~Chapter 12~

~Angst and Anniversary~

Tino's heart began to hammer. He felt his heart drop to his stomach whilst his throat closed up. A quivering hand sought the hand of the larger Swede's; the Swede's sought the Finn's. Their hands intertwined as they faced the threat in front of them.

A trickle of sweat formed on the Finn's temple as he was forced to move himself away from Berwald's embrace.

"I-Ivan?" He asked, his bottom lip shaking ever so slightly. "Why?"

This small question, asked in such a heartbroken voice, only incurred more insane laughter. The sound echoed in the silence, each syllable emphasised. Tino cringed, averting his eyes in frustration and disappointment. Didn't he understand?

Berwald took a step forward, eyes narrowed hatefully. A glimpse of this expression was enough to make Matthias balk. The Dane surged forward, only to place his palm flat on the Swede's chest.

Through gritted teeth, Matthias whispered harshly. "Calm down. We don't want a repeat of last time."

These words alone were enough to cause Berwald to halt in his movements. However, Ivan was not finished. He took a few menacing steps forward.

Click. Click. Click.

Within seconds, the Finn had his hand ripped away from Berwald's. He felt his hand surrounded in a bear like, cold, almost dead-feeling hand. This simple touch sent waves of horror coursing through him. Tino recoiled, yet found that he couldn't move.

No! No! Don't… don't make me do it! Please, let go!

Tino shut his eyes and begged internally, biting his lip. He couldn't lose control, not now! Perhaps it was easier to act like the victim.

Just don't hurt Berwald and everything'll be alright… I…

Berwald turned to Ivan and reached upwards, murderous intent in his eyes. A collective gasp was heard, however, when his hand didn't meet the target of a Russian shirt.

No, it met a far more painful end.

Ivan grinned in an eerie manner and pushed Tino to the floor. A small bang was heard as he fell on his rump; yet shock outweighed the pain. He made moves to push himself up, but a sudden spike of pain from both his rear and his wrist stopped him.

Perkele… this is getting out of hand…

Tino looked up- the sight alone almost made him burst into tears of sheer agitation. Ivan had grabbed Berwald's wrist, effectively stopping him. Matthias growled softly and stepped forward, clearly planning on stopping the homicidal Russian.

"No!~" Ivan giggled, his grip on Berwald's hand tightening exponentially. A slightly louder growl sounded from Matthias, upon hearing his dear friend's groan of pain. Eventually, after a rather long stare off, the Dane backed off.

Tino gulped a little and soundlessly rose to his feet, his eyes downcast.

"I-Ivan… come here, I want to tell you something…" He murmured, his voice weak and pathetic. A few more rounds of maniacal laughter told the Finn that he had indeed released Berwald, and was rampaging towards the Finn.

"I knew you'd come around! You're mine now, da?" Ivan stopped a few paces away from him, a rather cheerful smile present on his baby-like face. A small chuckle of sarcastic laughter fell from Tino's lips as he looked upwards.

His eyes were a roaring violet flame, his cheeks dusted with an angry red flush. His eyes narrowed; his fists clenched. Tino stood up straight, glaring directly into the slowly withering Russian.

"I thought you were just misunderstood! You betrayed me!" He screamed, the latter sentence fading away into a small growl. The other members began to take a step backwards: Berwald didn't. No, he reminisced.


"Berwald… if I'd done something bad, would you hate me?" Tino asked him, shuffling his feet embarrassedly. This only served to bring a chuckle out of the taller man.

"Nej. 'f cours' n't." A small grin worked its way onto his face, with a considerable amount of effort.

"Ah… let me tell you this?" Upon Berwald's nod, he began to explain his previous anxieties. "I… I have a fearsome temple. It's part of the reason Dad left… because he hurt my mum. I lost control… It didn't go well…


As Berwald remembered this conversation, he could only watch the Finnish boy.

Tino laughed loudly, his eyes ever so slightly crazed. He took a step forward and grabbed the Russian's arm. Tino's hissing voice was the only precursor to what was about to happen.

"No one hurts my Berwald!"

Tino grinned as he moved his arms, rendering the Russian powerful. A sharp kick to the knee sent him to his knees. A sly grin and Tino had twisted Ivan's arm behind his back. Ivan struggled to no avail. In actuality, it worked in reverse. The struggles only served to irritate the Finn further.

"Let me teach you a lesson…" He murmured, his eyes taking on a more sad look. At these words, Berwald stood up quickly. Although, he didn't make it in time.

The Swede heard the sickening crack before he saw it. A loud scream of pain sounded from a pained Russian. Tino, however, didn't let go.

Berwald realised he had to act. In a few steps he had placed his hand on Tino's shoulder. He leaned down to his level and smiled, his whispering lips brushing the Finn's ear.

"St'p. Ah'm ok." He turned his head slightly, pressing a light kiss to the Finn's temple. It was this act of affection that brought Tino back to his senses. In an instant, he had released Ivan's broken arm, his hands flying up to his eyes. Unwanted tears began to spill from his eyes as he began to cry.

Shaking Finnish arms circled Berwald's back as he clutched onto him for dear life. His sobs caught in his throat as he began to audibly cry.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" He cried out, his eyes tightly shut. Tino leaned his head into Berwald's chest.

Why did I lose control? Why did I do that? Does… does everyone hate me again? P-Please, no!

Tino dared to look up at each and every member of the club. A few people were awestruck; most were smiling, in one way or another. It was the Prussian who broke the tense silence.

"Man! I've been wanting to do that for ages!" He laughed loudly, clutching his sides as he burst out in this aforementioned raucous laughter.

"Let's take him to the Nurse. Clearly, he went off campus again." The Austrian looked at his nails in a disinterested way, a wry smile decorating his usually stoic face.

Lukas piped up, too. "Yes. We all saw him attack two of our members when they tried to convince him to stay. Matthias, clean up."

Matthias shook his head a few times. The tension, that even he could feel, had most dissipated.

"Take Tino outta here. We've got this!" Matthias laughed loudly and grinned a Hollywood smile, clearly not bothered by the whole situation. A firm nod later and the Finn found himself being lightly dragged past the door.

"It's ok." He muttered to the Finn, pressing another small kiss to his hair. "I st'll l've ya."

"Y-You do?" Tino questioned, turning his tear stained face to meet a slightly smiling Swede's.

"Ja. I'll never st'p l'ving ya." Berwald spoke with clear conviction. And, if his erratically beating heart was any indication, his body agreed with his words.


5 months later


Berwald looked across at the Finn, a light smile playing at his lips. Since that incident, everything had gotten better. More and more people began to respect him for who he was; this was something that pleased Berwald. The LGBT club had been receiving more and more respect, which also was a bonus.

Tino turned his grinning face towards Berwald and winked, his hand sliding underneath the table. He felt slender fingers brush his thigh as they reached for his hand, eagerly lacing them together. Tino leaned into him, a soft blush present on his cheeks.

"It's our anniversary today..~ For 6 months..~" Tino murmured in a less than innocent voice. In fact, one could even go so far as to say that his smile was as coy as it was wicked. A blush instantly lit up Berwald's cheeks. He had never heard his sweet boyfriend speak in such a way… Especially in a classroom!

Berwald tensed slightly and snuck a look at Tino. Is it possible that he could hear the somewhat dirty thoughts he often had about the Finn? Of course, there's only so long a relationship between two teenagers can stay innocent…

Tino laughed softly, leaning in and kissing his cheek. What had gotten into him?

The Finn felt his boyfriend's teal eyes take in his profile. Slightly flushed cheeks, slightly swollen lips… slightly sultry demeanour. Tino knew he should stop, but he truly couldn't help himself. It had been six months since they had been together; he had waited long enough.

"T-T'no…" He choked out, his embarrassed flush spreading down his neck like wildfire. A coquettish giggle later and Tino had pulled away.

"I'm so glad it's last lesson… I don't know if I can wait any longer for a kiss..~" Tino winked at Berwald and turned back to his work.

Needless to say, the rest of the lesson was true agony.

However, it was over as soon as it started. It felt as if Berwald had been sitting there for many hours, when in reality it was only fifteen minutes. Tino smiled a little and averting his eyes as he leaned in again.

"Sorry about that… I didn't think!" He exclaimed, embarrassment fuelling his actions. Berwald squeezed his hand lightly, offering the Finn a placated smile. A soft intake of breath and the Finn realised how beautiful Berwald truly was.

Perfectly spiked hair. Soft, teal eyes. Defined muscles, very tall. Warm hugs, comforting. I can't… think…~

Berwald leaned down and smirked, stopping a hair's breadth away from his lips. Two can play at that game, after all. It was then that Tino blurted out his news.

"I've kicked Lukas out for the night!" Tino said suddenly, causing a hot flush. Then, he began to stammer. "I-I mean… U-um… ah?"

Berwald smiled at him gently and pecked his lips in the sweetest way.

"Alri'ht. I'll go g't s'me clo'hes." He spoke slowly, as if trying not to stutter, himself. Tino felt himself laugh nervously, squeezing his hand tightly.

"I-I'll meet you in my room in an hour?" Tino asked. A small nod from the Swede was all that Tino needed; of course, he received this.

Tino was indeed excited.


It turned out that Tino hadn't needed to tell Lukas to leave. Rather, he had taken it upon himself to take off. Yet he had still left a helpful 'present' and a note. The note made the Finn grumble to himself.

"Use protection, eh? Tch!" He grouched, pacing up and down their shared room. "Present? What does he think I'm going to do?"

This rhetorical question was a stupid one, especially as Tino began to answer it internally. What was he going to do? Would they..?

Tino stopped dead and shook his head a few times, as if to remove the mental images. What good were mental images if you had the real deal?

Did I seriously just think that? Poor Ber…

A knock on the door interrupted Tino's pity party for his elusive boyfriend. Berwald had popped back to his room, since he had forgotten something. Tino yelled for whoever it was to enter, before walking over to the window. The night sky truly was a thing of beauty. His heart began to beat as he heard the easily recognisable footsteps, unable to truly immerse himself in admiring the beauty of the night.

Arms slid around a much smaller waist; a larger chin rested daintily on the Finn's head. Tino smiled as he decided to admire Berwald's reflection in the transparent glass. His eyes sought every detail that made his boyfriend so perfect. Was it his sweet disposition? Was it his amazing physique? Was it…

Tino cut that thought off before it could form. He carefully patted Berwald's hands and moved slightly, turning around in his hold. A sweet smile spread across his face as he gazed up at him. Was it the way that he kissed?

Who cares? I'm completely and utterly in love with him!

Tino smiled up at the taller Swede, who had a wry grin pulling at his lips.

"T'no. I g't ya s'methin'." Berwald grinned, his eyes caressing every nook and cranny of the Finn. Tino was, of course, intrigued.

"But Ber! We weren't supposed to be trading presents!" A bottom lip jutted out as Tino began to pout playfully. Berwald shrugged a little and pulled away from the embrace.

Tino's heart stopped as he slid down to one knee. A million feelings whirled around his head as he watched the Swede move. He was reluctant to go on, yet just as reluctant to tell him to stop.

A small jewellery box was taking out of a back pocket by shaking hands. A soft sigh expressed Berwald's true nerves, exposing his own small anxieties.

I… don't think I want him to stop…

Berwald opened the box to produce a small ring, cast in bronze.

Ah… so this is what he's been working on in the workshop… how romantic!

Tino felt colour flood to his face as he took in the profile of his… boyfriend?

"T-T'no. Ya kn'w tha I l've you. And… I j'st want us ta wear promis' rings…?" Berwald stumbled through his small spiel, looking up into Tino's eyes. A rather large, goofy grin broke out across his face.

"Ber… stand up?" Tino asked, none too unkindly. Without a word, the Swede rose to his feet. Tino held his hand out to Berwald, averting his eyes for the barest of seconds.

"Kyllä!~" He exclaimed. Within a few seconds the ring had been slid onto his slender fingers. Of course, it was the perfect fit.

"I love you so much, Berwald!" Tino exclaimed, leaning into the Swede. He was full of more conviction than ever.

"An' I love ya more..~" He teased lightly, wrapping his arms around the Finn once more.

Berwald felt Tino's arms wrap around him, his lips slightly parted and just begging for a kiss. He was more than happy to oblige.

Tino gently touched his lips to Berwald's, his eyes closing and his hold tightening. He moved his slightly moisturised lips against the taller Swede's. A soft moan slid past his lips as the kiss began to get more intense, within mere seconds. It seemed neither of them could hold back any longer.

The Finn smiled against the kiss and notably parted his lips. The feeling when their tongues touched… it was like the most loving electric fire. Their hearts beat in resonance; their movements grew more desperate. Berwald shifted slightly, enjoying the way their bodies fit together. They were like to comparable parts of a puzzle; they needed the other to be truly complete.

However, it was Tino who broke the kiss first, his cheeks red and lips swollen from the passion, expressed through an intentionally chaste kiss.

"B-Berwald… I-I think I'm ready."

It was these words, however, that tipped the Swede over the edge. He couldn't quite remember wrestling the clothes off of the young Finn, nor shedding his own. He couldn't quite remember how many kisses they had both exchanged. He couldn't quite remember why he had lost control. However, he didn't regret his decision.

Sweet words were exchanged as the couple prepared for another step forward in their relationship. Berwald fretted over the wellbeing of the Finn a few times, causing the Finn to blush and reassure him. However, Berwald began to smile anew each time he saw his Finn's ring glint in the moonlight.

"I, ah!~ I love you, Berwald!"

"And I love ya… forever and always."

To him, nothing was more beautiful than Tino; nothing ever would be.

Hello dear readers!

I'm incredibly sad to say that we are almost at the end of our journey! I've greatly enjoyed writing this story! I love that I've managed to bring joy to your lives, even if it is for a small period of time!

I apologise for not updating last week! I went snowboarding and fell over quite badly! Therefore, typing was incredibly painful. However! My exams are five weeks away, so this may become a regular occurrence, unless I finish before that period.

Regardless, thank you all for your patience and time!~

Thanks to the Reviewers: Zophia33 and Dextra2!~