I do not own naruto sadly but if I did he would be so kick-ass

It was a clear a clear October night in the ninja village of Konoha, the sky was clear and the stars painted an abstract mural across the dark sky. The vast woodland that surrounded the village stayed eerily quiet it was as if all was at peace in the world. The citizens of the village were going about there normal routines, civilians enjoying the night life and ninja busy hopping from roof to roof to complete the numerous objectives they had been set. All was calm in the village, well for all but two members of the village, those two being the Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze-Uzumaki and his wife Kushina.

Minato stood at an even six foot, his body was slim yet covered in a layer of defined muscles which showed evidence of training. Upon his head stood a mass of golden spikes hair that had two bangs to frame his face. His skin was a slight bronze colour not dark enough to be exotic but not light enough to be called a tan. He wore simple black shinobi sandals with black anbu trousers and a long sleeved navy blue shirt.

Kushina could only be described as the pinnacle of womanly perfection. Standing at five foot six with flowing crimson hair that reached down behind her knees, while two pointed bangs framed her heart shaped face. She had a pair of violet pupiless eyes that just radiated warmth as well as little button nose that wrinkled when she was excited. She also had a pair of heart shaped lips which made it look as if she was in a constant pout. All these combined to give her a supreme air of simplistic beauty that women would kill for. Her outfit was simple and elegant consisting of nothing more than a sleeveless cream blouse underneath a long loose fitting green dress. Unlike the rest of the village Minato and Kushina were busy attending to the numerous needs of their new-born daughter Mito.

Mito looked like a female version of her father, like him the new-born had the brightest azure eyes with a small mop of blond hair appearing on her head. The parents were not alone in the fussing of their daughter joining them in the hospital room were the child's god parents Jiraiya the toad sage Minatos sensei and Tsunade Senju the slug princess.

Jiraiya was a broad shouldered man who reached a height of six foot three. His style was that of a spiky white ponytail that reached between his shoulder blades. Jiraiya face stood out because despite his chiselled jaw line he was noticeable because of the wart located near his nose and the two red lines that started that went from the outer side of each eye and down his cheek. Jiraiya wore a green short shirt kimono and matching pants; under which he wore mesh armour that showed out of the sleeves and legs of his outfit. His outfit was completed with hand guards, a simple black belt, traditional Japanese geta(wooden sandals), a red haori with two simple yellow circles on each side, and a scroll on his back which was easily recognised as the toad summoning contract.

Tsunade is a slightly tanned woman of average height with brown eyes and straight, blonde hair that was tied back into two pigtails. Her hair is waist-length with shoulder-length bangs framing both sides of her face. On her forehead was a purple diamond. Although she was into her forty's she used and advanced Henge (transformation technique) to make it appear as if she was twenty-two. Tsunade was dressed in a grass-green haori with the kanji for gamble written in black on the back, inside a red circle. Underneath it was a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matched her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizeable cleavage, by which I mean the biggest you would probably ever see. She had on open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels and red polish on both her fingernails and toenails.

It seemed as if the entire of the rather small family was busy celebrating the birth of young Mito Namikaze-Uzumaki well that is all but one member of the family. The member in question would be young Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki. Naruto was four years older than his younger and like her his head was a mass of sun kissed blond hair but unlike her his hair was wild and spiked much like his fathers. Naruto however took more after his mother as he inherited her heart shaped face, caring purple eyes and pale complexion. Looking at him it was obvious that when he was older he would have a legion of fan girls and that a few of them would be women. Now usually the eldest child would be the first person to celebrate but unfortunately Naruto didn't know his younger sister had just been born. Why you ask? Well that's quite simple to explain; Naruto was in extensive care as he had just come out of a two week long coma.

Why was a four year old just coming out of a two week long coma? His father had to use him to protect the village of Konoha from destruction. That decision was destined to cause strife and suffering from the beginning.

His fathers job is to put the villages welfare before his own needs and that means protecting it no matter the cost. So when Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village he had to think of a way to stop it as killing it was almost out of the question. Killing it was out of the question because the Nine-Tailed Fox was the strongest of tailed beasts, beings of pure demonic chakra that manifest into physical beings meaning they cannot be killed as the chakra will just come together again after a random amount of time to reform the body. To avoid unwanted destruction and bloodshed the Yondaime used his signature jutsu the Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Jutsu) to transport him and the mountain sized beast to a empty field. During the landscape changing battle Minato realised that the only option was to seal the beast inside another person but unfortunately only a new born child can handle the strain the sealing would put on the body's chakra pathways and he couldn't ask someone to give up their child to play jail to a demon. The only option he has left was his own child although Naruto was four and his chakra coils were somewhat developed, Minato realised he is an Uzumaki and Uzumakis were known for their long lives and strong life forces.

Acting on impulse to save the village Minato used the Hiraishin to flash back to the Namikaze-Uzumaki compound and grab Naruto from his bed before flashing back to the battlefield. Setting Naruto down Minato used the Eight Trigrams seal and only the Eight Trigrams seal to seal the demon within his son, this meant that should Naruto ever practice he would get one-hundred per cent of the foxes power but Naruto would hold the key to the seal. The pain of the sealing caused Naruto to spasm before entering a vegetable like state.

Now waking up two weeks later Naruto could only wonder what the immense pain he felt was before he faded into blissful unconsciousness. Checking his surroundings he realised what ever it was, was bad enough to put him in hospital but he was saddened to see that none of his family were waiting by his bedside like the other times he had been in hospital. Then he heard a voice from the shadows that sent an ungodly chill up his spine.

"kukukukuku Good to see you awake Naruto-Kun, I thought my plans might have been ruined. You see Naruto-Kun I have big plans for you my little pet fox."

After that Naruto felt something hit the back of his neck before he faded into unconsciousness yet again.


please R&R guys.