So I finally decided that I was going to write a new fanfiction, and isntead of Harry Potter, I chose Once Upon A Time. I hope people aren't too dissapointed. Ironically, I'm actually writing these first few chapers while I'm watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Go figure. Anyway, I hope you guys love Captain Swan as much as I do, and I hope you guys like this story. It's set after the whole gang comes back from Neverland having saved Henry, only Pan isn't in Henry's body. So it's pretty much an AU. I might throw in a few scenes that have actually happened in the show but then change them a bit. Enjoy, and please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon A Time.

Chapter 1: Reverie

Emma woke up with a pounding headache as the sun streamed in through the window of her bedroom in the loft. She'd had a bit too much to drink last night after the celebratory welcome back party. Usually, Emma would drink this much. But she had been so happy yesterday having Henry back and seeing everyone getting along that she couldn't help it. And the wine had been pretty damn good.

As she slowly pushed herself out of bed, she remembered the way Neal and Hook had been whispering to each other quitely at the bar at Granny's. She had been worried about it, mainly because she was pretty sure what they had been talking about. Her. It made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She wasn't used to having this much attention on her: from her parents, from Neal, from Hook; the only attention she truly cared for at the moment was from Henry. Having him back in her arms had made her feel so…complete. It was strange for her to rely on one person to make her life seem so fulfilled. After Neal had left, she had pretty much done everything on her own. Now, she had all these responsibilities towards other people. She sighed, and contemplated this as she stared out the window and out over the town square. It was a gorgeous day outside, the sun streaming brightly and not a could to be seen in the soft blue sky. Perhaps she would take Henry out for a walk on the beach. He could tell her about all the strange things he had witnessed while stuck in Neverland, and she would tell him about all the adventures they had had trying to rescue him. She was pulled out of her reverie as she heard Henry's now familiar voice floating up from downstairs.

"Mom, Grandpa's been making pancakes for breakfast, can you make me some hot chocolate to go with them?"

Emma smiled, walked over to the door, put on a cardigan, and padded down the stairs. She could have sworn she could literally feel her heart warm as she took in the sight in the kitchen. David behind the stove, Mary Margaret setting the breakfast bar, Henry drawing at the kitchen table. It was a wonderful thing to see, and she momentarily forgot about all the confusion she had been feeling about the two men in her life as she started making cocoa for Henry and the rest of her family. When it was done, she set the cocoa down in front of Henry, and went back to the kitchen to grab a bottle of aspirin from the cupboard. Mary Margaret smiled knowingly at Emma; she'd been smart enough to refuse the last glass of wine from the bottle the night before. Smiling back grimly, she sat down next to Henry and rubbed a hand over his arm. He smiled at her, and she beamed back at him. Instinctively, she touched the necklace around her neck with the swan pendant she had gotten from Neal when they had still been together all those years ago. It was force of habit, and usually she didn't even notice she was doing it. This time, however, she realized. She looked down at the charm in her hand, and sighed. Back then, she had always thought that she would end up with Neal. She had been so competely in love with him; it had been so hard to imagine herself falling for anyone else. But then he left her, and she had felt betrayed. To be honest, she never thought she would have been able to forgive him. Even though she had forgiven him, after he had explained what had happened with August, it was still hard. She never really dated after that. Meeting Graham when she first came to Storybrooke was like an awakening she never thought she had needed. She felt a pang of sadness when she remembered what had happened to him. Even though she knew she probably wouldn't have ended up with him, it would have been great to have him as a friend and colleague at the station. She dropped the charm from her hands, and focused her attention on Henry.

"What are you drawing today?"

"You and me in my castle. You're teaching me to fight with a sword," he replied, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Emma laughed, "Listen, kid, I think you're father or your grandfather would be the best choice to teach you how to wield a sword. I've only ever used one once or twice."

"But you beat a dragon with it. You can't be that bad," Henry said in his matter of fact voice, making Emma laugh again.

"Keep drawing kid, when we're done with breakfast we'll go for a walk on the beach and I'll drop you at Regina's house."

Henry turned back to his drawing, and Emma walked over to the kitchen to join Mary Margaret at the breakfast bar.

"How you feeling?" Mary Margaret said, with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"Fine, thanks. Glad to hear your so concerned about my post drinking welfare."

"That's what mothers are for!" This time Emma joined in on her mother's laughter, throwing her arm around her shoulder.

"So..have you, you know…" Mary Margeret said, unable to finish her sentence.

"Have I what?' Emma asked, 'Spit it out, Mary Margaret", Emma grinned wickedly.

"Have you talked to Hook since we got back from Neverland?"

The grin slid off of Emma's face as she contemplated how best to answer without giving anything away. After she had kissed him in Neverland, it was true that her thoughts had strayed in favor of him more than once since that moment. It had been a kiss…a kiss that had taken her by surprise in more ways than one. Not only was he a good kisser (maybe even a great one), but she had felt something she hadn't expected too. She had expected it would have been more of thank you kiss, as she had intended it to be. Something more for him than for her. But she hadn't been able to help herself. She had gotten lost in that kiss, and forgotten all her problems in the moment that she had been closer to Hook as she ever thought she would have been.

Mary Margaret was looking at her expectantly. Judging by the slight smirk on her face, Emma guessed that her mother knew exactly what she had been thinking about.

"No, not really. It's been busy you know, what with spending extra time with Henry and catching up with work at the sherriff's office. I haven't really had time to dwell on something that happened once and won't ever happen again." Emma said, with less conviction than she had wanted to.

Mary Margaret had that glint in her eye again, and looked at her daughter knowingly. "Whatever you say Emma, whatever you say." As Emma turned away from her mother indignantly, she just caught sight of her father shaking his head at his wife with an amused smile on his face.