
A/N: Obvious as it is, I s'pose I should do a disclaimer - I don't own H2O and blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The end.

Chapter One


Lola Chadwick, more commonly referred to as Lolly amongst her friends and family, entered her new bedroom and smiled. After casting a quick glance around the room, she knew it was going to be perfect. Especially when she saw she had a window seat. She sat on it, noting how comfy the cushions were, and her smile stretched even wider when she saw what an amazing view she had – one that looked right out onto the beach, with its beautiful clear blue sea and bright golden grains of sand.

In the bedroom next door to Lolly's, her twin brother Daniel, more commonly known as Dan, admired his new bedroom. Suddenly, his sister barged in and asked excitedly if he wanted to go to the beach with her. Grinning, he replied yes, and the two walked away to find their mother, Rikki.

Rikki was downstairs in the kitchen. She and her two children had just moved to the Gold Coast from the other side of Australia. Being Rikki's childhood home, she allowed her own children to explore the area, as she knew where everywhere was in case something happened. Once Lolly and Dan had left the house, Rikki decided to go out too. It was such a gorgeous day, and she might even run into some old friends. Perhaps even an old boyfriend...

Emma Dove strolled along the sand, hand in hand with her husband Ash. Their daughter Rebecca, or Becca, trailed behind them. She was quite fed up. She had just moved to the Gold Coast from America, and she didn't have any friends in Australia at all. She just hoped she would make some soon. As much as her parents had wanted her to come to the beach today, she hadn't wanted to go. And they seemed quite content now by themselves anyway. Becca's only hope was that she would run in to someone her own age – quite literally, as she wasn't in the mood to talk to someone otherwise – and become friends with him or her, preferably him.

In front of Becca, her parents were simply enjoying the beautiful day. Emma was watching the water. She was so glad that she was finally back in Australia – she loved it there. She had especially missed the sparkling waves. Even more so since she had given up her mermaid powers, and was finally free to swim in public waters again. Ash was just happy that he could swim with Emma. Of course, he had been able to swim with her as a mermaid too, but her powerful tail had made it hard for him to keep up with her, as magnificent as it was. Suddenly, with the thought in her mind, Emma asked Ash to go for a swim with her. He grinned, and they told Becca where they were going, before dashing to the crystal-like sea.

Melody McCartney, also known as Mel to her family and friends, stepped off of the train and into the sunshine. She had just spent a long day in the shopping centre with her friends. She began to head home, choosing to take a longer route through the beach, with the weather in mind.

As Mel started to walk on the sand, taking off her shoes to avoid getting any in them, she noticed there weren't too many people on the beach. There were a few people who looked about her own age though and she figured they were probably new, because she hadn't seen them at her school before – or anywhere for that matter – and that was the only local school they would go to. One girl who seemed around her own age was trudging along, watching two people in the water who were presumably her parents. The girl looked slightly familiar, though Mel didn't know why because she'd definitely never seen her before. She had a light tan, and straight, shoulder length blonde hair. Mel looked at her parents then, and noticed with surprise that they were familiar too. In fact, she was sure she had seen them together as a couple before. They just seemed a lot older now that whenever it was that she had seen them before.

Then she looked at two other people, the same age as the first girl, who looked very alike so must have been brother and sister. The girl had long platinum blonde locks, but the boy had much shorter brown hair. For some unknown reason, they were both a little familiar too. Suddenly, Mel realised why they looked so familiar – they looked like people she had seen in some of her parents' old photos. Of course, the children couldn't have been in her photos unless they had gotten younger, which was impossible, so they must have just deeply resembled their parents or something. Soon enough, Mel had introduced herself to the three children and two adults, and she had them all meet each other too. She couldn't wait to tell her parents who she had met today!

A few weeks after those events, Mel answered the front door to see Emma, Ash and Becca standing in front of her, closely followed by Rikki, Lolly and Dan. She grinned. "Glad you could all make it. Come on in."

As Cleo and Lewis were happily reunited with their old friends, their children slunk away and began to converse with one another. Except for Dan, who claimed he didn't want to talk to a bunch of boring girls, and would much rather sit with the boring adults.

"Yeah, more likely spy on them," Lolly muttered as Dan walked away. Then she smiled as the other girls laughed. "So, Mel, it was nice of you to invite us. I can see how happy our parents are now."

"Yeah, it really is. It's awesome how you recognised our parents from the photos," Becca added.

Mel blushed scarlet from the compliments. "Well, I do try," she said, winking.

The girls chattered non-stop all night, with Dan occasionally interrupting, and so did their parents. By the end of the night, everyone was positively beaming on the inside and out. They all knew that their friendships would last a long time after this.