S'up, here posting, enjoy I guess, making a one-shot where its rosario-vampire in the Naruto world which will also double as a one shot for something else. Look forward to it I guess. sadly it won't be next week though. Oh yeah I'm thinking of starting a Ren Py project too, maybe take fanfic to the next level hehehehe, but realistically if it does end up working it'll be in a year or two. Lets see if i can keep this pace going!

I don't own Naruto or Rasario+vampire.

"Well I guess the handbook should have been clearer" Rocco said, unaware that the two boys behind him were pale as ghost. "But it's just a matter of logic isn't it? This academy's main focus is to teach monsters how to be human, in both in public and in private."

"Uh yeah..." Naruto said, already somewhat recovered from the shock. He started looking around and found that his room was in the hall way that Rocco was looking down at. He then grabbed Tsukune's shoulder, which twitched and as he let out a voiceless scream. "My room's that way."

And just as the duo were about to go to his room they were both stopped by Rocco. "Now hold up a bit, as Resident Chief Assistant I have to say this. Meaning you two need to hear it. THE SAME GOES FO' ALL OF YOU DUMBASSES!" He yelled down the hall. "Look, we have an advantage coming to an institution like this one that humans don't have," Rocco began.

"We can smoke all we want?" One of the hall's residences asked.

"No...I mean you can smoke but that's not it."

"We can get into brawls and a teacher might not care at all" asked another residence.

"No, and they do care."

"We can throw sick parties" another asked.

"Other schools also have sick parties" he said offhandedly.

"Yeah, but they're way too strict about it!"


"We can have pets?" Naruto asked in a bit of low tone as he rubbed Kurama's scalp to keep him from growling, he felt he should add something lest they discover something amiss among him and Tsukune.

"No, though that is a good advantage. You know, stress reliever and all that."

Naruto then nudged Tsukune shoulder prompting him to say something. "Oh uh, we have a lot more freedom?"

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! WOULD Y'ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Rocco's yell could be heard from the entire floor, scaring just about every guy on the floor shitless. Suddenly everyone was back in their human form and scared shitless of Rocco. So as result they were all quiet. "Good. Now, graduating from this academy can pretty much get you into any human college, well, that is if your grades and human interactions are good for it. And let me tell you, humans have it rough because colleges don't have much space and don't even bother with inadequate humans. Because of this, humans are put in a constant competition with each other in order to get into a good college. We" he used his hands to motion everyone, "are not. Granted, many of you might not want to go to college in the human world. But for those of you who do, this is your advantage. So I suggest you make full use of it."

"Wait so we can get into any college so long as we graduate with a good enough grade" asked a guy with a hoodie that his entire face, I mean you couldn't even see his hair let alone his-wait...It's the guy with the PSP who was in the group of the silent nine in the school courtyard earlier.

"And you also get financial assistance no questions asked" Rocco finished with a nod.

"Cool" he said as he went back to playing on his PSP.

"And that's it...NOW GET BACK TO GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL, YA FOOLS!" And just like that everyone ran into their rooms. Everyone but Naruto and Tsukune and the guy with the PSP. The guy with the PSP just gave a grunt of acknowledgment as he walked backwards into his room and used his foot to close the door. "Now you two bitches stay out of trouble and respect nature" Rocco said to Naruto and Tsukune.

"YES ROCCO-SENPAI!" They both yelled as they ran forward and then they both walked into a room that was marked 37. Rocco just raised a brow at the duo's action. Then when he heard two screams come from the room he ignored it and started walking.

"Tch. They get weirder every year" he mumbled as he walked to his room.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Both boys screamed from the top of their lungs in Naruto's room. Then they both stopped when they heard a loud banging coming from the walls.



"SORRY" both Naruto and Tsukune yelled.


"I thought you said this wasn't a school for-you know," Tsukune asked in a harsh whisper and with a panicked look in his eyes.

"I was wrong, okay! I was wrong!" Naruto replied in the same manner. "My reasoning made sense at the time!"

"Well now what!"

"The handbook!" Naruto yelled as he ran to his bag and pulled the handbook that was still in its wrapper. He turned to see Tsukune with his own handbook in hand. They both sat down on the futon and removed their handbooks from the wrappers. Then they began looking page to page for anything relating to human, which was a lot by the way! "Found it!" Naruto said as he placed his finger on the spot.

"What's it say! What's it say!" Tsukune asked rapidly.

"Uh...'In the unlikely event that a human is found on the academy's campus ground,'" Naruto began to recite the section word for word "'They are to be ap-apprehended, then questioned, and then, uh, killed on the spot...or something...okay I forgot.'"

Both boys were silent for a moment before Naruto calmly stood up and closed his book. He then took pitcher stance and threw the book at window yelling: "WHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS SHIT!" The book broke the window and fell down the other side.

"Um..." Tsukune said getting Naruto's attention. Naruto squat down and swiped Tsukune's handbook and saw what he was looking at...the first page.

"'Written by someone very important a veeeeeeery long time ago and he or she is, in all likelihood, now dead. The handbook was recently completely reedited by Ms. Shizuka Nekonome'..." Suddenly both boys imagined her in her classroom with her eyes closed giving them a teasing smile and let out a quick "Nya-uhm~"

Naruto silently closed the book as he mentally shook the thought away while standing up. And then he went back into a pitcher position.

"Wait Naruto don't!" Tsukune tried to stop Naruto from throwing his book, but at lass, his voice fell on death ears...well it was actually drowned out by Naruto's own voice.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, DATTEBAYO!" And he threw Tsukune's book at the window breaking it even more as it fell back down to earth on the other side.

"My handbook..." Tsukune said with a solemn look, as if the book could save their lives.

"Ring-Ring-Ring! Ring-Ring-Ring! Phone Call-Phone Call!" yelled a skull with a high pitch voice. The skull sat on desk next to the typewriter. It first glance the skull looked like it was imitating an old model 500 telephone. The skull was on top of a rotary dial with the basic 10 numbers with the addition of a red and green button on the bottom corners of the white corners of the telephone; but it didn't seem like you could remove anything to answer the phone, must be what the green and red buttons are for.

"Hello?" Naruto asked as he pressed the green button while looking for a speaker or something. Then he stopped and did a double take on the skull. "Wait a minute, what the hell! This wasn't here this morning, dattebayo!"

"HELLO!" sounded out the voice of Moka from the skull's moving jaw.

"MOKA!" Both Naruto and Tsukune cried out in horrid surprise.

"Yep, I bet you guys have never seen a legit skull phone before in the human world. They copy facial expressions just through the tone of your voice! And it also works like an alarm instead of just a phone!" The skull blushed, which was wrong on a lot of levels. "It's like the cute snails from the human anime One Piece only it's more like Achmed the dead terrorist!"

"Uh okay, but how did you know my number? I don't know my number! I didn't even know I had a room phone!"

"Oh I dialed the school operator and asked him for your room number. So how do you and Tsukune like your rooms?"

"Oh we're just swell, we're in my room at the moment," he said sarcastically before he did another double take. "Wait the school has an operator?"

"Yep," the school projected Moka's enthusiastic voice with a very enthusiastic smile, it even had its eyes closed which was freaking impossible! It was a skull! Then again how the hell was it smiling? "Just dial six-six-six to get the operator!"

"Uh...I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon," Naruto said thinking about what the set of numbers represented.

"Oh! And the phone also comes with a pre-programmed censor that blocks naughty words! MMMMMMM..." The skull hummed while it blushed like a cherry while shaking in what appeared to be anticipation or hesitation. Then finally she yelled with a smile on the skulls face as she yelled every bad word she knew "BIT-*BEEP*, FU-*BEEP*, CU-*BEEP*, DA-*BEEP*,SH-*BEEP*, P-*BEEP*!"

Naruto just kept staring at the skull, not knowing if he should say something. Eventually he decided to say, "Cool story..."

"So, are we still meeting in an hour? It's just that I really need the time to organize my room. I just found all my stuff in boxes and I realized that I do need to get Shampoo and conditioners...as well as a toothbrush...and toothpaste...and a hairbrush…and…ah" she admitted while the skull mimicked her sheepish look and then the skull blushed deep red as it trembled a bit. "T-t-tam-other things."

"Uh..." Naruto looked at Tsukune in desperation and gave him a frantic gesture to help him out. But Tsukune just shrugged and shook his head. He just found out that the school was indeed for monsters and that the girl at the other end of the skull was a monster, a monster that had sucked his blood! What the hell were he supposes to do, never mind helping Naruto! "Yeeeeeeah" he said awkwardly, "One hour! Yeah! Sounds good! See ya then, got to fix my room and all! BYE!"

"By-!" They didn't hear her finish because Naruto had pressed the red button and the skull fell dead.

"Why did you agree?" Tsukune asked frantically.

"Well sorry, I didn't know what else to do!"

Then they were both silent as they tried to figure out what to do. "Alright let's not panic," Naruto said as he moved to his futon. He sat down and grabbed his head and began to do a few breathing exercises. Tsukune for his part just laid his back on the wall and slid down doing a few breathing breaths of his own. And that's how they were, they stayed were they were as they tried to work it out in their heads for five minutes. In the end they got nothing.

"Were screwed," Naruto said with a smiled, staring at the floor with still holding his head, "Heh-hahahhaha-uh…were so screwed…."

"Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-we are aren't we" Tsukune said with the same goofy smile as he rested his head against.

The room was quiet before it was filled with a mixture of the two boy's hopeless laughs.

"Were screwed" they both said in unison as they laughed.

"AHH-this isn't helping," Naruto shouted.

"Y-yeah," Tsukune agreed as he stood up and started walking to the door.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm going to my room and think, all my stuff is there anyway," Tsukune explained as he picked up his bag and shower-caddy.

"Alright," Naruto said as he rubbed his head. "Just be careful and don't do anything stupid, kay?"

"I really don't think you should be talking?"
"The hell is that supposed to mean, dattebayo?" Tsukune simply pointed to the broken window. "Meh, it's probably normal around here."

"If you say so," Tsukune said as he opened the door, "Later."

"Later." And with that, Naruto was sitting alone in his room. He frowned as he unbuttoned his green button green uniform and lied on his futon. For a while he debated going to one of boxes to get the 2" foam memory mattress topper Shizune recommended he get…but then it would be pointless because he'd just run to his bike and drive the hell out of there, leaving it behind before…Well in both scenarios he would still leave it behind…but then he would have to look for it, take it out the packaging, and then set it up right…

He mindlessly stood up and walked to the boxes. He rummaged through the boxes for a minute before he found it along with a pillow and note. It just said "You'll need it" with drawing that resembled Tonton smiling. He smiled as he walked back to his futon as he ripped the topper's covering. He took a while placing it, after he was down he lied down and place the new pillow underneath his head. He smiled once more as he closed his eyes. Then he felt something get on top of his chest, he cracked an eye open to see that it was Kurama curling into a ball. He closed his eyes again as he rested.

It was like he was sleeping on marshmallow. Everything just left him. All the pent up stress, all the shock, all the hunger that began to gnaw on him again, everything that was stacking up on him, it just disappeared. He definitely needed this. Even though he was really tired the night before, the experience was not the best. This is most definitely what he needed to start his new life in the academy…Yokai Academy…Yokai…

"WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING?" Naruto yelled as he sat up straight. Then he heard a growl. He looked down to see Kurama upside down on the floor and currently giving him leer.

"Sorry, buddy," Naruto mumbled apologetically as he scratched the back of his head. Then he stopped and looked at the boxes. "Crap…" Naruto said as the reality of monsters, not psychopathic humans, they were the real genuine article, began to sink in. And at the moment he was at school specifically built for those monsters. Now that he thought about it…it would be stupid to run away. First of all that would scream: "HUMAN! IT'S-A-GOODAMN-HUMAN!" and not to mention, it would put Tsunade and Shizune in danger. While you didn't have to put down what kind of race or monster you were, you did have to put down a billing address…like home…his home…and a list of emergency contacts…family information…a lot of personal info.

"I really am fucked," Naruto groaned as he palmed his head. "Where's Shikamaru when you need him. He'd definitely get us out of this situation..." He fell on his back as he let out a depressed sigh, "and Kiba and Lee would want to stay here…Sakura would call us all idiots…" He was silent for a while. Kurama slowly walked to his side and rested his head on his paws. Naruto moved his right hand to pet him while he watched the ceiling.

"Ow!" Naruto let out as he retracted his hand in order to keep Kurama from biting him again. "Okay I guess I deserved that," Naruto admitted. "Seriously though, what can I do? I mean I could stay, the rules are in my favor." And then Rocco's word came to his mind.

graduating from this academy can pretty much get you into any human college…. And you also get financial assistance no questions asked…

"…Crap…I really am going to do this aren't I," Naruto asked himself. He sat up straight, Kurama rolled away from, not eager to be thrown. "Well…It's not like I can actually afford college without loans. Not with the way she is" Naruto was referring to his guardian's habit of excessive drinking and poor gambles. The lady could be a world renown doctor…but it meant nothing if she couldn't handle her money well. Sure, a letter of recommendation from her can get him into a lot of colleges, but applying for financial aid with his grades (if the past was anything to go by) and his guardian's track record with loans…It wouldn't be much, or rather, the interest rate would be a killer.

"Ugh…this sucks…well it's only for a few years…who knows…Maybe I'll find out if chupacabras are real." Naruto pushed himself up. "Well in that case…ugh…better put my stuff away."

He quickly and greedily prepared and ate one of the frozen meals before doing any chores. After a few minutes of unpacking and putting things in place, Naruto realized he had forgotten to get laundry detergent and find out where the laundry machine is actually at. So as a result, Naruto was now on his way back to the school.

"Now that think about it, the weather is exactly the same as it was yesterday, wasn't it, Kurama," Naruto asked the fox as he walked out the building with his uniform still unbuttoned. "Man it's going to suck to get stuff," he whined as he thought about the trips to the store he would have to make. Kurama jumped off him and ran back into the forest. Naruto smiled as he watched the fox run off. Then his face fell and he palmed himself when he realized he was, once again, in an academy specifically created for monsters. Monsters who like to hunt, and Kurama was pretty rare. Sure you can find bat-eared foxes in Africa, but Kurama isn't of the species. Bat-eared foxes have rounded ears, Kurama's were pointier. Meaning he's one of kind…and unless Naruto wants that to stop that from being a thing than he really needed to put the "special" nail polish on Kurama's claws.

He kept walking until he felt that he bumped into someone, "Oh sorry" was Naruto's instinctive reply. He looked front of him but didn't see anyone. Then he looked down to see a girl with caramel skin and short bright mint green hair on the ground rubbing her head. She was wearing the green school uniform without anything added to it. Honestly, all she was missing was bust and make up and she'd be your typical gyaru.

"Ow…" she moaned.

"Crap! Sorry 'bout that, dattebayo" Naruto apologized as he offered her his hand. She gently accepted it as Naruto hoisted her up to her feet. Then Naruto once again felt like hitting his head, once again he forgot where he was and the girl he was currently holding hands with could potentially gobble him up.

"...its fine…I'm used to people not noticing me..."

"Ah crap," Naruto said already feeling another emotional case coming up, "Sorry, I wasn't looking in the direction I was going." He looked directly into her eyes and noticed that they were orange.

"It's dangerous to walk like that," she said.

"Huh? Oh yeah, again, sorry about that," Naruto apologized with a goofy grin.

"Oh hey…"she began softly "weren't you dragged around but that girl with the alabaster skin and the pink hair along with some other guy?"

"Uh…yeah," he admitted with a depressed sigh. "It was me."

"Well she ran into the woods chasing after the other guy. He was running to the bus in quite a hurry with his bags and stuff," she said as she pointed in the direction of the bus with her right hand which happened to be the same path Naruto was tricked to take earlier that day by a certain blue haired harpy, for all he knew she could really be a harpy.

"Aw shit," Naruto cussed out, cursing Tsukune for not thinking about the situation like he did. Sure Naruto isn't smart by any means but he was intelligent enough to know when his loved ones are in danger. "Um, what direction did they go?" Naruto asked with a certain seriousness in the tone of his voice. The girl kept looking at him as she waved her already pointing arm up and down. "Oh, right, thanks," Naruto yelled as he already began running in the direction.

As Naruto began running the girl with mint green hair stayed behind, standing where she was. She leaned over a little bit and looked at Naruto's disappearing figure. As soon as he was gone she moved her left hand that she was hiding behind her back in front of her. In her hand was a toad purse; she opened it to find a small wad of cash inside with pocket for credit cards and stuff.

"Score~" She said with a smile as she took the cash, leaving behind Naruto's license. She gave the purse a sour face and stuck her tongue out while saying "Bleh!" She turned around and said, "Well, time to get ready for school, ssu," and began to happily skip to school as she threw the purse behind her.

"Goddamnit Tsukune," Naruto gritted out as he ran through the forest. Actually, was it even a forest? There were suddenly a lot of tombstones lying around some even on the dirt path! Monster, graves, what next, a cult? "THIS SUCKS," he yelled. "When I find him, I'mma gonna-oomph!" Once again Naruto crashed into someone when he turned the corner, and like last time he was still on his feet. "The hell," he moaned. He looked in front of him and there was deathly pale girl that was completely out of uniform. She had long light purple hair, blue eyes with a bit of purple on the top corner without a clear pupil, just like a doll's eyes to be honest. She was dressed in a white kimono that was a bit brown now due to the dirt. The odd thing about her was that she looked as if she was melting; she was covered in water droplets that seemed off…actually no, the odd thing was that she a looked a bit familiar to Naruto. She wasn't moving and a morbid thought hit Naruto.

"N-no, no don't tell me…" He bent down next to her and touched her cheek…it was smooth and ice cold, and the drops of water were slushy. His eyes slowly widened, he slowly moved his fingers down to her neck…nothing. Before him was a real corpse. "Holy shit," he murmured under his breath. Not even a day has passed and someone was already dead. Then to his great surprise, the dead girl sat up. "FUUUUUUUAACK!" He shouted as he frantically stood up, but it was too sudden and he fell on his ass.

"You run into me," she began with calm and cool voice, "you knock me down, you don't even apologize, you…toy with my body, and you cursed loudly when you were caught. You're a pretty cold lecher aren't you?"

"HOOOOLY SHIIIIIIIIIT!" Naruto screamed as he ran down passed her, leaving behind a literal trail of dust. The girl just kept looking at the direction the boy left.

"The same…everyone's the same," she said as she stood up. She looked at her hands that were slushy and a bit muddy. "It won't arrive here for while…this place…I hate it..."

"I HATE THIS PLACE, I FUCKING HATE THIS PLACE, DATTEBAYO!" Naruto yelled from the top of his lungs. Actually now he was on the mind of knocking Moka out, getting on the bus and knocking Tsunade and shizune out, bribing Shino to make them fake passports and moving to a new a country….Then he began to mentally berate himself for not taking a language class. Then he began to curse the person responsible for the entire mess, "Fuck you Tsunade!"

"KYAAAAAH!" Naruto stopped running when he heard the scream.

"That's…" He quickly began sprinting to the direction of the sound. He made it to the edge of a hill. Down at the bottom of the hill, Moka was being chased by a tall muscle-lee guy with spines protruding from his neck and-"Saizo?" Naruto said in confusion. He couldn't see well so he squinted. He looked better and it he found that piercings, "fuck that is Saizo. This is what I get for cursing," Naruto muttered to himself.

Then he saw Tsukune tackled the guy, but it didn't do anything, "you idiot!" Naruto quickly began to run down the hill. From the look of things, nothing was going to hurt the guy; at least not on his chest or spines there was only one thing he could do. Naruto ran forward as fast as he could in order to build power.

"Puhahaha," Saizo laughed out in a deeper tone as Tsukune kept on punching his back, "is that really the best you got. I barely feel it. It doesn't even count as a message!" As soon Naruto was close he shouted something.

"KNOCK OUT!" Naruto jumped.

"Huh," Saizo let out in confusion as he turned to look only to see a foot planted into his face, "Ooohmf!" He let out as he fell backwards.

"Cool punching trolls in the head actually works," Naruto said as landed next to Tsukune. Actually now that Naruto got a better look at the troll, he had some sort of bone armor over his muscles.

"Naruto," Tsukune and Moka yelled in surprise.

"That was…a fucking kick," they both heard Saizo mumble as he sat up. He then glared at Naruto while he stood up. "And I…AM A FUCKING ORC!" He ran forward intent on tackling Naruto and Tsukune but both boys ran to the opposite side. He was stunned for a moment but he decided to go left.

"FUUACK!" Naruto rolled forward, just narrowly dodging Saizo who ended up tackling a tree, breaking it from its roots and falling down with it. "Shit," Naruto let out with his eyes wide open and his pupils shrunk, "EVEN FOR A MONSTER THAT'S TOO MUCH, DATTEBAYO!" He quickly got up and ran to Tsukune and Moka. "Tsukune if I don't die today I'm killing you, dattebayo!"

"DOWN!" Moka yelled as she dropped to the ground bring both Naruto and Tsukune to the ground with an incridle amount of force as a whole tree flew above them.

"WAAAAAAH!" Tsukune yelled as the tree broke into chunks when it hit the ground.

"Wow," Naruto couldn't help but say so as he eyed Tsukune's left hand on moka's breast while said person attached to it seemed too terrified of Saizo to notice. "Least you die happy."

"I didn't mean to!"

"Fuck it, all of you are dead!" Saizo yelled as he charged at them.

"WAH!" Tsukune screamed, he reached down to pick up a rock, only to realize that he accidently brought Moka's cross down with him. "Eh?" Tsukune let out in surprise as he eyed the cross.

"Eh," Moka let out in surprise. Then a huge amount of what could only be described as force erupted from Moka blowing both Naruto and Tsukune away from the source and stopping Saizo in his tracks. The sky and the sudden moon went crimson red as a swarm of bats surrounded Moka's body. Suddenly her bust got bigger and Naruto could catch a glimpse of her pink long hair turning silver before her entire body was black.

"What the hell," Naruto said as he witnessed the seen.

"When the rosary on her chest is removed, her outer self vanishes and her inner vampires awakens-chuuu~," a voice above Naruto said. Naruto looked up to see a brown creature.

"THE HELL! THE TALKING BAT!" Naruto yelled as the cutesy brown bat hovered in the air with a weird cartoonish smile. "Wait…inner…vampire?"

Naruto looked back at Moka who was currently covered in thin black bats.

"Wha-what-what the hell is this," Saizo shouted.

"M-moka," Tsukune stuttered out in fear. Honestly Naruto didn't know why but instead of fear, he was just confused and oddly pumped. Naruto was already on his feet and in a battle stance that Tsunade had drilled into him as kid…the same one that caused her to beat him close to death for beating kids with it. Naruto wavered to look at Saizo only to see him in a fighting stance but you could tell he was scared shitless, he was sweating and gasping for air while his hands trembled. Naruto looked back at Moka then one bat with outer black wing and inner red wings flew off, reveling her thigh in a bat mark, then another and another until the rest all flew off at once to reveal a different girl. It was a girl with the same uniform as Moka but her bust was larger, her shirt revealed a good amount of cleavage, she had silver hair that shone in the crimson moonlight, and she had bright scarlet eyes.

"This…" Saizo began with a look of horror on his face, "just like the legend, that silver hair, those red eyes, intense power, a vampire! An S-class monster!"

"Is, is that… really Moka," Tsukune asked as he trembled.

"Hmmp," the silver haired beauty let out, "what's wrong," she said out loud, projecting her voice to Saizo, "didn't you boast amazing strength? Aren't you going to show it?" Saizo scared expression quickly morphed into anger.

"Heh," he said in his monstrous tone, "I forgot, you're a female, heh I bet your weak!" Saizo charged with his monstrous fist pulled back.

He got closer and closer, but the silver haired beauty didn't move, she stood perfectly still. Then when he was a few meters away, she instantly closed the distance and landed a solid kick on his face and yelled: "KNOW YOUR PLACE!" and sent him flying! Saizo crashed into a few trees before impacting the hill Naruto ran down. Both Naruto and Tsukune were stunned by the sight, well Tsukune was stunned, Naruto still held his stance for some reason. The silver haired beauty looked at Naruto. They stared at eacht other for a while before the beauty rushed at Naruto.

Naruto gasped as he saw the beauty's kick rush passed his face by a centimeter at most. HE AVOIDED IT BEFORE HE EVEN KNEW HE HAD TO! "How..." he questioned himself as he jumped back a few times. The beauty once again rushed at him. "Know your place!" She threw another.

"MOKA NO!" Tsukune yelled, but she didn't care, she didn't even register it. Luckily Naruto was able to dodge her kick again. But this time she landed close to him. She quickly spun her kick at Naruto but Naruto jumped back, just barely avoiding the kick. Then he ran into another problem, he jumped back into a tree.

DAMN! He mentally cursed as he prepared to fight.

"Tch," Moka(?) let out in annoyance, "do you still want to fight?"

"NO!" Tsukune yelled as he got in between Naruto and Moka, "stop! There's no reason to fight."

"You sure about that," Moka(?) asked, "because it seems like he's ready to go." Tsukune turned to see Naruto with his guard up, ready to fight without any trembles or shakes. It was like he wanted to fight. "Naruto!" With that one word Naruto snapped out of whatever trance he was in. His…his need to fight, it vanished.

"The hell," he muttered as slid down the tree with his back.

"Hmmp," Moka(?) let out as she swiped the cross form Tsukune, "you too," she said to Tsukune, "know your place!"

"HAI!" Tsukune yelled fear. With that Moka(?) scoffed and put the cross on then she fell forward. "MOKA!" Tsukune caught her just as her bust shrunk and her hair turned pink.

"…I hate this place," Naruto muttered.

"So both of you are Human?" Moka asked.

"Yeah," Naruto said with sigh as they all walked back to the dorms. "Geeze to think this was all real."

"Yeah," Tsukune said.

"But how is that possible," Moka asked, "no human is supposed to know about this school."

"Yeah but they didn't account for people being drunk."

"Yeah, to think my dad would do this to me," Tsukune groaned.

"More importantly," Naruto began a she looked at Moka, "are you alright with us?" Tsukune turned to look at her too.

"I hate humans," Moka said causing Naruto to stiffen and Tsukune to gasp. "But you two…you're my first friends…I-I don't care even if you are human!" Moka declared, "you guys, even though you were human, even though you didn't really know who I was. You guys still treated me nicely. I'm glad you two are my friends."

"Moka," Tsukune said with a smile.

"heh," Naruto let out with a smile.
"Besides, Tsukune and I are on blood sucking terms now!"

"Heh heh," Tsukune let out a nervous chuckle, "why does that give me such a bad feeling?"

"Well whatever…this place is fucked up. I mean on my way to stop Tsukune from leaving I ran into a dead girl who wasn't dead,"

"Eh? You mean a zombie?"

"I don't her skin was ice cold and pale, she had purple hair, and she looked like she was melting and she wore a kimono of some sort."

"Oh a yuki onna," Moka said, "snow women," she clarified. "I heard that they don't handle this climate well."

"Well I ran into one, geeze it gave me the biggest heart attack, dattebayo."

"So why were you trying to stop me," Tsukune asked, "I mean…I kinda figured you'd do the same."

"I would have honestly, but then I thought about it and it would put the people I care about in danger."


"Oh I get," Moka said, "the school has a home address and if you run away they will search for you, and if your behavior is questionable they would suspect that you are a human and if it turns out to be true they would kill both you and your family to keep this place a secret," Moka concluded.

"EH!" Tsukune yelled as he went pale, "I didn't think of that!"

"Oh yeah by the way, why didn't we have to put down what kind of monster we are," Naruto asked.

"That's for the teachers, if they knew what kind of monster you were, they would treat you differently. The goal of this academy is to teach its students to survive in the human world and not be discovered to be a monster. In the real world they wont treat you nice or differently because they know what monster you are, well I mean they would if they knew-but I mean its so the teachers have no choice but to treat everyone the same whether its nice or not. Students in turn, have to become accustomed it."

"I see," Naruto said, "jeeze I cant tell if that's smart or not."

"It might be a good thing," Tsukune said, "at least its in our favor."

"Yeah yeah, its gonna be a pain in the ass," Naruto sighed. "Looks like we're here," Naruto said as they walked into the clearing.

"Oh yeah, where's Kurama," Moka asked.

"Around," Naruto asked, "somewhere," he said as an object on the ground caught his eye.

"Wait aren't you worried," Tsukune asked.
"Relax he's a fox and he's not an average one either," Naruto said as he bent down and picked up the item. "Hey someone dropped their wallet," Naruto said as he laughed, "its funny I have the same kind." It was a purse that looked like a frog.

"We should get it to the last and found," Moka said.

"Yeah," Naruto said as he opened it, "let see who it belongs to, it's empty, oh here," he pulled out a small plastic card, it was driver's license. "Heh this guy has the same name as me," Naruto laughed, "we even look the same heh heh," Naruto laughed as both Moka and Tsukune gave him a pitiful smile while they both sweat dropped at Naruto's denial.

"Naruto…" Tsukune said putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Heh heh, ah heh," Naruto sighed in the end as he closed his eyes. Behind them was a blue haired girl who was walking up to dorms. She saw the two guys and smiled, especially when she saw the blond boy and the pink haired girl. She let out a toothy grin as she began to approach. "I could always use some more cash," she muttered to herself.


And like that she turned around and headed right back to school.

"Arrrrg, why!" Naruto groaned as he kept opening and closing his wallet.

"Yeah that sucks," Tsukune said awkwardly as he eyed Naruto he kept repeating his behavior and increasing his speed. "you know money is not just going to show up in there right?"

"Ahhhhh what I'm goona do."

"Was your credit card taken too?"

"Debit and no, I have it on my bike but I don't have much on their," Naruto said as he closed his wallet while cartoony tears streamed down his face. "And I can't overdraft because of Tsunade." She pretty much gambled and drank everything. Honestly it was a miracle that she didn't have loan shark hounding her. "Damn it, dattebayo…but still…I can't believe I adapted that fast."

"…Actually yeah same," Tsukune said as they both turned into the corner. "Oh yeah, didn't you break your window?"

"…OH FUCK! I DID! Craaaaaaaap!" Naruto began to run to his room. "Tsukune we have to fix it!"

"Huh? What do I have to help!" Tsukune said but he followed behind. "Can we even fix it!"

"We have to fix it!" Naruto quickly opened the door and, "huh?"

"It's…fixed?" Tsukune asked. Naruto's window was fixed.

"Yeah, what the heck-"

"HEADS UP," A voice down the hall yelled.

"Huh," Naruto turned his head as the spine of book connected to his face. "BAH!" Naruto ended up falling to the floor.

"Naruto," Tsukune yelled.


"Huh," Tsukune turned to see Rokko aiming a book at him.

"NO! Wa-UT!" the spine of book hit his face too.

"Naruto your down window! I highlighted in your book, both of you! The first page of the handbook has the very first rule of the handbook. DON'T LOSE IT!"

And with that they heard footsteps and then the sound of a door closing.

"I really hate this place," Naruto said.

"Can we even survive," Tsukune asked as he looked at the book.

"It's going to be biiiiiitch," Naruto moaned.

"Huh," tsukune sai din interest, "you can break a window five times before you have ot pay for them, chairs ten times, and tables two times."

"…You serious?"

"Yeah there's a whole list of items here."

"This place…."

Tsukune was fixing his tie as he looked at himself through the mirror. Yesterday's revelation of the existence of monster was…shocking to say the least. But he was surprisingly over it, he was worried thinking it was magic at first, monsters existed so why not magic? But he figured it was probably Naruto. But also meant he got to be with Moka.

Tsukune smiled confidently as he walked to the door. He was confident that whatever it was he could face it with Naruto and Moka. So he opened the door and walked out side and said loud and proud, "I'M READY!...eh?" Tsukune found a few guys looking at him, some halfway turned to monster and most had droopy eyes. Then one guy started chuckling then another then they all started laughing loudly.

"Ready to go the krusty Krab spongebob, hahaha!"

"Ready to flip 'em nice and good, hahahahaha!"

"N-no, please stop," Tsukune begged with a mortified look on his face.

"Ooooooooooooooh," one guy began in a musical tune….