She was just a Mangaka, He's just a bodyguard.

Does a Mangaka needs a Bodyguard? Seriously?

Chapter 1

It was just the same normal day, Nothing special really did happening.

For Him, it's just a waste of time.

For Him, Love is meaningless.

For Him, Money is the most important in the world.

They would kneel in front of him just for a money, With Money. He sees a lot of his client slapped their slaves with money.

He needs money for his life, his supplies, and His stomach can growl really loud.

Sadly, He can't make his stomach stop growling with Money.

Money Can't buy happiness? Well, For him Food is Happiness. So yes, For him Money can buy his happiness.

His life was already decided before he stepped to the world, He is the source of money in his family. Family? He doesn't talk much with his mother, His father only talks about business.

He Has a Job, To protect someone with Money.

No, Not with Love.

Hell, All the client he ever meets is a Lady with Heavy makeups and flashy clothes. Sometimes his client who is a lady would cling to his hand and shout that she's scared.

And he would say, "Calm down! It's Just an Ant!"

For Him, Ant is not Evil. They're only evil if they took his food, but they are his companion when they crawl into his annoying client legs.

And Please! For the lady with heavy makeups, How do you expect someone you like to kiss your heavy red lipstick?!

He was just a calm bodyguard but inside, He has a lot of complains.

He smiles a lot, a lot of Fake smiles.

For him, If he manipulate his client, He would surely get a lot of cash. His smile worth millions.

Sure, He got a Handsome face and a well-build body. All the ladies he passed would secretly blush and half of them asked for his number.

His friends sometimes complains a lot about their client, He just be silent and listened to his friend's story.

His Father would just put his arms and put it into Sting's Shoulders and say

"Don't mess up, and Don't you dare embarrass me"

Hey, His life is on the line and his father doesn't give a shit? His father is the one who put him into this job, he has a lot of connections.

Whoa- Must be nice to have a lot of Friends.

He never did go to a place called 'School', He can only learn through books and He never have someone that he can introduce as his friends. Well, Because of a lot Bodyguard-Training. He was Anti-social, whenever he bumped into someone and says sorry with a poker face, It always endep up in a fight.

Well, He wins a lot anyway.

By mission to mission, Money was going to his direction. His training pays well and almost all of his Missions are all success.

He started to think, Which one of him is real?

The one with the fake smile? or the one with a lot of complains inside?

His act slowly getting better, maybe he should be an actress. Some of Model Agency would scout him, And His father would reject the offer nicely.

And there he is, Sitting in his bed reading a book while his father shouted calling him. He groaned a little, He almost finished his book. He got up from his bed and cursed his father for calling him loudly in the morning.

"Sting! Get down here!" His father shouted, Not bothering to go upstairs. Sting walked down with the stairs to go to His Father.


"You Have a new client Next week, prepare yourself and this one might be your biggest mission from all of your missions"

"How so?"

"Your client is the daughter of the Heartfilia Konzern, one of the wealthiest and the most recognizable companies in Fiore." His Father Explained with a smile in his face, Proudly he continues, " Ran by it's Founder and legal owner Jude Heartfilia, Apparently since her wife's death His only heir of the throne ran away and many companies who is against Heartfilia chased her."

Sting groaned a little, so that His father won't notice.

"And Let me guess, his going to give you a lot of money for you to make me protect her life against those angry companies?"

"Of course, What else?" His father laughed, " Alright don't forget to pack your bag! You're going to Magnolia!"

Sting's eyes widened and almost shines brightly. Magnolia is the center of the Fiore, It's Beauty is Famous and Many places in there are Famous. All famous stars has go there, and when you go to the Magnolia Music Festival, You won't Regret it.

The School also 'Magnolia Academy' is a school known by it's destructive and Smart students.

And Of course, The richest students go there. Half of them has scholarships, But When you got in the Magnolia Academy, You are one of the happiest student.

And Sting always wanted to go to Magnolia, His client half of them is from Magnolia but They are in Travel Around the City and Sting never got a chance to go to Magnolia.

Before Sting ran to his rooms, His father stopped him

"Oh, And Sting.." His father called, " You are also going to Magnolia Academy"

Sting gasped, and stared at his Father. "You're going to protect the client 24/7, And she's also the same age as you! Why should you not go to the school?"

His Father then crossed his arms, "How you got there? Don't Ask, it's already taken care of"

Sting eyes widened once more, he smiled brightly. The first ever his Father see.

All his father saw is His fake smiles whenever he see Sting smiled to his client, but the last smile was not a lie it was a sign of happiness. Sting ran to his room and packed his stuff.

His father know that Half of sting's client is an annoying lady, But then Sting has a lot of Bodyguard request that is in his desk. He has to choose carefully, and seeing Heartfilia konzern request He did not think twice to accept it.

Sting quickly prepared his bag and stuff.

Sting forgot that his client is a lady, who knows that she's a bitch? As long as he get to Magnolia. He doesn't care a thing about his client, but he gotta thanks the client for giving him a chance to go to Magnolia. He was always forbidden to go to outside the house unless it's a mission.

His Father who is still standing in the same spot only stared at Sting's Room until his wife came and smiled, "It's the first smile he showed to us, huh?"

Her Husband nodded agreeing to her and smiled to her.

"Still, You don't have to read Sting's Diary" His wife told him, He laughed.

"Aw, C'mon, it's only full of his Wistlist" He Laughed once more, "Even if he hates me for making him not go into school and go to Bodyguard training always.. He deserves a happiness. He always read a book, I mean that's boring if you ask me!"

His wife smiled and put her head to her husband shoulder, Staring at sting's room. She can hear that Sting is running around his room to get his things. Oh, Now she has a lot of work later considering the sound of sting's excitement.

"At least you did the right thing."

Forgive me for My Mistake, And please Forgive my grammar but then.

Reviews Please!
