After the events of the last chapter, Matt and Jenna will never be the same again...

One of the joys of living with true friends, was that Jenna knew she could trust them 100%. It made life so much easier having people she could tell the truth to, people she knew wouldn't sell her out to the newspapers for a quick buck. These were people who knew her when she wasn't famous, and who would still be her friends when her fame and fortune had faded away, and she was just another person who used to be on tv. She knew that day would come, but didn't mind; in her younger days, she'd had her moments of fame and 'lad mag' attention, but now she just wanted to have a happy life, hopefully getting enough challenging and enjoyable acting work to keep her busy and solvent. And to spend that life with the person who was sitting opposite her in the pub, Matt Smith.

After the events earlier that Sunday, in which she and Matt had finally opened their hearts to each other in Jenna's flat, the two of them had left to go for a celebratory drink. Primrose Hill, being a trendy area for actors and 'media types', seeing two well-known actors together didn't attract the sort of attention that they would have got elsewhere in London, but they avoided getting too affectionate with each other, as they didn't need any outside media interference putting pressure on them at such an early stage in their relationship. It was simply enjoyable to have a drink and spend time together without the sexual tension and suppressed feelings that had always been there before, and without the feeling of dread that existed when they parted and wondered when they would see each other again.

As it happened, they were spotted together that afternoon on the way to the pub, but this time the story in the Daily Mail the next day would take a somewhat different line.

Former Doctor Who colleagues Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman enjoy time together, as they reminisce over old times. Jenna, who is currently filming Series 8 of the long running show alongside new Doctor Peter Capaldi was, as ever, dressed very stylishly, in a navy ¾ length coat, with matching shoes. Matt Smith, who is currently taking a well-earned break, is expected to depart for the US soon, so may have been hoping to get tips from Jenna whose boyfriend, former Game of Thrones star Richard Madden is based out there.

The Daily Mail might have taken a different line if they'd known where Matt and Jenna were headed afterwards, and about the ending of Jenna and Richard's relationship. Having been on their best behaviour when outside, as soon as the door of Matt's flat had shut behind them, they were all over each other on the sofa. After several minutes of caressing and passionate kissing, it was Matt who spoke first.

"It looks like it's your turn to sleep on the sofa tonight."

"Eh? Why would I…" then she saw Matt smile, and punched him on the arm.

"Ow. Unless, you might like to sleep somewhere else…"

They kissed again. Matt then gently picked Jenna up and carried her towards the bedroom…

The next morning was a lovely day, the sun shining through a gap in Matt's bedroom curtains, so Matt turned his head to avoid the rays. It also enabled him to study Jenna's beautiful face again, as she lay asleep next to him. She looked so calm and peaceful, and Matt hoped that inside she was also at peace, that the turmoil and pain of the last few months was over. He knew that work commitments would mean that sometimes they would be apart, an occupational hazard for actors working on different productions, but he had every intention of spending as much time with her as he could. He tenderly kissed her on the forehead, which woke her up. Jenna dreamily opened her eyes to see Matt gazing back at her, and everything was good in the world.

After breakfast, Jenna returned home to her own flat. Her flatmates had all gone to work, so it was empty, which she didn't mind, as she needed space to think. The first thing she did was text Richard.

Richard, I now appreciate why you did what you did yesterday, thank you. Touch wood, Matt and I can make it together. I hope we can stay friends, I will always treasure the time we spent together, you're the best. Jen

Richard smiled weakly when he received the message, it was a relief that things were working out well for Jenna, and that his sacrifice hadn't been in vain, but deep down he still felt sad about letting Jenna go. He remembered all the good times they'd spent together in their early days, and hoped Matt and Jenna's relationship wouldn't go the same way, with work pressures driving them apart.

Richard met up with Matt and Jenna later that week, it was a strange atmosphere, as on all previous occasions, Richard and Jenna would have been sat together, and holding hands, whereas this time Matt and Jenna sat together on Matt's sofa, with Richard in a separate armchair, though out of respect for him, they stayed demurely apart. Both wished Richard well, he was due to fly back to LA the next day. As for Matt, while he had offers from the US, he made it clear that for the foreseeable future he would be staying in the UK.

The following weekend, Jenna drove back to Cardiff. After a lovely week, it was sad to return to her cold, empty flat, and not see his gangly body sprawled out on the sofa. Matt had promised to come up to Cardiff regularly, and indeed he would be a regular visitor to Cardiff over the remaining months of the Series 8 shoot, and not just Jenna's flat…

One day in filming, Gary the floor manager took Jenna aside.

"Jenna, we've got a bit of a break in filming now while we rearrange the set dressing. You might as well grab a tea in the canteen, it'll take at least half an hour."

"Ok, you know where I'll be if I'm needed again."

As Jenna walked off, Gary winked at Peter Capaldi behind her back.

Jenna walked into the canteen, and was horrified by what she saw. It was Matt, but his head was covered in bandages, and his arm was in a sling.

"Hello Jen" Matt spoke quietly.

"Oh my god, Matt what happened?"

"Casualty" Matt replied sadly.

"I can see you've been into casualty, but what happened?"

"No, Casualty!" Matt beamed. "The BBC medical drama also filmed in these studios. Moff had a word with them, and the writers wrote me into the script. I have a horrible accident filming a top BBC show, and am rushed to hospital, it's very exciting."

"You rotten sod!" Jenna laughed. "You'll need real hospital treatment once I've finished with you!"

"It's very exciting being on a different set, and some of the nurses are very nice."

"I don't wish to know about your dodgy fantasies, thank you very much!"

"I think you do. Especially as most of them involve you!"

"Most of them?"

"Well the non football ones, anyway."

"It's good to see you Matt."

"And you too Jen. I'm needed on set now, are you free tonight?"

"Of course, unless you expect me to wear a nurse's uniform!"

Matt and Jenna hugged carefully, so as not to damage Matt's carefully arranged bandages. Reunited one last time at Roath Lock, Jenna thought back to the final words she spoke to Matt at these studios.

"Please don't change."

And while her Doctor had changed, her Matt Smith hadn't changed, and would always be there for her.

The End

Well probably. This is the end of my little tale, at some point in the future I may extend it or write a direct sequel, but I think I've written enough scenes of Jenna crying for the time being, and need to give the poor girl a break :-)

Seeing Jenna at the NTA awards, she looked a bit sombre without Matt by her side, you do wonder...

Thanks for all the reviews. I have an idea for my next story, so watch this space!