The driving test had started out well. Until Eren drove out of the DMV parking lot. He had misjudged the first turn he was supposed to take and took it really fast. He glanced at Levi, prepared to apologize for this mistake, but Levi spoke first.

"Why don't you turn that corner a little faster, I don't think we were going over the speed limit enough." He remarked, while making a little check on his clipboard.

Eren's eyes widened. This guy was a lot scarier than he had originally thought. He reminded Eren of his mother, Carla. She constantly made passive aggressive comments and Eren had learned to be afraid of those remarks. And now Eren's driving instructor was doing the exact same thing. Eren took a deep breath. It was all going to be okay. The sun was shining, the temperature was tolerable, and Eren was going to get his license. He had practiced for months, he would not let one little comment tear him down.

He turned the next corner with ease, just to show Levi that he was not afraid of his passive aggressiveness, and glanced at the instructor with a little smirk on his face. Take that Levi.

"I love that non existent blinker you did there." Levi said, looking at Eren. Eren gulped. First he took a turn to fast, now he forgot his blinker. That was not so bad, right? He still had several more turns and lights to stop at before they got to parallel parking. Eren could do this. He glanced at how fast he was going, and slowed down just a bit so that he was exactly on the 45 mark. When he looked up, he was hurtling toward a car stopped at a red light. Eren slammed on the breaks, barely stopping in time. He was mere inches from the car.

"Get closer, I think they want to be friends with you after that phenomenal stop."

Eren's hands shook and his heart beat was getting quicker. Why was he so nervous all of a sudden? He could drive, he knew he could. He refused to let those little comments of Levi's stop him from getting his license. And yet, he was so nervous that he could barely switch lanes and almost hit a car once again, resulting in a smart ass comment from his driving instructor. In fact, just about everything was was doing got a comment from Levi. The passive aggressiveness was so thick that Eren could cut it with a knife, except that he could not take his hand off of the steering wheel or Levi would make yet another remark.

"All right Eren," Levi spoke, making Eren flinch. What had he done this time? He had used his blinker and he had taken the corner slowly and he had stopped at the stop sign... "Now, I know that you are such a good driver and that could could probably get your license right now, but I think you should still parallel park. So right up here should be some spots with cones that we've marked off where you can park."

Eren nodded, taking deep breaths. This was it. This was the end of his driving test. Hopefully his parallel parking would be so outstanding that Levi would give him his license despite the bad run. He started to drive into the spot, then hit reverse, and drove backwards, hitting the cone. Eren winced, glancing at Levi nervously, who just scribbled something onto his paper. Eren drove forward, hitting the other cone. Bad, bad, bad, this was really bad. Eren parked, making sure to turn the wheel the correct way, because that mattered.

"Drive us back to the DMV please." Levi said. No comment. No sass. No passive aggressiveness. That terrified Eren. Levi was so calm right now, surely this was not a good sign. But Eren drove back to the DMV without killing them, although there were plenty of near misses, and yet no more remarks. Eren felt like shit. He had bragged to everybody that he was getting his license today and that he would not have time for anybody else except for people with their license and girls. Now Eren was just a failure.

Eren parked the car, and turned to Levi, afraid of what he was going to say. "Well kiddo, you failed, which is a huge shock." Levi deadpanned. Eren hung his head, wanting to cry. Even Armin got his license, and Armin was...Armin. "But," Levi continued. "There is a bright side to this. I have decided to take it upon myself to be your personal driving instructor and teach you to drive. It will be twice a week for a month. I want to see your mother or father when we get inside so that I can talk to them."

Eren stared at Levi. Was he joking? It did not seem like this was. But why would he want to spend even more time in the car with Eren? He was a terrible driver and would probably just wind up killing the both of them. Besides, what Eren needed was not more driving lessons, but a better instructor. Like that Petra lady that Eren did not get. She seemed nice. But the look in Levi's eyes was terrifying, and Eren would not question his plans. "Yes, sir." Eren said dejectedly. "See you next week then."