I don't own MBAV. I hope you like this one. Please please review. The creature is based off a real legend. It's not well knows so if you don't like the creature I didn't make it up : ) I really hope you like it. Review please.

…Outside school…

Rory, Ethan and Benny were relaxing in the sun. Everything in Whitechapel finally calmed down. There were no monster attacks, no evil vampires out for revenge, and no portals sucking people into other dimensions. "We better get to class" Ethan said, getting moans from the other boys. "Come on benny. We have class together" Ethan said, grabbing his hand and walking into the school. No one was looking at them weird anymore. After the two boys started dating some of the other people stared at them. Even teachers seemed a little shocked. Wait Benny told Ethan as a tall girl walked past them. She had gray hair, blue eyes and was holding her books to her chest. The new girl stared at her schedule looking confused. "Need some help" Benny offered? The tall girl jumped, surprised. Her books fell to the floor and the two boys bent down to help. "No" she told them. "I can do this by myself. Get to class." But Ethan grabbed her books anyway and handed them to her. He was pulled into a vision. It was less like a vision and more like her feelings. The seer felt fear and sadness. He sensed guilt and dread. Without thanking them the girl rushed away. "I had a vision" Ethan said. "She's in pain, a lot of pain." "We can talk to her later but now we have to go to class" Benny told him. For the rest of the day Ethan saw glances of the new girl. She was always tucked away, hidden from other people, trying not to draw attention to herself. She hurried to her classes, talking to no one." Every time Benny and him tried to approach her she saw them and got away. Towards the end of the day Benny had forgotten about the girl, just pushed her to the back of his mind. Even Ethan felt like he was forgetting her at times. Sarah joined the two of them at Benny's locker after school. "Have you seen the new girl" Ethan asked her? "Oh yea, she's in my math class. I completely forgot about her" Sarah told him. "I had a vision when I touched her" the seer said. "Oh God not another demon" Erica moaned as she joined them. "I'm not doing anything about it" She said sharply. "I'm going to relax. I have a date tonight and I can't miss it. It's time for some Erica time." "What did you see" Sarah asked, concerned. "I felt her feelings. She's scared and sad" Ethan whispered, as a group of teachers passed. "We need to follow her" Sarah said. "Just because she's sad, doesn't mean she's good." I can track her with a spell, I think" Benny said unconvincingly. "It's better than nothing" Ethan agreed. "Lorem ipsum, ostende, nos" Benny recited from his book. "She's passing the auto shop. "Grab on" Sarah told them. Grabbing her hands, they raced to the auto shop.

…Auto Shop…

"We have to be silent" Sarah told them, looking at Benny. "What" he asked, offended? "Well you did trip over those toys when we were hunting the troll" Ethan said. "One time and you're pegged for life" Benny mumbled. "Or when you screamed like a girl when you saw the fairy's second head" Sarah added. "It looked like a shark. Of course I screamed" He scoffed. "Let's just get going." The group followed the new girl. She turned three times as if she was trying to loose someone. Finally when she was satisfied that she wasn't being followed she entered the woods. They traveled for almost two miles into the forest when she stopped in a clearing. Off to the edge there a tiny shack made out of branches and mud. "This is where she lives" Benny asked a little too loud? "Who's there" she called. "Hi again" Ethan smiled walking into the clearing. "You followed me" she yelled at him! "Why did you come here? Obviously I don't want you so leave." She puffed up her chest and tried to look scary, unsuccessfully. "We can help you" Benny said, entering the clearing. Sarah followed right behind. "Please leave me" She begged, tears in her eyes. "We know you're not normal" Ethan told her. She scurried a few feet back. "But that's ok we are different too. I'm a seer, Benny is a spell master and Sarah is a vampire. Don't worry a good one" Ethan said trying to comfort her. "Go away" she yelled, throwing her arms out. Please I need to be alone. "I think we should go Sarah said to the others. The three left leaving the girl crying on the ground.

…Benny's House…

Ethan and Benny lay in Benny's bed making out. "We have some time before grandma gets home" whispered Benny. Ethan threw his shirt to the floor and kicked his pants to the floor. Benny kissed the other boy's neck. Trailing a line of kissed down Ethan's stomach, he reached his tight underwear. Ethan shivered as Benny pulled down the last piece of clothing down with his teeth. "Fuck me Benny" Ethan told him. "Really? Can't I blow you first" benny asked, a little surprised. "I need your dick up my ass right now" Ethan commanded. Benny smiled wickedly and began to remove his clothes. When Benny pulled off his underwear there was a knock on the window. Both boys jumped and covered themselves. Rory smiling gesturing them to open the window. "Bing fulmine ictum Rory" Benny spoke. "Ow" screamed Rory as a bolt of lightning hit him. Benny closed the drapes and they put on their close. "Right when Rory leaves" Benny promised. "You can come in Rory" Benny called, opening the window. Jumping up to the windowsill the blond vampire looked at them angrily. "You did interrupt us at a bad time" Ethan defended. Rory just laughed. "Wow you guys are big down there" Rory commented. "Personal space" Ethan yelled. "Why are you here" Benny sighed. "Oh yea. I was flying to Erica's house, to ask her to go to this concert with me when BAM. I fly right into this thing" Rory said enthusiastically. "What kind of thing" Ethan asked. "It was really hairy and gray. It had glowing red eyes and really smelled" Rory told them. "We should call grandma" Ethan said. "Really" Benny moaned. "Can't we let this one slide? Just this once?" "You should probably stay too" Ethan said to Rory. Grandma will want to know what you saw. Benny moaned and picked up the phone.