Jessie smiled as she walked out of the prison and into the sun for the first time in three years. She looked over to her left where Duke stood scowling; he was not pleased that she was being released. When she had first been locked away her rage had controlled her, she often found herself in fights with the other inmates and even guards.

After sending a year constantly in and out of solitary confinement she decided that the only way to get revenge on the Joes would be to infiltrate their ranks and destroy them from the inside out, and in order to do that she would need to be a free woman. And so she began to "change her ways". She asked to meet with one of the prison physiologists and made sure to keep her nose out of any and all trouble. During the meetings with her shrink she told him of her life on the streets before spinning her life with McCullen and the others as a huge mistake made because she didn't know any better. She told him how they had blinded her with promises of family and that the only reason she attacked the Joes was because she thought that they were going to take her family away from her.

At first the man had been weary of her but as time wore on he slowly started to lower his defenses until finally she had time wrapped around her little finger. She had him convinced that she had just been misled and that she had seen the error of her ways, when she requested a repeal he testified that she had changed and that she was okay to return to society. Guards and other prison inmates were also called to the stand and all of them testified that she had in fact changed for the better, and so after spending barely three years locked away she was being released.

Of course it was ruled that she was to be watched by one of the Joes so as to insure she stayed in line. That didn't prove to be much of a problem for Jessie though, the only reason an officer was even being assigned to her was because Duke didn't trust her even after all the evidence had been provided… he was a smart man. She nodded at him as she walked by, intentionally irritating him, she would be free and there was nothing he could do about it. She was walked out to a car where a young man about her age was casually standing.

"Hello, my name is Corporal James Haroldson. I've been assigned to be your personal guard."

Jessie smiled at him; it was cute how he chose to say guard as if he would be protecting her instead of watching her every move. The soldier blushed slightly before opening her door for her and helping her inside, it was obvious that he hadn't been on the receiving end of much female attention, she had to keep herself from smirking; her job just got a whole lot easier. A new plan slowly started to form in her head, she would show this man affection and when he was fully under her spell she would use him to gain access into the secret world of the Joes. He would become her loyal follower and through him she would get her revenge, the fact that he was around her age and attractive didn't hurt either.

Over the next few weeks she got to know him as a person, he was raised in the south and had a younger sister named Elise, he loved any and all things meat and couldn't stand vegetables like squash or zucchini, his favorite color was green and he loved animals. She would ask his opinion on what they should have for dinner or how they should spend their Sunday afternoons, much like a wife would do. It didn't take very long for them to become close friends and Jessie could tell that James was smitten with her. However instead of going straight for the kill she bided her time making sure that he was truly in love with her before she initiated her plan.

It was a rather cold winter night when she finally moved in for the kill. The two of them had spent the day watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy and both were dead tired, they were both heading up to bed and right as they were splitting apart to go to their separate rooms she made her first move.

"Hey it's pretty cold tonight, would you mind keeping me warm tonight James." Her voice was sensuous but at the same time deceptively innocent, the emphases that she put on his name sent shivers down his back.

"Don't you have blankets to keep you warm?" It was obvious that he was flustered and didn't know what to do, Jessie smiled at him.

"They won't be able to keep me warm the way you could." With that she reached out slowly and grabbed his hand giving him plenty of time to pull away if he wanted to. When he didn't she led him into her room where she pushed him towards the left side of the bed before grabbing a pair of pajamas from her dresser and heading into the bathroom. While she was changing James stripped down to his underwear and slid under to covers, he took deep breathes trying desperately to calm his racing heart. He had had a crush on her for a while but never in a million years would he have guessed that she would like him back. When she came back into the room his heart stopped for a moment, she was wearing a pair of flannel bottoms with one of his t-shirts that she had stolen from him a while ago and she looked beautiful.

He tensed a little when she slid into bed but relaxed when all she did was turn out the light before lying down on her side of the bed. It was obvious that she didn't expect anything from him and for that he was grateful. Truthfully he hadn't slept with a woman before and was afraid of what she would say if she found out, he was certain that she would have had many different sexual relationships by now and he didn't want her to laugh at his inexperience. His brain slowly began to shut down for the night and the last thing he remembered was Jessie snuggling up to his side and laying her head on his shoulder.

So the first chapter of Viper Venoms sequel is finally up. If you haven't read the first story I would defiantly recommend you go back and read it first. To anyone who has read the first one don't worry; this is still a Storm Shadow/OC story, even if James seems to be the one Jessie is with right now. This literally took me about three days to write, I would start and then before I could get very far I would get distracted so I hope you all liked it.

Please please please REVIEW I really want to know what you all thought! Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this, you rock!