Chapter 30- Luigi?

Luigi popped out of the green warp pipe to land in the soft soil. Japanese Cherry Blossom pedals filled the ground and in the distance a little building was hidden in the trees.

"And weegee made it!" Luigi celebrated as he wormed towards the building. As he walked, he stumbled across a pond with a blonde girl jumping around in it. She had a tall hat on and she dressed in purple.

"Hmmm, very interesting looking man!" the girl exclaimed. "Wait a moment..."

The girl hopped next to Luigi and examined his clothes. "OH MY MUSHROOMS! YOU'RE LUIGI!" she screamed with joy. She hopped and hugged him.

"WAAAAH!" Luigi screamed as he thought he was being attacked.

"Nice to finally meet you mister Luigi! I'm Suwako!" she said.

"Uhhh hello", he answered.

She let go of him.

"Sanae will be so happy to see you!"

"Kochiya right?"

"Of course!"

Luigi crossed his arms. "OH YEAH!"

"Come inside!" Suwako yelled as she grabbed his right arm and pulled him inside. The two walked through the hallways and passed a girl with purple hair. Luigi saw this girl sitting on a log staring off to the sky. He ignored her and continued to Sanae.

"SANAE! SOMEONE IS HERE TO SEE YOU!" Suwako screamed. She threw Luigi against the wall. "Just wait here!" she said as she left.

Luigi sat and sat excited to meet Sanae finally. Now he can show Mario that he doesn't need a year to get a girlfriend. Being yourself is the true rule in trying to be in a relationship. He heard a gasp a couple of feet away. Luigi turned to see the green-haired girl covering her mouth. He stood up and put his head down shying away a little.

"Uhhh, uh, hello, you must be Sanae-" Luigi put his head up to see the Shrine Maiden grab his waist and hugged him. She was swinging him in circles as she giggled away.

"LUIGI!" she screamed joyfully as he blushed.

Sanae carried him to her room filled with pictures of Luigi. She even had the Year of Luigi special statue from Club Nintendo. Luigi was thrown on to Sanae's bed as she fell next to him.

"You came all this way to find me?" she asked.

Luigi blushed a deep red as he struggled to say anything.

"You're so cute when you blush!"

When Luigi was about to mumble a word, Sanae put her finger on his mouth shushing him. "I told Suwako and Kanako the next time I'll wear my school unifrom is when I meet you, you know the one I wear for photo shoots?"

"You'll do- doo do that fo me-e?" Luigi replied smiling and shaking.

"Just for you!" she repeated smiling. "Just give me a minute to put it on!"

Sanae left the room as Luigi did his Supersatr Saga dance.

"GO LUIGI! NUMBER ONE!" he yelled. But his dance was cut short when he examined the pictures. She had pictures of him in every single game he appeared in. And his spare hat... and his clothes from the anime... and his underwear... AND some of his hair... AND the blood he lost during the fight with King Boo in the first Luigi's Mansion... AND a jar of his saliva.

"Wait a minute..." Luigi spoke. He found out that she had more than an obsession... as he found an empty case where his HEAD was supposed to go. "BRAAAAAH?" he got scared as he looked for a way out. "Maybe coming here was a bad idea-"

He heard knocking on the door.

"I'M REAAAAAAAAAAAADY!" Sanae said joyfully. "Luigi?" she opened the door to see the window opened and the green plumber gone.

Luigi was running away from the building screaming. When he looked back, Sanae was flying towards him with sparkly eyes.

"LUIGI!" she giggled.

Luigi continued to scream. When faced back forward crying.


And... that's the ball game!
I would like to thank everyone who has helped me write (or type) this story. Thank you so much for helping me throughout the five months!
What? A happier ending for Luigi? He did get a happy ending!
I will type another Mario/Touhou Project in the summertime of 2014. Sorry if the finale took so long to type! I had Personal Project to complete and it was frustarating!
And on that note, I sleep.
Meh heh heh
-Dark Bones