A/N I am sorry I fell off the face of the planet! I will try and update more quickly. Spring break is in two weeks or so and hopefully I will get more put out then. So many stories to keep up with! I am sorry about that. I am not trying to neglect any of them, but life is busy. Here we are! Enjoy!

Warning: Still contains SPANKING.


Tim woke up disorientated to Gibbs shaking his shoulder and calling his name.

"G'way" Tim mumbled as he sleepily swatted the hand that was shaking him away.

"Not gunna happen Tim" Gibbs said with a smile. "Time to get up."

As he registered Gibbs voice Tim realized he should probably get up. He rolled onto his back and let out an undignified yelp as the events from yesterday registered with him painfully. He knew the pain from his spanking would last at least the day.

Gibbs grimaced in sympathy but did not feel bad for what he had done to Tim. The boy had deserved every swat.

"You have ten minutes to get downstairs prepared for a run."

"Uuuhhnnn" Tim replied unintelligently. A smack to his backside woke him up quick and even if that hadn't, the threat would have.

"Ten minutes Tim. Don't make me come get you" he warned before heading down stairs.

Tim moaned as he carefully rolled on his side to read the clock. He sighed heavily when he saw it was only 5 am. He groaned and stood up before he fell back asleep. There was no way he was going to make Gibbs came up for him.

He went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face hoping to wake himself up. The only reconciliation he had for being up this early was that he had been in bed before 9 the night before.

When he walked downstairs he saw Gibbs was in sweats and Jethro had his harness and leash on. He moaned once more because he realized that his boss was going to come with him.

"Morning Tim" Gibbs said more cheerfully than anyone should be at this hour.

Tim gave him a nod and without saying anything grabbed the leash from his boss.

"Tim." Gibbs called neutrally. McGee looked at his boss expecting him to say something but instead all he got was a searching look and a sharp nod.

"Get your shoes on and let's go"

"How far are we going Boss?" Tim asked as he tied his laces.

"There's a path not far from here. 8 miles round trip."

Tim stood up and thought that was not too bad. His usual route was 5 miles. He was suddenly glad he had been working out. He had planned on extending his route and now was as good of time as any.

Gibbs held the door open for Tim and Jethro before heading out. Gibbs set an easy pace at a fifteen minute mile as he knew the path well and for the first five miles they were fine. The terrain was not to bad but it still had a slight slope which made it somewhat challenging.

By the sixth mile McGee was ready to die. He had taken several months to work his way up to a five mile run and adding on three miles was harder than he expected. Half a mile later he was gasping for breath and clenching at a cramp in his side.

"St-stop, pl-please!" Tim sputtered out.

Gibbs could see he was struggling but knew his younger agent could finish this out. There was only a mile and a half left as it was.

"Come on Tim, just breathe through it. There's not much farther to go." Gibbs encouraged.

The fact that Gibbs was barely breathing any harder than normal kind of ticked him off. Tim shook his head. He knew there was not much longer to go, but he knew physically he could not do it.

"McGee! Keep it up!" Gibbs yelled in his marine voice hoping a change in tactics would keep Tim going.

"NO!" Tim yelled back. "You don't get it! I CAN'T do this!" He continued to yell. He caught his breath finishing with a quiet, "I can't do anything" that Gibbs barely heard.

That stopped Gibbs in his tracks. "What do you mean Tim?" Gibbs asked softly with his voice filled with concern.

"I'm never good enough for you!" Tim spat out as his anger quickly returned.

"That's not true at all Tim. You are one of the best damn agents I have ever worked with." Gibbs replied honestly. Gibbs knew Tim was insecure but he thought Tim knew his place in the surrogate family. "Tell me you know that Tim" Gibbs practically pleaded. Tim gave him no response besides looking away angrily.

"Talk to me Timmy" Gibbs said. At the use of the endearment that usually reassured Tim he instead became angry. He did not know why Tim gave that reaction but right now was not the time to or place to discuss it.

"Tim, let's go home." He suggested.

"Take Jethro and I will meet you at home." Tim told the older man.

"Not going to happen Tim. No man left behind and all right?" Gibbs said trying to make Tim smile.

Apparently Gibbs was saying the wrong things over and over much to his frustration. Again, instead of soothing his youngest agent he managed to push his buttons.

Tim crossed his arms angrily before glaring at Gibbs.

"Yeah, right." Tim muttered before storming away.

Gibbs let out an angry sigh partially at Tim and at himself. Gibbs was being incredibly patient with the man in front of him and was being open with him but every time Gibbs spoke he hit a wall with the man. He jogged to Tim and grasped his arm to stop Tim. He stopped but tried to pull out of his hold.

"What's wrong with you Tim?" Gibbs asked earnestly.

"What's wrong with you?" Tim shot back with a chocked sob.

Before Gibbs could respond his phone went off. It was the director. He gave Tim a sad smile and let go of Tim's arm before answering his phone. They were needed on a case ASAP. He hated leaving things as they were but there really was no choice.

"We are needed now Tim. They found another dead petty officer in connection with our killer."

"Whatever" Tim said as he started walking to Gibbs house. Under normal circumstances there was no way Gibbs would let that slide, but there was no time to take care of it now. He instead opted to walk beside Tim who was making it his mission to make it to Gibbs house as quickly as possible without running.


"Leave me alone DiNozzo!" Tim shouted for what seem like the twentieth time that day.

"I will once you tell me why you are squirming in your seat" Tony said is a falsely innocent voice. He enjoyed when it was Tim in trouble.

"SHUT UP TONY!" Tim yelled as he slammed his hand on his keyboard.

"I suggest you listen to him DiNozzo. Let the sleeping cat lie." Ziva said sagely.

"Dog Ziva. Let the sleeping dog lie." Tony corrected. "And I think he should get it off his chest. I always tell you guys."

"No one asks you to Tony." Tim said as he stood up and started heading to the elevator getting tired of Tony's pestering. Before he could leave the squad room Tony grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving.

"C'mon McNaughty. It couldn't have been that bad. Just tell me what happened. I remember the last time I-"

Tim who was still angry from earlier had reached his breaking point. He had told Tony to leave him alone but from the minute Gibbs went to talk to the director ten minutes ago it was constant nagging for details.

Despite Tim's obvious anger, Tony was still surprised when Tim punched him. He was never violent. Not even on the stake outs where they were wrestling. Since he was not prepared for it, he fell back on his desk. He instinctively grabbed at his face where Tim had punched him.

Unfortunately for Tim, Gibbs had reached the middle of the stairs and saw everything that had happened. Tim raised his hand to do what he wasn't sure but Gibbs booming voice stopped him in his tracks.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Gibbs yelled before racing to the squad room. Gibbs immediately went to Tony and grabbed his chin gently to assess the damage.

"Meet me in interrogation room one Tim." Gibbs ordered as he tipped Tony's chin to the side.


Gibbs let go of Tony and turned to face Tim.

"Interrogation room one. Now."

"Whatever." Tim muttered but did as he was ordered.

Gibbs let out an angry sigh before turning back to Tony.

"Are you okay?" Gibbs asked him softly.

Tony gave him a pained smile. "Course Boss. He has one mean left hook though. Who would have thought?" he said trying to play it off.

"Go see Ducky." Gibbs ordered softly.

"Boss, really I am fine." Gibbs did not even have to say anything to get Tony to comply. One look told Tony he had better do as he was ordered.

Once Tony left, Gibbs got the whole story from Ziva and told her to gather some evidence.


McGee didn't even think once he reached the interrogation room. He instead let his fury consume him. He threw the chair where the suspects sat and the noise it created was loud enough to snap him out of his funk. And then there was only one thought that consumed him.

Gibbs is going to kill me.

Fortunately or unfortunately he did not have to think on it for long. A few minutes after he reached the room the door banged open as Gibbs entered the room. He got up in Tim's personal space until the younger agent was pushed against the wall and they were nose to nose.

"If you are ever as rude as you just were, I will not hesitate to punish you on the spot. Wherever and in front of whoever. Am I clear?" Gibbs ground out angrily. Tim nodded, his eyes wide in fear. "I said, am I clear?" Gibbs repeated, clearly looking for a verbal response.

"Yes sir" Tim said earnestly.

Gibbs searched Tim's face for a moment before backing up. "Sit down." Gibbs ordered indicating the chair that Tim had thrown in anger. Tim blushed and picked up the chair before sitting on it. Gibbs did not acknowledge that anything had happened with it.

"What was that about Tim?" Gibbs asked with some remaining anger in his tone. Tim shrugged sheepishly and looked at the table.

"No Timothy. We have put this conversation off long enough. What's gotten into you that you've been having a major snit for the last week?" Gibbs asked forcefully demanding an answer.

Tim sighed before responding. He knew he would not be able to get out of this without first talking about it. But the reasons for his behavior was asinine. And the worst part was that he could not fake ignorance.

"I am waiting Tim." Gibbs reminded.

"Tony helped you work on your boat last weekend." Was all Tim offered.

"And?" Gibbs asked, clearly confused.

"I never get to help you with your boat." Tim told Gibbs but did not offer any more of an explanation.

"You don't like helping me with the boat. Tim, you are going to have to give me more of an explanation than that." Gibbs said somewhat impatiently. He wasn't a mind reader after all.

Tim could not see how he could make it any clearer though. Tony was punished last week for doing something stupid and after he was punished Tony helped Gibbs with his boat, whereas Tim got sent to bed. It was clear to Tim who Gibbs liked better.

"Whenever you punish me, I get sent straight to bed. With Tony, he gets hangout with you." McGee said sheepishly.

"You're jealous" Gibbs blurted out before he could stop himself. When he said he realized how true it was. The attitude and disobedience was all attention seeking behavior. "You're jealous of Tony."

"No!" Tim shouted. Gibbs raised an eyebrow. "I'm not. I get, I do. You like Tony better and I am okay with that. He was just teasing me and it finally got to me. I am under a lot of stress and I snapped." Tim finished earnestly.

"Yes, you are." Gibbs disagreed. "And Tim, we have been over this. I don't like you any less than Tony. You guys are different people with different wants and needs. I am not going to go into details about Tony's punishment, but if I thought he would benefit by going to bed straight away he would."

"That doesn't change the fact that you never let me help with your boat" Tim said as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

Then it clicked for Gibbs. While he was extremely proud of the man in front of him and shared a paternal love for him, Gibbs realized that he never spent time alone with McGee except for when he was in trouble. He did not try to do that, but the he and Tim were just so different. He could see why Tim might think he did not like him as much.

Gibbs sat down on the chair next to McGee before speaking to the angry younger man.

"I'm sorry Tim" Gibbs started. McGee's tension left him at those two simple words, unused to hearing an apology from him. "I'm not trying to avoid you Tim, but you have never expressed interest in working on the boat." Tim nodded on encouragement for him to continue. "That doesn't mean I should not have asked. Maybe we can come up with something else to do this together that we both would enjoy?" Gibbs asked and to which McGee nodded in agreement.

Gibbs was glad that they had gotten to the root of the problem and that Tim appeared more relaxed. Gibbs hated to do what he was about to do next but there was no way he could let the younger agent get away with punching his partner. It would not be fair to Tony nor to Tim himself.

"About what happened in the squad room Tim" Gibbs began as Tim looked down again at the table "That doesn't get to happen again. I cannot have my agents fighting no matter the circumstances. I know better than anyone Tony has a way of getting under the skin, but you do not get to punch him because of it. You know better than that." Gibbs finished grabbing Tim by the chin so he could look him in the eye.

"Yes sir." Tim said. "I know and I am really sorry!" he implored.

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to Tim. And you will once we are done here." Gibbs ordered.

Tim nodded. He would have apologized to Tony even if he were not ordered to. He felt terrible for what he had done.

Gibbs stood up and ordered Tim to do the same. "Slacks down and over the desk." He ordered. Tim do as he was told and laid over the cool desk before crossing his arms and resting his head in the crook of his arms. He cringed when he heard the distinct sound of Gibbs taking his belt off.

McGee tried to remain quiet as Gibbs laid into him with no preamble but it was hard to do. He soon found himself openly sobbing and rocking back and forth trying to prevent the next lick to no avail. Gibbs rested a restraining hand on his back before he moved the swats to his upper thighs and sit spots.

When it was over Gibbs let Tim calm down for a couple of minutes and waited until he righted his pants before enveloping him in a hug. This time there was no resistance and Tim gladly returned the hug.

"No more fighting, okay?" Gibbs felt the man nod. "You need to apologize to Tony." Again he was met with no hesitation as Tim nodded. When Tim had calmed down completely with no more tears Gibbs pushed him away gently.

"Good. Then I expect you at my place tonight with enough stuff to last you the weekend." Tim gave his boss a confused look. "I meant what I said about us doing something together Tim. I am sorry I did not realize I was neglecting you before and I intend to remedy that." Gibbs said with conviction. "Are you good now?" Tim nodded and gave him a genuine smile. "Good. You have five minutes to be at your desk. You are on desk duty the rest of the day. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir." Tim agreed and with that Gibbs gave his shoulder a squeeze before leaving him alone.

A/N I think there will only be one more chapter along this story line. Any ideas for what Gibbs and McGee might like to do together? I am drawing a blank. Please review! Love it? Hate it? I want to hear it all! Thanks!