Merry, Merry Christmas, Chanukah, Quanza and everything else to all! I threw this together to honor the holiday, but I fully expect all of you to be with your families during this time. But if you really, really need a break from Grandma talking about the fifties, then here's a story for you.

Snow ceaselessly fell from the sky, coating all of Demacia in an unnatural white, the wind seemed almost nonexistent and the white flakes gently floated to the ground. The streets lay quiet, lights were off, it seemed that the city state had gone to bed early this night, however quite the opposite had taken place. Though the city may be asleep, the castle that housed Demacia's great king, Jarvan III, was alive and beaming with brilliant lights. A Christmas Eve party was in order after all, and all the nobility were required to attend. This however, did not bode well for every house.

Across the buffet table, through the dance floor and near the back of the Grand Hall, where the event was being held, sat a single woman, tired, bored and more than a little distraught.

Fiora sat with the others of her house, or where they would be, currently her family was mingling, or dancing, to be honest, she didn't know. What she did know was that this event in general was a waste of her time and everyone else's. Seventeen men had propositioned her to dance, seventeen of them were far too slow to keep time with her. These men were unskilled, could not keep rhythm, and were far below her. Perhaps the only upside was she finally got to wear some of the dresses her tailor had put forth and feel pretty again. The one she adorned currently was a lovely thing, a brilliant moonlight blue color, it flowed like silk down her legs, hugged her figure nicely and was cut low enough to keep men drooling, but high enough to keep her modest. Perhaps she should have worn a more Victorian dress…. At least fewer men would approach her.

She continued to watch this event with mild interest, Christmas in general was a strange concept, she looked around the castle and its decorations. Wreaths, candles, pine trees, and for whatever reason, someone had hung popcorn from the ceiling. What this holiday celebrated, she had no idea, perhaps the snow coming, but whatever it was, Fiora simply wished it would end. It was at this time another fetching young man approached.

"Madam, may I treat you to a dance?" Fiora examined the man, more of a child truly. His hair was long, but pulled into a ponytail and it curled wildly with his blonde hair. However his poster was correct, and she had seen less attractive men, perhaps eighteen would be a charm? He led her to the dance floor and they began to step in line with the music. 'and one, two, three,' Fiora effortlessly thought, his steps were only slightly behind hers, but it was enough to irritate Fiora. She stepped a little longer, '1' she thought and stepped, the man's step a fraction of a second behind hers.

"No." Fiora ceased her movements. "If you do not do this to perfection why do you bother at all?" She snapped and the man looked back at her, terrified. "I require air…" She angrily walked toward an exit. Unfortunately, the Great Hall was on the second floor of this castle, which meant the best Fiora could do for some privacy was a balcony. She stood at its edge, furious at these people's lack of devotion to something as simple as dancing. Men lead, she follows, that's how she was taught to dance and that is the correct way to dance, if she leads it throws her counting off and then she must start again. She let go of another breath before she felt an arm on her shoulder and turned. It was the same young man from the dance floor with a flower in his hand.

"I apologize for what I did, please return, it is cold out here." He said, Fiora looked at him a minute but cared very little for his sentiment.

"Be gone with you," She said cold and distant. "Learn to dance like a man and then we may talk." And the man quickly left the balcony. Once he was gone, Fiora shut the curtains to the balcony behind him and turned back to the falling snow all around the castle. If nothing else about Christmas, at least the snow was beautiful.

"That was a bit harsh, don't you think?" A familiar voice asked slyly. Fiora jumped a little at the surprise and the voice laughed. "Did I scare you Duchess?" She turned to see Talon sitting on the stone railing, his hood up and in full body armor. Fiora quickly removed the knife she kept in her leggings and immediately lunged at the assassin. "Whoa, whoa," Talon countered with his blade arm. "Easy Duchess" But she lashed again. The knife was so small, Talon kept a careful eye on her movements just to make sure none of them made their mark. Fiora struck with all the ferocity that had been pinned up over the night and sent one large lunge but slipped on the ice of the balcony and comically fell over. Which Talon burst into laughter over and Fiora angrily picked herself up.

"I am not a Duchess," Fiora furiously called back. "How dare you disgrace this castle with your filth"

"You always seem to call me dirty, but I shower every day, sometimes twice." Talon mocked her.

"I call you filthy because that is what you are: poor, wretched, a pauper playing something more than he is." If her tongue had been and sharper than this moment it would've have become far more than a metaphorical weapon.

"Touchy, something troubling you?"

"What do you care? Are you not here to kill me?"

"My orders are mine to know, but no, I am not here to kill you. This time anyway."

"Then… Why have you revealed yourself to me? Do you not fear my reporting of your presence?"

"You could report it, I'd just be gone by the time you do."

"Perhaps I shall then, just to be rid of you." Fiora said proudly.

"There's the door," Talon replied, which was not exactly the response she had anticipated. Something was the last straw, Fiora didn't know what it was, but it felt like everything that was currently stressing her just came back to bare a heavy weight on her back and she fell to the ground, sitting, while hugging her legs to her chest. She let out a long, labored breath and rested her head in her knees. "Oh damn, something is wrong with you." She felt Talon sit next to her.

"Leave me Street Rat, I do not wished to be mocked…" Was all she said, but her voice was much more tired now, as if it was a chore to insult him.

"What if I swear to silence my tongue?" He offered but no reply came; he let out a labored breath as well and placed his behind him to support his weighed as he leaned back on the floor of this balcony. "Katarina is here as well, though I believe they reserved balcony 3" He joked and that caused Fiora to give something he'd never heard before, a light chuckle. "Oh, so you do have the ability to laugh."

"Of course I do," She responded. "I was surprised you have the mental capability to create humor."

"You know I saw you dance, you are far more talented in that than sword play."

"I pray that is another joke," She eyes him angrily, sitting up from her knees. "I am one of, if the best dancer in Valoran, these fools can't keep up."

"Well you can't be the best dancer, I'm afraid that title is taken."

"By whom?"

"Yours truly." He grinned at her. Fiora raised an eyebrow and let her jaw drop a little.

"That is the… Most preposterous claim I have ever heard."

"It's true," He shrugged. "Whether you accept it or not is purely up to you."

"You… You are a common thug! Trash in the street, how could possibly know how to dance."

"Try me," He insisted and stood back up, offering her his hand so she may stand as well. She took his hand and immediately got into the waltz positions. Fiora was fully prepare to dissect every little thing he did wrong and mock him for it later, but so far… So good. His positioning was correct, his arm was firmly wrapped around her back, his arm was fully extended and met her hand at just the right length. Knees were straight, back was upright… He was correct in this position. They waited for the next song from inside to begin playing, and as it did, they slowly began their steps. 'one, two, three, one, two, three' Fiora counted in her head. Talon was ahead of her every step of the way, she was following each correct step. Then, without any warning, the song had a key change, the tempo picked up and Fiora could see Talon was unsure of how to handle the change.

"A little faster," She ordered with a smile and Talon swiftly followed. It only took a second for them to get right back into their previous movements, that speed from their fights was truly being put to use. Fiora placed her foot down again only to lose the footing due to that same puddle of ice and lose her balance, in a moment of panic, she wrapped her arms around Talon's neck and he caught her, his arms wrapped around her back and… a tad lower than her back. In this position they locked eyes, she appeared to be in awe at that moment, gazing at his face. He shared her look of awe, but he quickly readjusted to set her on her feet and they quickly let go of each other. "Um… Thank you…" She looked out awkwardly.

"Yeah, no problem…"

"I'm sorry," She said next.


"For doubting you, you are a very skillful dancer."

"Oh… As are you," He responded. "Are you sure there's nothing else you'd like to apologize for?"

"Nothing I can think of," She faced him again.

"Maybe, all those times you called me the vermin of the Valoran?"

"Oh but my dear, sweet Talon, it irks you so, why would I give that up?"

"You..." Talon tried to fit the pieces together. "Your intention was to provoke me?"

"It works on the fields of Justice," She laughed.

"Clever…" He mused.

"Fiora!" Fiora heard from inside. "Fiora where are you?" It was her mother, "I do not care if you are head of the house now, and a lady is still in bed by midnight!" And her mother flung open the curtains to see Fiora standing by herself. "What are you doing out here child?"

"Oh… Just, enjoying the air,"

"We are departing, let us go," Fiora's mother ordered and turned away.

"Of course" She repeated and began to follow her mother but heard Talon's rake attack come return and he manifested behind her. "Talon?" She turned back to him.

"Yes?" He walked down to her. In one seamless motion, she violently grabbed the collar of his shirt with one arm and pulled him down to her lips. She let his lips go with just as much force and whispered "Merry Christmas Street Rat," before quickly running out from the balcony, leaving Talon confused, a little pained and very, very warm inside.

I wrote a... Smutty part to this as well, but I really didn't like it (I don't really write smut.)But that's there if you really want more I can post it. Also, I want to pair Sejuani with someone, write a story about her, but all I can think of is Olaf, which... I guess could work... If you guys could send me who you ship Sejuani with, don't tell me Ashe, that'd be like Doctor Octopus and Spiderman hooking up. but yeah! Merry everything! To Everything a Goodnight!