AN: I'm back! Sorry, I wish this could be an update and not a completely new story, however it isn't. I apologize to all those who have been waiting a year for new chapters. Now, if you want to adopt one of those stories, please let message me, telling me which story and where you plan on going with that story, and I'll consider letting someone else finish the story. Also, I do plan on updating one or two stories, pending which ones I can get new chapters written for. Anyways, without further ado, the story shall begin. (This story is adopted from Yuyake Kaminari)

Summary: It's been 5 years since the war, 5 years since the destruction of the nations, 5 years since the fall of Akatsuki, and 5 years since the fall of Madara, Sasuke, Obito, Kabuto, and Zetsu. 5 years that only 3 ninja survived, fighting off memories, depression, and death.

Alone, stood three Konoha ninja, standing in what used to be Konoha. Their used to be home, the life they once knew destroyed. The Blonde male of the group stood just over 6 ft. tall, with blonde, spiky hair held up by a beaten and battered Konoha headband. His cold, blue eyes s stared out across the barren landscape, full of sadness. The young man had three abnormal whisker-like marks on each cheek, giving him a more feral look. He wore a black cloak, adorned with blue and red flames, with one lone kanji sewed on the back, meaning 'determined', a simple black muscle shirt underneath, with matching pants. The female of the group stood just about 6 ft. with long, platinum blonde hair held in a ponytail that reached the middle of her back, one, simple bang covering the right side of her face, showing off her light blue colored eyes. She wore a damaged Jonin jacket, with a simple purple t-shirt underneath. Her own beaten and battered headband ha been tied to her arm. She wore similar pants to that of the blonde male. She could be seen standing quite close to him. The third, and oldest member of the group, was seen in normal Jonin attire for Konoha. He had silver gravity defying hair, with his headband covering his left eye, and a black mask that covered the bottom half of his face. These three are the sole surviving members of not only their village, but of the five elemental nations. They are Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, Ino Yamanaka, and Kakashi Hatake.

"I have to find a way to fix this! All this happened because of me!" Naruto yelled out, standing in the crater that used to be Konoha. His emotions were running high, today marking the 5th anniversary of the end of the war.

"Naruto! Calm down, we'll think of a way, but for now, you have to remain calm," Kakashi said, putting a hand on his pupil's shoulder. He too looked out over the landscape, a wary eye looking for any sign of trouble.

"Kakashi-sensei's right. For now, we have to think. Until we find an idea that will work, we're going to have to stay calm," Ino said, walking up to her friend. Naruto just shook his head, frowning.

"If it weren't for me, Konoha would still be here, and not just a crater. All our friends would be alive, everybody. It's my damn fault," Naruto said, tears falling to the ground below him. Both Ino and Kakashi cursed silently, knowing what was to come.

"No, it's not your fault. They made their own choice to protect you. Besides, it wasn't just you that we were fighting for, it was Killer Bee too. They believed in you, and you pulled through for them when you were needed the most," Ino said, putting a comforting hand on Naruto's shoulder. All three ninja tensed, though, when several howls ripped through the otherwise silent air.

"Hey, Naruto. I know this may be ridiculous, but did you look at the forbidden scroll? There may just be a jutsu in there that could end up helping us all," Kakashi asked as an idea popped into the now calmed down Naruto's head. He was still frowning, even though it was a good idea.

"That's brilliant! I was given the scroll as part of my inheritance, and I made sure to seal it the other scrolls from my parents' families!" Naruto exclaimed as he opened his black cloak and took out a small storage scroll. Kakashi just smiled at his student.'To think, the number one knuckle headed ninja from Konoha has become the strongest ninja since The Sage of the Six Paths,' Kakashi thought, laughing inwardly at the irony.

"Aha! I found it! Kako ni modorimasu. Jikan to kūkan (Time and Space: Return to the past) is the jutsu we need. It needs everybody traveling back to do the exact same hand seals at the exact same time. And we need to have a really important reason to go back, otherwise we'll all die in the process," Naruto said, reading the Jutsu's information from the scroll.

"Alright, I'm up for it. How about you, Ino?" Kakashi said, nodding to their female companion.

"So long as we remember everything that happened, then I am too," Ino said, a look of fierce determination in her light blue eyes.

"Alright, let's practice them today, that way we have it perfect for tomorrow when we are able to do the jutsu. I promise, when we get back, I won't let anything happen to any one of you," Naruto said, remembering all those that died. 'Iruka-sensei, Choji, everybody, I promise, I won't let you die. Never, so long as I live. I promise, I will never let this happen,' Naruto thought, fighting back tears as he remembered each of his friends that had died.

"Naruto, promise me we'll still be friends, ok?" Ino said, lifting Naruto's chin up so she could look at him in the eye.

"I promise. Besides, we have to figure out when the trouble all started, when everything went downhill," Naruto said, drifting off into thought. Ino looked out, blankly, as did Kakashi.

"How about the graduation?" Ino asked, startling the silver haired Jonin and her blonde friend from thought.

"Yeah. That's perfect time," Naruto said, agreeing with Ino.

"Yeah. But how are we going to change it. We have to decide whether it's gradual, or if it's immediate effect," Kakashi said, putting the two blondes into deep thought.

"How about this. We keep up the act to everybody else except jiji-san. I think he should know at least,' Naruto said, causing Kakashi to shake his head.

"Know, Sarutobi-sama would never believe us, not without some proof. The only way we could do that is if we were to bring in Ino's father, but that would be too many people. Besides, to think all this destruction and death was caused by some troublesome Uchihas," Kakashi said, mentally saying that Shikamaru's soul should lie in rest.

"No. I can't allow this to happen, not if we go back into the past to change it. That's the reason I NEED to go back," Naruto said in a saddened voice, remembering his battle with the last Uchiha. He sighed, but returned to his normal self once again. "If you don't want to go, fine. But I'm going, with or without you. I promise, I will succeed this time in stopping Sasuke before he defects. If he does it again, I'll keep trying and trying, until I succeed!" Naruto said, a fierce look of determination in his cerulean eyes.

"You're not doing it alone," Ino said, gripping onto Naruto's hand, a similar look in her eyes. 'I will help save you, Choji, Shikamaru, mom, dad, I promise. I will do my best to help you, I promise with every ounce of my soul, I won't let you die, not again,'Ino said, gripping Naruto's hand even harder.

"You think I'm going to be left out? Maybe now I'll have a chance to keep my promise to at least one of my precious people," Kakashi said, his mind immediately drifting to his old teammate, Rin. "I can't allow this to happen. I already slipped while protecting my precious people. Obito, Minato-sensei, everybody, I'm sorry," Kakashi said, collapsing from sadness.

"Kakashi-sensei, Ino-chan, thank you. For everything. You two have been the only ones who are just like me, too stubborn to die. I'm sorry I put you all through this," Naruto said, letting tears fall freely down his face, and across his whisker marks, which they then proceeded to drop to the ground. 'Mom, dad, Jiji-san, I'm sorry. I failed you when I said I would protect your legacies, I'm sorry, but at least I now know I have a chance to right my mistakes,' Naruto said, wiping away his tears. "Come on, we have to find shelter. They'll be out in full force tonight, the smell of fresh tears will attract them instantly. You two find a place and I'll lead them away," Naruto said, turning to leave. He was stopped by Ino, who was still clutching to his hand.

"No. we can't risk losing you too. We'll fight them as a team. We've survived this long acting like a team, no reason for us to stop now, right Kakashi?" Ino said, causing the silver-haired Jonin to look up.

"Right. Besides, Ino's right. You're the only one that can perform this type of jutsu," Kakashi said, causing Naruto to brighten up a bit.

"Alright, but we still have to find shelter," Naruto said, getting into a defensive stance when he heard the first of their calls. "They're here," Was all Naruto said before pulling out his rather large katana, which had a hilt that was similar to that of the Kyuubi's head. Ino and Kakashi did the same, Ino pulling out a katana that was similar to that of the Nibi's head, while Kakashi pulled out a tanto similar to the one he carried as a kid.

"Ready?" Ino asked, receiving a nod from everybody who was ready for the upcoming fight. "Let's go!" Ino yelled as she ran head first into the darkness followed closely by the only people she knew that were still alive.

AN: So? How was it? I know, it's just about the same as the original chapter, but I had to make some changes that kind of irritated me when I first read it. If you find any that irritate you, don't be afraid to let me know, so long as it's not harshly worded. Hope, as with the original story, you all enjoyed! And don't forget to review!