This is my first try at fluff so please don't hate on me ;-;

Setting: Spirit Tracks, 5 years after, so they're 17... cos 12 is a bit young for fluff :p

The young hero and the Princess of New Hyrule sat together on the edge of a small cliff overlooking the sea in the ocean realm they had discovered all those years ago. The stars were reflecting on the waves and it looked beautiful

"This is nice, huh?" Link smiled, "We haven't been out for ages..."

"Sorry..." Zelda whispered, "I'm never around anymore..."

"It's not your fault, Zelda." Link reassured her, putting an arm round her shoulders, "You didn't choose to be a Princess."

"But you don't have to stay with me - So why do you?" Zelda asked, leaning closer to him.

"Because... Ah, never mind..." Link muttered, his courage failing him for a moment.

"Because...?" the Princess insisted, "Come on, there must be a reason!"

"I-Well I just-I-" He faltered

"Go on, I'm listening." Zelda tipped her head, "You're not scared are you?"

"I-" He took a breath, "Because I think I like you a bit more than a friend... Um... Oh sorry, don't listen..." He said embarrassed, and headed back over the soft grass towards the train.

"You-" Zelda whispered to herself. "Link, come here."

"Um. Okay..." Link said and sat awkwardly next to her.



"Why do you-you know..."

"Um, well, this is, lovely, and, yeah, I-"

"Tell me." The girl insisted

"Fine. Well, I guess it started when we were on our adventure I guess-"


"Well when we were fighting Malladus and that fire ball nearly hit you-I just... I don't know, Zel, I would have done anything to protect you then. If that had hit you I don't know what I would have done."

She sat silently listening, thinking, her hair blowing in the soft breeze.

"And for about a month after that I felt kinda... nervous to be around you I guess... I figured you wouldn't like me back."

Zelda suddenly - and she even surprised herself - kissed him, right there on the cliff.

"I love you too Link."

That was short. Shorter than I wanted... meh

reveiwwwwwww please :3