Lucy watched as Natsu got to his knee, pulled out a small box, and reviled a beautiful diamond ring.

"Yes, yes of course!" Lisanna said jumping up and down. Lucy closed the curtain and sat down at the table where Cana was chugging down a large glass of beer. Lucy didn't drink unless she was at a fancy party or if she were out with her friends, but for this she would make an exception.

"What's up Lucy," Cana asked as she refilled her glass. "You don't drink here to offend, but you have been lately." Lisanna's exited shouting about her and Natsu's engagement burst through the front door, answering Cana's question. Lucy quickly gulped the drink and poured herself another one before Lisanna got near the table the two girls were sitting at. "Hi Lisanna! Congrats on the engagement! I'm happy for you!"

"Thank you! For a while there I thought he wasn't going to ask!"

"Why wouldn't he? He loves you with all his heart, I'm pretty sure that he was just planning everything out." Lucy said, lifting the almost empty cup to her mouth.

"Your right! Thank you Lucy! I was afraid that maybe he didn't love me." Lisanna said and skipped away.

"Yeah," Lucy said, waving a drunken had in the air.

"Lucy, you don't need anymore. You have already taken down an entire bottle. You're going to have a bad hang over with this much. You don't need anymore."

Lucy looked at the two bottle's in front of her. She took the full one and stud. "I'm fine, but I'm going to go home. Don't want to pass out here if I do… pass out."

"You're already starting to talk like a drunk. Thank heavens I don't experience what you do, you know having hangovers and stuff like that. I would hate it. Fine if you are so determined, I'll go with you. No one should drink alone."

"Thanks Cana, I guess it would be lonely." Lucy and Cana started out, grabbing a few more bottles as they exited the guild. When they reached the door, Lucy hit someone and stumbled back. She looked up and realized it was Laxus. "Sorry." Laxus stared at her for a bit, then turned and walked away.

"That jerk, can't even say, 'oh it's okay' or 'your good' gosh, but what do you expect! He hasn't said much sense he was accepted back in the guild." Cana turned and headed out the door.

-Lucy's home-

Lucy stared at Cana. "Not like the rest of us?! That's true in one way, you are a terrible drinker. You devour any alcoholic drink in sight!" Lucy pulled a blanket over her drunken friends sleeping body. Lucy had become much more sober after they left the guild, mainly because when they got to her house Cana had drunken most of the bottles before they had reached the door. When they got inside she downed the rest and a few bottles of wine that Lucy had hidden away for New Years. "You're a wonderful friend you know that! You were right! If I had gotten really drunk while I was confused, I probably would have gone and destroyed the friendship I have between Natsu and Lisanna. Thank you!" Lucy got to her feet and walked outside to get some fresh air. She walked out and sat down on the edge of the river. A tear rolled down her face without her consent . Another fell to the water and another landed on her black pants. Lucy tried to wipe them away, but more quickly replaced them. She pulled her knees into her chest and allowed herself to cry.

"Natsu, I know I should be happy for you and Lisanna. I know that sense the day you found out she was still alive, you had hoped and wanted to be with her. So why is it that my heart is breaking, why is it that I wish Lisanna had never come?! Why is it that I still loved you after you asked her to go out with you?! Why is it that… that I still love you?!" Lucy ran a hand over her right check, wiping away the stream for a second before the tears quickly soaked her check again. "Natsu, why didn't you tell me what you were going to do?" Lucy quickly got to her feet , hoping that if she got her mind off of the thought of Natsu the tears would stop. She turned around and ran into something hard. "I don't remember a poll bein…." Lucy looked up, not finishing her sentence when she noticed it wasn't a poll, but a person. "Sorry about that."

"Your fine." A familiar voice said, offering a hand to help her up. Lucy grabbed the hand and got to her feet. "Are you okay?" The voice asked.

"I'm fine, Laxus. Thank you." Lucy turned, looking once more at the river that copied the starry sky. That river held her tears. It was her friend she talked to when she couldn't talk to any of her friends. Lucy turned and relised that Laxus was still standing next to her. She moved to go around him. He stepped in front of her. She moved the opposite direction, and he moved in front of her again. "What do you want?" All that answered her was silence. She moved to go around him and he stepped in her way. "Laxus stop this I need…."

"You need what?" Laxus said, his usual harassment humor gone.

"I… I need…."


"I need to get away from you for one thing!" Lucy nearly yelled, tears burning at her eyes. She couldn't cry in front of this man.

"Why?" Laxus asked moving in front of Lucy as she tried to get away.

"Because I… I don't want you to…." Lucy moved again, but Laxus blocked her path.

"You don't me to what?" Laxus asked.

"To see me cry!" Lucy cried, falling to her knees as tears rolled from her eyes. Laxus bent down in front of her and cupped his hand around her cheek. She looked up surprised by his action. He bent in a little closer and….

"What are you doing to Lucy!" They both turned to see Natsu running up with Happy flying right behind him. Lucy looked at Natsu, begging that he would come any closer. She turned away and watched as a shooting star flew across the sky.

"Natsu, Lucy doesn't want to see you at the moment." Laxus got to his feet and stud in front of Lucy, guarding her from Natsu's view.

"Let me hear Lucy say that!" Natsu said, trying to see Lucy's face. Laxus looked back, seeing that Lucy really didn't want to speak, but knew that if she didn't Natsu would leave.

"Go… away… Natsu!" Lucy said as she got to her feet. She looked up at him and the tears grew, one making its way down her cheek.

"Lucy? What's wrong?" Happy asked, floating over to her. Lucy turned away and started down the road, but Natsu quickly reached her.

"Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you right now!" Lucy said turning towards the river on accident. She tried to turn a different way, but Happy blocked it. She backed up and noticed that Laxus was trying to get over to them as quickly as he could.

"Lucy, tell me what's wrong?" Natsu asked, stepping closer to Lucy. She could tell he was really concerned about her, but she was too upset to really care too much. She backed up a bit more and her foot slipped. Natsu grabbed for her, but his hand slipped and she fell in the water.