Snow and the teenage girl both woke to a male voice booming from the sky, watching giant airships, gunships and the Pulse fal'Cie come out from their man-made sky. Snow staggered himself clumsily and so did the girl, who looked close to crying at the mess around them and the pain she felt. Snow had one thing on his mind at that moment of seemingly eminent death. Serah. Soon both were walking around, making their way towards where other survivors were. The girl saw Snow practically run to his burly, tan friend when he was in sight. Elevating the unconscious male, Snow patted his face. When Snow got no reply, the girl saw he started to treat him rather ruffly, slapping him repeatedly until he awoke. When he did he took to clutching his wounded shoulder and looked out in front of him to see so many dead, citizens and soldiers alike. He looked out to Snow.

"What about the others?" Snow sighed and looked away from his friend with a sigh. The burly man looked out to the girl and, even though she started to calm down, she looked to be on the verge of tears again, holding herslef with her arms. He started to get desperate. "They didn't die! They couldn't have died!" Snow looked to be bitter.

"Of course not." The burly man hoisted himself off the ground and stood up, trying to loosen up his injured shoulder. When he looked to see Snow still in a saddened state he started to get ruff with him too.

"Get a grip, man! What's wrong with you?" At that, Snow muttered out the last words the white haired woman spoke to him before she fell.

"'Get him home.' Get who home?" Before Snow could give anymore thought the ground started to tremble below them. The three looked out into the distance to see airships falling out of the sky. Snow looked to the ground to see what his friend was referring to. Snow threw him the gun.

"Catch." Suddenly the girl saw Snow's friend turn his gun on him, the girl flinched back with a gasp while Snow voiced both of their thoughts. "What are you doing?"

"What are you afraid of, huh? You're supposed to be the hero." He ended the statement with a chuckle, trying to sheer his friend up. He then then gestured with his head upward toward the fal'Cie. "She's up there ain't she? Your lovely bride-to-be. Isn't it about time you picked her up?" At this, Snow looked up in determination. Silently thanking his friend for getting him out of his funk.

"Yeah." Then the trio looked out at the rumbling coming from the sky to see bikes floating out to a relatively close distance. The girl saw the two were about to head out towards and started looking for a weapon of her own. When Snow heard the rustling he looked around as if he forgot the teenager was even with them. He saw the way the saddness in her eyes was replaced by a little bit of fire and she looked out, determined. When he saw her scurry over to the two of them Snow let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes while his friend let out a chuckle.

"You've got spunk, kid. I like that. What's your name?" She looked to have lost her voice the way she opened and closed her mouth before answering him.

"Hinata, eh?" He reached out his fist she that she could hit it with his. "I'm Gadot. And I'm sure you've met this big softy, Snow, right?" Hinata Smiled with a nod. "Okay, Hinata come on." Gadot signaled for her to stay low and quiet from where they could see the enemy. Snow let out a sigh, he really did not want a repeat of what happened earlier.

"You stay close and out of their way, okay?" Hinata looked up at Snow with a nod, and Snow noticed he slightly scared her a bit. He got down close to eye level.

"I don't want you to pull another hero stunt, okay?" He looked to her with a slight smile. "That's my job." He was happy when he saw the warmth brought back to her face. He looked out into the distance, in the general direction of where the bikes landed.

"There's our ride." Gadot let out a chuckle before starting out into the fray.

"Now you're talking." Then and there the trio set out towards the bikes.

"Hey, Gadot! Don't go rushing in on your own!" The trio walked on, weaving in and out through crates and debris before finaly reaching the patrolling soldiers. The three took cover close by.

"On me." The other two nodded to Snow. Snow held up three fingers, and when the last finger signaled to go, Gadot let out a war cry and emptied his gun out on his frustrations. When Gadot jumped out into the open, Hinata only rolled out lowly on the floor so there would be a lower chance at her getting shot herself, and also opened fire. In the midst of the frenzy the two caused, Snow ran out to finish the job. When all was said and done the three hooped into their rightly earned bikes.

"That's a sad sound." Gadot looked to his bike confused. "Where's the soul?" Snow just sighed at he got into his and looked up to the fal'Cie in the sky.

"Hey, Gadot." Snow waited for Gadot to acknowledge him. "When you don't know who to save, you just protect them all, right?" Gadot noticed the look on his friend's face.

"Somethin' on your mind? You plenty of time for thinkin' on the way, Hero."

"Yeah." The trio took off, Gadot first, and Hinata with Snow after. Gadot lined up with Snow and they both readied themselves.

"Ready... GO!" They both took off at top speeds, Snow with Hinata yelling out, first in fear, then in delight.

After the mini race the guys started to cruise around until they saw their band of people on one of the bridges. While landing the guys noticed the panic setting in on everyone, so he landed slowly and reasured everyone he was friendly. When Snow and Gadot turned off their vehicles, some of the other NORA leaders and members ran up to they.

"Snow!" One blond that was on the shorter end waved excitedly to them. The others were too coming to welcome him back, and stopped a bit short when they noticed the bundle in his arms. They looked to see the bundle turn around, it turned out to be a teenage girl. She looked to be a bit frazzled, but happy. When she got out she looked like a newborn baby deer that'd never walked before, the way her legs wobbled and gave out from under her as she tried to catch her breath.

"Whoa there Bambi." Gadot chuckled as he helped her up. Snow stayed on the bike after she got out. With all the excitement going on, Gadot whispered to Snow when he was sure no one was paying attention.

"Since when do you care about kids?" He looked away.

"Favor for a friend." The blond from earlier came to Snow out of breath.

"Hey, Snow! You made it!" Everyone gave their greetings before addressing the newcomer. It was the pretty brunette girl from earlier that spoke.

"Who's this one?" This is when Gadot pretty much stopped everyone with a loud, roaring chuckle before introducing her.

"This here is Hinata, and boy she has more courage in her than 20 men combined. Tell them what ya did!" Everyone looked at her in suspense before they noticed she went red in the face from all the attention she as getting. Gadot chuckled. "Don't go gettin' shy now. It was amazing for a little girl to do all those things, she even helped save our dear hero." Everyone looked to Snow for confirmation, he just shook his head in good nature and shrugged.

"What can I say? She did." Hinata didn't exactly agree with Gadot calling her a little girl, but she was grateful he told the story for, and happy that Snow was smiling again, he seemed to be zoning in and out a lot. In the midst of the conversation Hinata noticed a white haired boy looking bitterly in her direction while talking to a pretty girl with pink hair. When the boy noticed he had been caught looking he looked away. What's up with him? Hinata zoned back into the conversation to hear Snow question the safety of the people and to see two of the guys in the group do supposedly heroic poses together.

"The army's no match for NORA!" Everyone was laughing and having a good time. They almost forgot about what happened only a couple of hours ago. The laughing was interrupted by the sound of Snow's bike activating.

"I'll swing by the Vestage. Keep the kids out of trouble."

"Ya got it. Say hi to the missus for me." Gadot let out a good natured laugh. "You go Skirt-chasin' and I take care of the kids. Some husband!" Everyone laughed at this.

"Dinner's on me."

"Ya better be home cookin'." Everyone put in their input for the wedding before giving their goodbyes to Snow. After Snow's departure everyone gave their names and started questioning her.



"Lebreau." (I think that's how you spell it.)

"So how did you..." At that time Gadot stepped in to stop everyone not to overwhelm her. Geez, what did I start caring about kids? After some time Hinata started to wander around, but eventually came back to study the other bike that Gadot had. Hinata noticed the girl with pink hair join her by the bike and gave her a small smile before turning away. She got startled when she saw Gadot running toward the bike, with the two kids from earlier on it. The sudden startle caused them to start the bike but quickly lose control of it. The big piece in front of the bike happened to snag onto Hinata's clothing, causing her to scream and kick around, alerting everyone around them of what was happening. By the time anyone got even close to the bike, Hinata was hoisted up to the top of the bike and was holding on for dear life as she went for another ride.