Chapter 5

"Sting, I'm Getting Married…" Lucy said bluntly to Sting in front of everyone when they're having a Happy lunch time or Happy break time.

Sting blinked.

"What? Could you please repeat that shit?" He asked curiously, His eyes have a hint of anger.

"I'm Getting Married…" Lucy repeated just like he told her to.

"Okay," Sting get up from his seat. "Who's the bastard?"

Natsu wasn't there, He would be yelling stuff now and Blame it at Gray.

"Wait, Lu-chan, You never told me that!" Levy complained, She almost yelled really loud if Gajeel hadn't stopped her.

"I agree." Erza said calmly when she's actually will Blush now and ask some stuff. "You should've told us about this"

"Is it Stripper?" Gajeel asked, smirking while Levy punched his right arm. "Hey, What's that supposed to mean!?" Gray yelled.

"Juvia will not let love-rival-san marry Gray-sama!" Juvia glared at her while hugging Gray's arm, While Gray cried of fear of Juvia.

Now, All the people is staring at her, Sting glared at all the boys who's in there actually, Trying to figure out who's the bastard who will marry her.

Lucy only Laughed, "w-wait, I'm kidding."

And then everyone quickly sat back at their seat and continue their activity and act like nothing happened at all. Sting only sighed.

"If you want to Marry me that much, you could have told me" Sting smirked while Lucy only punched his arms and puffed her cheeks.

"No, What I meant it, Can you go with me to the Mall?" Lucy asked cutely, almost like whispering but Sting heard it anyway.

"I'm your bodyguard! I'll always follow you everywhere! Do you even need to ask?" Sting said with his boring eyes, Lucy then punched him again.

"I'm trying to be cute you know…" Lucy said and crossed her arms with a hint of anger in her brown eyes, You could feel the dark aura around her.

"You're already cute" Sting said smiling and patted her head slowly, Making Lucy go 'Hmph'.

"But You should stop the punching, It's not cute. It's Violent." Sting muttered, Lucy can heard him actually but she just checked her emails and ignored Sting. Sting then rubbed his chin and go into thinking pose.

'I feel that's someone is following Lucy, And I can feel a presence twice of it. Two people I guess, is it Oracion Seis?'

Sting then looked back, wanting to confirm his thought, even if there's a little shadow. Lucy finished her Emails-Checking and continued eating her cake that was given from Erza, Suprisingly. She stared at Sting face in confusion, and tried to look at the same direction Sting eyes looking.

"Sting, What are you doing?" Lucy asked raised her eyebrows and munched her cake, Sting turned his head.

"Nope, Nothing's wrong"

Oh really?



They're both currently in Magnolia Mall or such things like that where everywhere is the stuff girls love, Lucy has a mountain of clothes in her right side while she's choosing another clothes, Sting would lean his back to the wall and hear a girl's whispering talking about him.

Good thing that he was with Lucy, They can think that they're on a Date after school considering that they both are wearing Magnolia academy uniforms, And Girls won't bother him.

"Why is your father kept silent this whole time.." He asked as he lowered his voice where can only Lucy can hear, He Sighed at the sight of Girls Staring him. 'Well, what could I do? I'm that handsome'

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked back, Still choosing the red one or the black one.

"He can like, throw an army to bring you back but he didn't do anything about this..Only giving you a hired Bodyguard and He even gave you money!"

"I don't know, Sting." Lucy said as she stopped her choosing time and decided with the black one, " But I know that he's planning Something."

She threw the Black clothes to the mountain and put the red one back to it's place, Sting almost scoffed.

'What the fuck, that's a mountain and She's not finished?'

Lucy's back were facing Sting, Lucy sighed gladly and smiled sadly so that he couldn't see this side of her. And of course She can't Hear Sting's thought.

I know that he's planning something to bring me back, Money is all he want and he can do anything to me to gain more fortune. Lucy thought sadly and grabbed another clothes, He give me money so that he could convice me to go back to him.

"Hey Sting.." She called, Starting to choose the blue one or the orange one.


"Will you promise me that you wouldn't ever leave me?"

Lucy thought to herself, That was a stupid question. Even if he says yes, He would probably leave after he got his money. Lucy already thought Sting is like her closest friend for this month.

Yes, it's been a month. And Lucy barely knew his childhood, His family or His life but He knew everything. She made him to do half of her works as a Mangaka, clean the house when she's purposely messed up the house and Do some annoying trick.

But he done it all with a smirk and he still can make her laugh even when he always flirt to her, But his flirt is much more different from Loke.

He fight with the guys a lot, many girls confess to him and other's thing.

Her hatred to him is starting to fade, But..

He's just one of Father's hired one.

"Sure, Of course. I won't leave you"

We'll see if you can do that, Sting.

"Urgh.. Why are you guys here!?" Lucy yelled, Looking at her dining table is full of her friends and her foods, They just laughed like it's no big deal.

"Jellal is finally back from his things, So I thought I'll celebrate it here with you guys" Erza smiled happily while her hands are full of her strawberry cakes, How come she's not fat?

"Gajeel and I are finished with our Studying time, So we thought we drop by!" Levy said raising her right arm with Gajeel beside her eating the spoon, Why is he eating the spoon?

"Studying? I doubt that, That ass-metal-freak has small brains" Gray said with his smile as he said it proudly.

"That's right! Gray-sama has a smart brains from you all!" Juvia exclaimed as she hugged Gray's body from behind and Gray shivered with his pale face.

"What the hell you doing here!?"

"Gray, Your clothes.." Lucy warned, He just cursed and started to find his shirt with Juvia hugging him.

"I want to see my Love" Loke said with roses in his hands and in result he got punched by Sting, " what do you mean by that, She's mine!" Sting said with his childish voice.

"Don't you dare dirty princess!" Loke yelled back as he tried to punch Sting.

"Dirty her!? You're the one who's dirty, Bastard!"

"Sting, what are you doing here?" Lucy asked.

"I'm your bodyguard and I've been staying at your apartement for a month! Do I even need to tell the reasons?!"

"Ara-ara, Love" Mirajane said with a hearts on her eyes, While her younger sister just laughed nervously seeing Mirajane squealed. Yes, Lisanna Strauss and Mirajane's Brother, Elfman Strauss.

" coming to Lucy's place is Manly!" Elfman exclaimed. Lucy sweatdrop at that one.

"That doesn't even make sense!" Evergreen said, The one who is known as Laxus followers.

"Mira invited us." Freed said with Laxus and Bixlow beside him, Laxus only give a 'Hmph' face while Bixlow rolled his tongue for some reasons.

" Sting invited me" Rogue raised his right hands just like Levy earlier, he still has some poker face, Sting quickly greeted him.

"Ah Rogue, you came!"

And then they start talking about something nonsense or their cats or something.

"Um, I came here because I wanted to give Lucy-san this.." Wendy said, The girl with a long blue hair, more darker than Juvia. She's a short girl and somehow is in the same class As Lucy and Sting. She was holding a box with something in it.

She's 13 years old, By the way.

Well, She's smart.

Awfully Smart.

" We thought we give some cakes for everyone" Wendy smiled brightly making everyone goes 'Awww'

"Aww.. Thanks Wendy, But 'We'?" Lucy asked as she took the box from Wendy.

"Yes We! Me and Romeo" Wendy said with Romeo walked in, Wendy is Natsu's younger sister while Romeo is one of Natsu's follower.

Natsu has a follower?

Natsu came in the same time as them, He walked through the Window with his blue-cat.

He grinned widely and called Lucy.

"Luce! I brought Happy! Oh, Hi guys, What the hell is Stripper doing here?!"



Sting blinked.

"Wait a minute, Did that cat just talk?" Sting asked, pointing at The blue cat that Natsu is holding.

"yeah, He's not a normal cat. He's an exceed!"


"Seriously!? Because I have one too!" Sting laughed, Now it's Lucy who blinked this time.

"What? You have an exceed too?" Lucy asked staring at Sting.

"Yep, Rogue has one" Sting said pointing his finger to Rogue who is beside him nodding in agreement.

"He too" Rogue pointed at his brother, Gajeel who nodded proudly. "umm.. Me too.." Wendy said looking down and played with her fingers.

"Bah- Why does everyone has an exceed?" Lucy said confusedly, And she asked Sting, "And how come you never told me that?"

"You never asked"

"Well,Where's yours?"

"ah- mine got taken care by the Exceed- Care center. But mine doesn't do the 'Aye'"

Exceed-care Center? They have that kind of thing?

Rogue nodded too telling that he's the same.

"Mine is too precious to show you guys." Gajeel said proudly, Levy only sweatdrop at that one. "Carla is Sleeping, I'll feel bad if i disturb her dreams.. " Wendy Said.

"Hola! I came!" Someone burst the door open, It was Jellal with Lyon, Sherry, Chelia, Meredy and Ultear. Lucy almost cries when they came, More people starting to come to her place and they're eating all of her foods, And destroying her stuff.

"Lyon, Ultear!" Gray exclaimed seeing his siblings came with Jellal and other's, Lyon give Gray a 'Yo' while Ultear waved her hand and smiled.

"Jellal!" Erza who exclaimed at the same time as Gray did, Jellal waved his hands toward his Girlfriend. " I brought more cakes"

Everyone sweatdrop at that, except Jellal and Erza.

" I smell a nice parfum" A short man said, with a disguting voice, known as Ichiya and his three followers.

"Kyaa-" Erza squealed.

' Did she just squealed?' Sting thought, trying to hold his laughing voice. 'Wait, how did they come?'

"Wendy, You look more cuter than usual!" Eve said as he holding Wendy's hand and earned a punch from Romeo.

"You look pretty, But That doesn't mean I complimented you!" Ren said to Sherry with his blush on his dark skin, Sherry only squealed, That's right, The both of them are couple.

"Erza-san, Your parfum is wonderful as always" Ichiya said as he sniffed Erza making her almost cried and shivered, Jellal stopped her from kIlling ichiya.

"You look pretty as always, Lucy-san" Hibiki said as he kissed Lucy's hands and Sting beat him because of it, But this time Lucy didn't stop him.

"No one is prettier than me, huh.."Jenny mumbled proudly, the one who came with those four flirty men. Even thought she said that, She eyed Mirajane completely.

"We came too, Earlier than them.." Bisca said with Alzack beside her. " But, whatever."

"My only reasons is that your place is nice, Lushy" Cana hiccupped.

"My apartement~! The landlady will kill me!" Lucy cried.

Erza kept eating her cakes calmly after she tied Ichiya and the other three, With Jellal by her side. Levy decided to read Lucy's novels while Gajeel sit beside her silently, Lyon who is in Love with Juvia and confessed his love yesterday making Juvia yelled that she's belong to Gray, And the three of them is in triangle-love state. Wendy, Romeo, Lisanna and Mirajane is talking about something which Lucy assumed that it's related about Love thing.

Elfman argued with Evergreen, Bixlow and Freed only eat calmly with Laxus in the middle of them. Meredy and Ultear tried to take a picture of each of them, Loke flirted which each girl and in result he got tied up by Erza. Natsu destroyed Lucy's stuff with Happy on his head, Rogue Sit calmly there and sipped his tea he made in Lucy's kitchen.

Each one of them has their own activity, But Lucy looked around.

Where's Sting?

The blonde girl walked slowly toward the guest room where's Sting staying, Even thought he always sneak up to her bed.

"Stiing~" She called.

She walked to another room, one to one but Sting isn't there. Then she walked outside to make sure. She saw Sting outside with his phone of his ears. She walked to him slowly with no sounds.

Trying to surprise him after he finished his call.

When she's finally behind him, she can hear a voice from Sting's phone.

[ Sting, How's Rogue doing?"]

Oh, This woman knows Rogue.

"He's fine, he came to the house but you're not there" Sting answered, He's too focused to the phone that he didn't felt Lucy's presence behind him.

Rogue to the woman's house? That Silent-Freak?

[ Ah- Right, He left a message to me but I left my phone in my office. Anyway, How are Y-O-U?]

The woman pressured the word 'You'. Sting groaned.

"I'm Fine."

[What a short answer, You never changed.. Anyway.. I kind of traveled to some placeee…]

The woman starting to laugh nervously, Sting changed his position, He put the phone to his left ear.

'Did she just said 'Never changed'? Does this mean She's friend with Sting from long time ago?' Lucy thought not realizing her hands almost ripped her clothes she's holding.

"What, Balsam or Clover town?"

[ Nope, Guess again]

"Acalypha, oshibana, oak town, Sun village, Cedar.. Onibus?"

[ Nope, MAGNOLIAA! ]

That woman laughed, and Sting kind of frozen a bit there.

[ hello? Sting? What? You don't like me that much?]

"it's not like that, But why the hell you go to Magnolia? You could go to Lupinus, Tully, Sycca! There's so many place in fiore but you go to Magnolia?" Sting kind of went overboard, He almost llke trying hard to lower his voice.

Lucy started to almost felt an anger inside her, Is he talking to his Girlfriend? Lucy shakes her head, No, It must be Rogue's Girlfriend.

She tried to denied it.

[ Well, of all place you can go in Fiore, You go to Magnolia]

The woman scoffed.

"Well, it's for my client!"

Client? Lucy widened her eyes, So you came here because I'm the client, huh.

[ La-La-La, Anyway, I'm -. I'm at - Meet me tomorrow, Got a lot a talk..]

'Shit, I can't hear her anymore' Lucy complained in her mind.


"Whoa-Wait!" Sting called out but it's already to late, The woman hang up. "Damn, Woman." Sting said angrily and turned back.


Lucy snapped out from her thoughts and realized that Sting finally finished his call. 'He didn't call my name'


"Did you stand there for the whole time? Are you lonely?" Sting smirked at his last question but Lucy ignored it.

"N-no, I called you out because Natsu, Gajeel and Gray is asking for a fight with You Yelling that You're weak or something like that.." Lucy lied, Sting punched his hands in fist.

"Oh those bastard, talking behind me, Come on Blondie!" Sting started to ran to her door, while Lucy walked behind him not bothering to catch up with him.

'I'm Totally gonna Meet that woman'

If you guys are confused for something, Just in case.

Natsu and Wendy are Siblings.

Natsu and Romeo are Friends.. Maybe [ Romeo is Natsu's Follower and Romeo is obviously younger ]

Natsu and Gajeel are Cousins.

Gajeel and Rogue are Siblings.

So, Rogue and Natsu is also Cousins.

Gajeel and Levy are Couple.

And, Somehow, Juvia is a Cousin of Gajeel and Rogue.. So Natsu, Wendy and Juvia might be Also Cousins. Lol, Natsu's the only one with pink hair.

Their pets are Happy, Lily, Charla, And Frosch.. [ Aww, Lector are not included ]

Gray, Lyon and Ultear are Siblings.

Jellal, Meredy and the three names up are Cousins, AND Jura are their uncle.

Jellal and Erza are Couple.

Lyon, Gray and Juvia are in Triangle-Love-State.

I'll say that Ren, Even, Hibiki and Ichiya are Cousins, Thought I'm not sure with Ichiya.

Their pets are Nichiya.

Bisca and Alzack are Couple.

Mira and Lisanna and Elfman are of course Siblings.

And if I have missed someone out there, or Some of you guys are Confused for something..

Please leave a Review or PM me.

And I know that Jellal isn't included on Sting's First day but it's been a month for now in the story so yeah.. They know each other.

I prefer for Lucy to be like Eager to meet her So-Love-Rival, Even if she doesn't know her feelings, yet.


But, If you guys have any idea or this story has some mistake.

Tell me so, and Leave a review.
