A/N: I got this idea after hearing all the stuff like 'Patria is Enjolras's only mistress' and, well its true! And thus this short one-shot was born!

Everything happened so fast. In one final blinding flash and the piercing of bullets, Enjolras and Grantaire were no more. Their lifeless corpses stay motionless, without another breath.

But suddenly, something strange seemed to take place. There was nothing. It was dull and dark, and yet it felt… Comforting. It was as if the welcome of darkness had calmed and soothed their crying souls, and pulled them away from the chaos of the living.

And as soon as there was darkness, there was light once more. The world seemed to light up again before their very eyes. In a dazzling display of warmth, the darkness was gone. A new kind of calmness over took them.

Upon entering this mystical place, it felt as though they had come home after a long time of travel. It felt like they were finally in a place of peace.

Enjolras looked around and was shocked to see every single one of Les Amis, as well as countless others who had died at the barricade. Then, a rock hard realization hit him hard in his marble face. He was dead. They were dead. All of them were dead.

Before the truth had time to settle, an everlasting stair case of light appeared before them. And gracefully making her way down was a young woman of unreal beauty. Her golden locks flowed freely though there was a nonexistent breeze, and her expression was warm and wise.

Her hands were folded in front of her, and her lovely red, white, and blue gown, looked as though it was made of a material finer than the the finest of silks. She smiled warmly at them, and began to speak. "Welcome my children… You have all fought bravely… Though your glorious revolution was not a success, there will come a day in the ever changing future, where France will get the freedom it so truly deserves.

Her voice was calming and steady, as she spoke. She then turned to Enjolras and a wider grin spread across her smooth complexion. "Ah… Bonjour Monsieur Enjolras. I have greatly anticipated the day you arrived." Enjolras kneeled in respect and responded to the Angelic women before him. "Many thanks to you Mademoiselle Patria…"

Patria, then held up the red banner of revolution, and placed it in Enjolras's waiting hands. He then lifted his head to stare at Patria, as she flashed a dazzling smile of pearling white teeth. She then spoke once more with a glint of something unreadable in her sky blue eyes.

"I am flattered to be your only Mistress Monsieur Enjolras." The rest of Les Amis exchanged amused glances, as Enjolras blushed lightly. Maybe the revolution had failed, but at least Enjolras was destined for an eternal of happiness with his one true love, Patria.

A/N: Enjy's probably gonna get a lot of teasing from the Les Amis now. XD