Chapter 2: A... cat?

It's been one hour already since Misaki started his journey. Unfortunately, he hadn't met anyone. That sun was unbearable... And that dress was simply disgusting. Misaki tried to undress but for some unknown reasons that dress was glued on him.

"Hopefully I won't meet someone I know..." poor Misaki thought.

Questions were overflowing his mind: Why was he here? Where was he? Why was he dressed like that? Where were his stuffs? When will he get back home?...

Of course, no one could answer those.

After walking for so long, he finally could see something in the horizon. It seemed like trees. A forest! Well, this wasn't that great but it was better than nothing.

Misaki started running towards the forest. Maybe there was someone nearby. Or even a village! Someone could help.

Almost reaching the forest, he could notice a familiar silhouette sitting on one of the trees in the entrance. As he got nearer, he told himself that it was the one person he wished he would not have to meet.

"I'm damned!" Misaki told to himself.

On one of the branches of the said tree was sitting his life-long rival and the most despicable person ever on the surface of the Earth, Saruhiko Fushimi. But! he was also wearing a weird costume. His attire was made up of a pink suit, pink trousers, a red necktie and multi-coloured socks. And for some reasons, he was wearing a pair of cats ears and on his bottom was a cat tail.

"What the hell..." were the words that came to Misaki's mind.

As he came nearer, Fushimi didn't even look at him and that really angered Misaki.

"Hey! Saru Baka! What are you doing here? I'm pretty sure you're the one behind all this! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?" Misaki yelled.

Fushimi looked down at him then replied:

"I don't know who you're referring to... I'm the Cheshire Cat!"

"You're... a cat!?" Misaki said before bursting out in laughter. "A cat... You're kidding me! You're a Cat!"

"Like I said. I'm the Cheshire Cat!"

And thus, Misaki laughed again.

It took him like 2 minutes to get back to his serious self and then he said:

"No more joking! Tell me now. Where did you bring me? And why the hell did you dress me like this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mi-sa-ki~..." Fushimi or the Cheshire Cat replied.

"I know you're the one behind all this! STOP CALLING ME MISAKI! AND, Get down NOW!" Misaki ordered.

His rival got down from his branch and was now standing in front of him. Misaki tried his best to restrain himself from hitting him.

"Now, tell me, where are we?"

"In the Wonderland of course, Mi-sa-ki~!" the strange man replied as if it was a matter of fact.

"In the Won-what!?" Misaki said his mouth wide-open.

"In the Wonderland." Fushimi repeated.

"Stop making fun of me! Tell me already: WHERE. ARE. WE?"

"In the Wonderland." he said for the third time.

Misaki was now pissed. He grabbed his rival by his suit and started threatening him:

"So... If we're really in the Wonderland-thing like you say, where's the exit!? I've been walking for one whole f****** hour without meeting anyone! TELL ME NOW HOW TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!?"

"Oh~ If you wanted to get out then you have to ask the Queen! Mi-sa-ki~!" Cheshire answered.

"And where's that chick?" Misaki had to ask.

"Hm... If you want to find her Majesty, then you have to find The White Rabbit!"

"And where's that White Bunny?" Misaki felt annoyed.

"I don't know. If you wander in the forest, you might meet him. He's always busy and late when it comes to meeting with the Queen, so you better hurry and follow him, Mi-sa-ki~!" Fushimi advised.

After carefully analysing what was going on, Misaki realized that there was something wrong with Fushimi. As if he wasn't his normal self. Oh well~ He still called him by "Mi-sa-ki~" but he called himself The Cheshire Cat and denied being Fushimi. He was talking about a Queen... There was no queen in Japan or in his town, as far as he could recall. Well, there was His King, the leader of the HOMRA clan, Suoh Mikoto. But. He wasn't a queen! And what about that strange White Bunny Fushimi was talking about!? A bunny, late and busy, meeting a queen! That's absurd!

If it was a trick from Fushimi, then he would beat him to death. But Misaki had no other way to get out of here... Maybe he could just follow that weird Cat's advice and find the Rabbit.

"I don't think I should say thanks. After all, I'm sure you're the one behind this! But how you managed to pull out all this... I can't even wonder how! Anyway, see ya!" And thus Misaki walked into the forest.

And now, what will happen to Misaki? What's with Fushimi? He's acting all weird... Maybe it's all part of his act. All part of his plan... Or maybe not! Next time, Misaki will meet another person he met before... Or is it two!?

Author's Note:

Sorry if I took time to update it. I was busy those last weeks. I tried to upload the 2nd chapter as fast as I could, so in the end I only dropped down on paper all my ideas. And that's all.

Please read and review :) I hope you liked it.