A/N: Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Nadolig Llawen! Joyeux Noelle! Boas Festas! Buone Feste Natalizie! Froehliche Weihnachten! God Jul! Nollaig Shona Dhuit! Kala Christouyenna! Maligayang Pasko! Baradin ki shubh kamnaaye! Meril Kurisumasu! Mo'adim Lesimkha Chena Tova!

Hope all those translations are correct. Emily wasn't here to help me. :o) I hope you all have a joyous holiday season and a wonderful, prosperous, and peaceful New Year. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Y'all rock!

The next morning JJ settles down towards the back of the jet. Over breakfast she had assured her teammates that she was doing better. Yes, it still stung but she was coming to accept that she saved a life even though Cutler, himself, had died. Once the plane is in the air, JJ hits the speed dial for Elizabeth and Gerald's home in London.

"Jennifer! Good morning, dear," Elizabeth answers.

JJ smiles. "Good morning, Liz. How's London?"

"Rainy and dreary this week. We're looking forward to getting back to the States in a few days."

"I bet you are." JJ takes a deep breath. "So, uh, how much do you know about the case we're on?"

"I know Emily is in Canada and the rest of you are in Minnesota. Why?"

"And have you seen the weather for where Emily is?"

Elizabeth raises an eyebrow, looking very much like her daughter. "I actually didn't think to check the weather."

"Yeah, I didn't think so." JJ takes a deep breath. "Emily most likely won't be home in time for the gala next week. In fact, there is a question on whether she'll make it back before the Spring thaw, which I believe occurs around June," she says with a small, forced laugh.

"Oh, my."

"Exactly. And to be honest, I completely forgot about the gala next week. There is no way I can wear an old dress because of the twins. Mom said you probably know what to do to get me out of this predicament."

Elizabeth smiles. "So you'll still attend?"

JJ smiles. "It's an important night for you, Liz. Of course I'll attend on behalf of Emily and me. I just may not be able to stay late and I'll be in flats in deference to my huge ankles."

Elizabeth jots down a couple of notes. "I always knew Emily did well in finding you. I just wish she'd done so sooner."

"Thank you," JJ says, touched.

"So, what time will you be getting home?"

"Plane should land around noon. Probably 1 or so before I get to the house."

"How does a showing at 3 sound?"

"A what?"

"I'll make a call and have Suzanne, my seamstress, meet you at your house with several outfits for you to choose from. She'll be able to pin the dress and make alterations before Saturday."

"Wow…I, uh…um, sure. Okay. Wow," JJ manages. "Here I thought I'd be having to go to the boutique or something at the last minute."

"No need for that, dear. Suzanne can go by and make some choices. And should nothing work, she can get more tomorrow and meet you after work. You've been gone too long and with Emily still gone the kids need you around as much as possible."

"Liz, I…thank you," JJ says sincerely.

"So, now that that is settled, how did the case go?"

JJ takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "It was…well…it's nuts. I mean, Cutler killed people who didn't deserve to die. He tortured their families with the slow return of their bodies and yet…yet we've all come away feeling sorry for him."

JJ gives Elizabeth a quick run down. Elizabeth shudders, remembering when a priest had suggested just such a place for Emily. She rubs her temple, imagining the damage that could have been done. Suddenly JJ's voice breaks back through the mental images.

"Liz? You there?"

"Oh, yes. Sorry." She takes a steadying breath. "Someone once…recommended I send Emily to one of those places." JJ inhales sharply. "They said the electro-shock does wonders for fixing mental abnormalities. All I could think was that it sounded barbaric. They even promised that I could leave Emily there indefinitely if the so-called therapy didn't work."

"Oh, God, Liz."

"I just knew it would…would be…" She takes another deep breath. "I just couldn't bear the thought of her going through that. I decided there and then if her being a homosexual was right for her then it would be right for me and to hell with what it did to me professionally."

"Oh, Liz…what an amazing stance. Does Emily know?" There is loud silence. "Of course not," JJ answers herself. She smiles. "Tell her, Liz. Considering this case, I am sure she is wondering about the things you did or didn't do when she came out to you and Gerald."

"I'll talk to her when I see her at Christmas. And I will continue to believe I will see her at Christmas. Heck, knowing Emily, she has made some sort of deal with Mother Nature to keep her in Canada until after the gala and still get home in time for Christmas."

JJ laughs. "You know, you're probably right." She glances up and sees Hotch gesturing to her. "Uh, Liz, I need to go. Looks like Hotch has to speak with the team."

"Okay, darling. If you end up with a case, let me know. If not, I will see you later this week."

"Sounds good. Give my love to Gerald."

"I will. Kiss the babies for us. Love you, Jennifer."

"Love you, too, Liz."

JJ disconnects and moves to the seat across from Reid in the center of the jet. Hotch waits until she is settled before speaking.

"I just spoke with Chief Straus. Our unit is to undergo a full review this week."

"What the hell does that mean?" Morgan blurts out.

Hotch clasps his hand together. "Just what it sounds like. Over the next week a team from IAB and from the commission that investigated us after the Virginia Beach case will review any and all files they wish. The only ones that will be kept from them are the ones dealing directly with Ian Doyle since that is coded classified in deference to national security."

"What's the reasoning?" Rossi asks, as miffed as everyone else.

"Routine review is the reason given. Straus feels like there could be more to it. It's no secret the chairman of that committee was promised a job at Interpol if he was able to strong arm both Prentiss and me into going with him. They may be looking at anything that can be held against us or it could really just be a standard routine review. Regardless of their motive, give them whatever they ask for. If you feel anything they want could be a national security case, come to me or go to Straus to let us verify that they can have the files," Hotch tells them.

"So if they ask for things in connection to the terrorist attack on the Capital?" Reid asks.

Hotch shrugs. "I asked Straus about that already. She is checking with Ryder to see if we should give those files over or not since other agencies are involved and overseas contacts are, too. Most of what we have is pretty sanitized but I'd still feel better finding out what can be released on those. Overall, be ready to answer any questions they pose to you. Again, if you are concerned about a question, get confirmation from Straus or me before answering."

"What about Emily?" JJ asks.

"Until she returns, I will be in charge of getting her files for the squad to review. If they have questions for her they will have to be done over the phone or via Skype until she gets back to the States."

"She's gonna be pissed," Morgan points out needlessly.

Hotch gives a grin. "Understatement of the year. So, relax today and be ready to have people getting in the way of your job the next few days."

"Sounds like so much fun," Rossi cracks."

Hotch grins and nods. "Definitely."