Small things can cause large beginnings.

"person or ceph speaking."

Chp 3: Why they fight. Part 2

Isaac opens his eyes only to shut them when a bright light enters them. He groans and blocks the light with his hand. His eyes readjust themselves to the light. He blinks as the surroundings become clear. He is in a small hut with a basket full of fish in the corner and a table for eating in the right corner. He groans as he tries to push himself up. To his right is a small table with a picture on it. Isaac looks out the window and sees nothing but water and a small beach.

' I must've washed up on a small island and somebody found me.' Isaac thinks while trying to get out of the bed. He flinches as his body disagrees with him. Foot steps catch his attention. He looks toward the door and a African American man steps through it. Tall with bright blue eyes. He is wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of tan shorts. The man smiles and begins to speak.

"Hey there. You okay?" The man asks with a smile.

Isaac nods his head and tries to speak but his throat is dry and all that comes out is a dry whisper. The man frowns before grabbing a small glass and filling it with water. He hands it to Isaac. Isaac grabs it and drinks it. The cool liquid calms his throat and soothes his pain slightly. He coughs slightly. He looks at the man and says.

"Thank you. For the water and I guess saving me." Isaac says with a nod and a weak smile. The man smiles and sits in a chair.

"You're welcome. And why did you have a c.e.l.l. uniform on? Aren't you too young to join the military?" The man says while leaning forward.

Isaac glares at the man and says "I shouldn't give out any information without knowing my savior or jailers name."

The man blinks and chuckles "My name is Laurence Barnes and yours?"

Isaac thinks on the name slightly before smiling and saying " Isaac Altair. It's nice to meet you Laurence Barnes."

Isaac sticks out his hand for a shake and Laurence grabs his with his large hand and they shake.

Laurence leans back slightly " So about the military uniform?" Laurence asks with a raise of he eyebrow.

Isaac blushes slightly but answers " I was on my way to the Lingshan Islands to see my mother and aunt but the ship I was on was attacked."

Laurence raises a eyebrow and asks " Why were you on the ship though? Your too young to be military and who attacked you."

"My mother and aunt are high-ranking officials in c.e.l.l. and they had the chance to see me. So they took the chance and I was put on the closest ship going to the Lingshan Islands. And who attacked us? Well i doubt you would believe me." Isaac says while trying to sit up.

Laurence pushes him back down and Isaac glares at him.

Laurence closes his eyes and asks " Who is your mother and aunt? And try me. I've seen a lot of things in my life."

Isaac looks at him and says " My mother is Candice Altair second in command of c.e.l.l and my aunt is Tara Strickland, the head of c.e.l.l."

Laurence blinks in shock. This kid is the nephew that Tara talked about so much?

Isaac begins again " We were attacked by the ceph."

Laurence's eyes narrow and he flexes his hand. Isaac looks at Laurence gauging his reaction.

Laurence asks with urgency in his voice " I thought the ceph left earth after Prophet destroyed one of their war ships?"

"So did I but I guess some stayed on earth." Isaac says with a shrug of the shoulders.

Isaac yawns and feels his body tell him to sleep. Laurence blinks before pushing Isaac further into the bed. He covers Isaac with some blankets and says

"Looks like you need some more rest. You should be better tomorrow. Sleep tight Isaac." Laurence says while pulling down a pair a bamboo shades.

Isaac nods his head and starts to close his eyes. Soon after soft breathes are heard from Isaac. Laurence smiles before frowning. The suit keeps telling him to take the kid into the mountains. The waypoint leads to were the ceph war began. A larger question formed in his mind.

'Why are the ceph still here? I thought they left and why did they leave this kid alive? Why is the suit reacting to him?' These questions riddled Laurences mind.

He looks at the mountains behind his little hut. He narrows his eyes and starts to walk down the beach. He has a mission to do and he intends to complete it. Laurence was there for one moment before he disappears. The cloak of the suit activated and made Laurence an invisible monster.

In the distance, a c.e.l.l. base is seen. Laurences objective is clear. Find out as much information that he can about Isaac and his mother.

The next day.

Isaac groans and blinks as his eyes readjust to the morning light. He smells something cooking and looks to his left. Smoke is seen rising from what Isaac could guess was a fire. He moves the blanket from his legs and stands up from the bed. He moves and is surprised by how little he is feeling. He smiles and walks toward the door with small steps. The bright sun awaits him and he looks at the yellow sand and the blue ocean. Sea salt permeates the air and Isaac can feel the sand blow throw the air.

He looks to his left to see Laurence cooking a large fish. Laurence notices him and waves him over. Isaac walks over and sits down in the warm sand. Laurence looks at him with a smile and asks.

"Do you like fish?" He asked with a piece of the fish in his hand.

Isaac nods his head and says thank you before grabbing the fish and biting into it. The fish was covered delicately in spices and the flavor danced around his tongue. Soon after Isaac had eaten three more pieces and one bottle of water. He looks at the ocean and notices ships sailing. He looks at Laurence and asks a question.

" Um, where am I exactly?" Isaac asks with a tilt of the head.

Laurence looks at him and chuckles. " You are located on one of the main islands surrounding the Lingshan Islands."

Isaac blinks and gasps slightly. He was near the Lingshan Islands, which means either his mother and aunt have sent a search party or they know where he was. He stands up and looks around the area. Lush green jungle surrounds the mountains and hills. Laurence stands up and points toward a small shack near the hut.

" Your clothes are in there." Laurences says while putting out the fire.

Isaac nods at him and jogs toward it. Minutes later Isaac comes out in his military attire. Covered with small burn marks and covered in cuts, it looks like he walked out of a war. Isaac looks himself over and smiles fondly at the name tag. Laurence glances at him and smiles as he notices Isaacs fondness of his last name. He wipes his hand with a wag and waves Isaac over.

Isaac walks over and Laurence hands him something. Isaac looks at it and stumbles. It was a black and orange dog tag. It read 'Prophet.' and below it read 'Laurence Barnes.' Isaac looks up and Laurence it gone. Sitting in the sand is a glass of water. Isaac looks around frantically trying to find Laurence but he can't find him. Isaacs thoughts are racing.

' The prophet has taken care of me for the past two days!'

Isaac begins to pace the ground and talk to himself. Before long his throat is dry do to his ranting. Isaac grabs the glass of water and sniffs it. He dips his finger in it and puts it in the sunlight. When no irregularities is seen, Isaac drinks it. He finishes and starts to stumble. Soon afterward he falls to the ground with a 'thump.' He hears a slight noise and looks up. Laurence is there looking regretful. Laurence begins to speak.

" I'm sorry that I had to do that. But the suit is making me do it. There is something special about you and the ceph or the suit wants it. I'm sorry."

Isaac vision starts to darken and for some reason, Isaac believes him.

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I'm in a new semester and i'm trying to focus on my grades. I hope this chapter is good and if you have any tips leave them in the review section below. Thanks! This is Luckyplains13 signing out.