A batrfli. How butafl. Hi seid
A man waht are you doing? Seid the
man I'm walking in a garden seid the
girl ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha seid bakura
wwwwwwwwwwwwhat? seiD the girl
its bakura! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa don't
Chas me! Seid the girl to bad ha ha
seid bakura. then bakura chastd the girl.
ooooooooo bakura seid the littl girl the
girl went home and bakura walked
away the end.

Bakura chasing the little girl
By Aliya S. A.
5 years old.

Once upon a time a little girl was walking in the garden. She saw a butterfly. How beautiful.

"Hi!" said a man. "What are you doing?" said the man.

"I'm walking in a garden," said the girl.

"Hahahahahaha!" said Bakura.

"W-what!?" said the girl. "It's Bakura! Aaaah! Don't chase me!" said the girl.

"Too bad! Ha ha!" said Bakura. Then Bakura chased the girl.

"Nooooooo Bakura!" said the little girl.

Then the girl went home and Bakura walked away.

The End.

Did you enjoy it? Please review! Aliya is looking forward to what you have to say. :)