The last twenty years had been quite an experience for me. Bella and Jasper have been with me every step of the way though. I slipped two times during that first year and they held me as I sobbed. I hated taking life from someone. I think my turning point though was last year when I met Kenny. We were traveling through Europe as Bella and I hadn't been there and I bumped into him while shopping. I bit him right away and Bella helped me get him in the alley before calling Jasper.

I was so scared. I didn't know what happened and Bella was trying to keep me calm while also trying to keep him from screaming. I wouldn't let her anywhere near him and she had to tell me how to change him while she kept him gagged. When Jasper and Peter came, they helped us get him in the truck and to our home. Jasper and Peter had a home where we were currently at and I was extremely happy. They both assured me that what happened to me was alright.

I didn't know what was happening, but his blood was like nothing else. I told them he fell when I bumped into him and scraped his knee. After I got the smell, I went blank. I had to bite him to protect him. Jasper then told me that he felt that way at the birthday party they threw for Bella all those years ago. I was so excited to get a mate, that I wasn't going to be alone anymore. We never had anymore problems and Kenny took Jasper's name like I did since we had to "kill" him.

We stayed in the place we're currently at so that Kenny could adjust. He took to animals very well and I was quite proud of him. I had told him all about us, and how we came to be. I saved each individual change for the person though. He was glad to know Mike was already taken care of, though. When he saw a picture of Bella and Jasper from their wedding that Bella brought everywhere, I told him about it. It was beautiful and on the beach.

We girls all work red sundresses while Bella wore and ivory one and we all went barefoot. The guys were in holy jeans and red button ups. My sire and his mate were very laid back and proud of their non traditional wedding. Of course, nothing about any of us is really traditional anyway. I felt Kenny's presence and turned, coming out of my thoughts.

"Beautiful." he whispered, and I knew the sun hit me.

I smiled at him as he walked to me and pulled me to him. "I love you, Jess."

"I love you too, Kenny." I whispered against his lips.

"Marry me." he whispered.

I pulled back and grinned, "Yes, forever."

He picked me up and twirled me. We laughed and the others came out to see what was going on.

"We're getting married." I squealed.

The girls all jumped around me as we laughed at his occasion.

Later, I pulled Bella away. "I want to thank you."


I waved my arms, "For this, for not killing me, for whatever you want it to be."

She chuckled and pulled me to her from the side. "Jess, we make better vampires then we did humans. I have my mate and you have yours. We have the world and are whole with the ones we're meant to be with."

"Got that right, darlin'."

I watched Bella's face light up as my sire, her mate, walked in with mine. I watched as she ran to him and jumped into his arms, and all I could think was that she was right. We're all looking for that someone, that place to make us whole, and Bella and I were lucky enough to find ours.

And the end, hope you all liked it. Till the next time my lovelies!-Brianna