Haruhi PoV

I was still a little confused. I couldn't really remember much, I just know that when I had woken up I was in Mori's room. I had tried to run away, but he was there again, this time though, I wasn't mad or frustrated with him. Oddly enough. I thought I would be, I thought I should be. But I wasn't. I looked up at Hunni Senpai and Mori Senpai, I could tell that they were her for me, though I don't really understand why.

Unsure of what to do or say I said looking up at the older boys "Thank you, Hunni Senpai, Mori Senpai."

"Of course Haru-chan!" Hunni said cheerfully. Mori nodded at me.

"I am sorry though. I've caused so much trouble for you guys. I don't why you're still here for me." I said as I held back tears.

"We want to be here for you. We care about you. I care about you. We will never just abandon you." Mori assured me as he pulled me into an embrace.

At first I was unsure about how to react, but reluctantly I wrapped my arms around Mori's neck and just let it happen. I saw Hunni leave the room and just let us be, though I don't know hwy he felt the need to leave.

"Haruhi, i won't ever let you be alone. I care too much about you to let that happen." Mori whispered into my ear. When he said that I just felt tears flowing down my face. "I want you to be able to tell me anything and everything. I know maybe I'm not you favorite person, but I will never stop wanting to be. I want you to be able to tell me everything and anything. I want you to tell me how you feel."

"Mori Senpai," I started.

"I think we can drop the Senpai. Please call me Takashi." He told me.

"Takashi." I said as I let that sink in I gathered my thoughts. I had wanted someone to talk to. Maybe I could tell him everything.