Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty: November 1st.

October the Thirty First Nineteen Ninety Nine passed into the ether and November the first replaced it. A brand new day occurred and a brand new era in Gotham City. Vicki Vale grew used to plenty of late nights, but tonight had been the latest. She had been on the clock always to report some new twists in the events going on. The around the clock coverage continued with each wrinkle representing a new twist in the future of Gotham City.

Twisted sounded like a pretty good descriptor of what happened. The GCPD entered a state of transition, two of the biggest constants in the underworld over the past two decades were now officially gone, and unsettling rumors abounded that the Joker was about ready to stage a power play. Things had gone from bad to worse.

Vicki also drifted to Harvey Dent and the hardest story of her career. She saw the downfall of more than a few politicians ever since becoming a reporter. The problem was none had hurt more than Harvey Dent. She believed in Harvey Dent.

She stepped out of the car and made her way to a café outside of Gotham City. A lot of businesses shut down after the aftermath of the last evening. Vicki made sure her cell phone was on so she could receive any calls which might bring her back to the studio to report on the latest.

After the Long Halloween, Vicki could not have thought anything else happened. Dent's downfall, Falcone's death, and just a growing instability in Gotham City mixed together into a very dangerous cocktail.

"Thanks for coming."

Vicki smiled at the gentleman who greeted her. The only and only Harry Potter took her hand and pulled her into a steady embrace. He had been the one constant in Vicki's world over these past several months. The two kissed without hardly anyone around to witness it.

"Everything's changed," Vicki said.

"I know."

Those two words demonstrated a whole lot to Vicki, more than she could ever know. Harry and Vicki walked over to settle down into the café. Only a couple of other patrons this morning, two men who busied themselves with donuts and newspapers.

"The GCPD has their work cut out for them," Harry said.

"And you look awful," Vicki said. "No offense."

Harry just gave Vicki one of those long smiles. At least he did not seem to take much offense to her commentary of him looking awful and tired.

"I'm used to keeping these late nights," Harry said. "But, I don't think that there has been a night as late and frustrating as the one last night."

"Everyone is calling the last year the Long Halloween," Vicki said. "Everything from Blackfire's assault and the birth of the Joker all the way to the fall of Harvey Dent and….it's just been one horrific event after another over the past year, hasn't it?"

Harry could not argue with Vicki's point at all. He thought about what would happen in the future. They would all have their work cut out for them in the not so distant future. Harry prepared to face whatever he had to face in the not so distant future.

"Harvey was a good friend and ally until it happened."

Vicki's words put some finality on everything. The past tense she spoke of Harvey Dent in, it made Harry just nod in response at her.

"He could have still done it, despite the accident," Harry said. "He could have turned everything around. Harvey Dent could have been the hero that Gotham City needed. He could have been an inspiration."

"Even with the handicap?"

Harry thought there was hope to cure Harvey's scarred face. The scars on his psyche was an entirely different thing.

"Well, we can never know what happened, with Dent hauled off and out of the way," Harry said. "He's going to be on the other side of the witness stand now."

Two-Face standing trial for his crimes caused Harry to wonder whether or not he would spill what he knew about the entire Rachel Dawes thing. They pinned the Cop Killer murders on Loeb for a reason. Now that Harvey was Two-Face and not exactly in the most stable state of mind, that particular reason was gone.

Vicki could see something going through the eyes of Harry. She looked at him, a deep frown passing over her lips. Vicki touched the top of Harry's hand.

"What happened last night is going to stick with me for a long time."

"It's going to stick with all of us for a very long time, I think."

A ringing of the phone followed, and Vicki moved to answer the phone. She listened to the man on the other end of the line and drew in a very deep breath.

"It's my producer," Vicki said. "No time for rest in the news business, I'm afraid…..guess, we're going to have to reschedule this sometime."

Vicki leaned in and kissed Harry on the lips before moving away to head back to the station. They needed her to report the very least.

'She really needs a vacation.'

"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that term,' Vicki chimed in.

The Gotham City Police Department prepared to investigate what the Joker left behind. Finally, they took a deep breath, or at least some of them had been able to leave just long enough for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat.

Harvey Bullock oversaw the investigation and wondered what the hell happened. He turned to Renee Montoya, who just returned from a donut run.

"I wonder we can be the first people to pioneer the keg of coffee," Bullock said. "After last night, I thought that would never end. And we never did catch that damn clown."

"Keg of coffee?" Sarah asked who turned up to drink a cup of coffee. "I don't know about that one. But, you're right, Joker's still at large."

"It's only a miracle that no one got around to eating this candy," Renee said.

"Yeah, I wonder what the clown did to it," Harvey said. "Poison? Razor blades? Exlax? Who really knows what that sick freak?"

"That's what the boys in the lab are going to find out."

Harvey reached into his pocket to pull out a fresh toothpick only to realize he had been out. He had gone through a whole box and a half over the last night. An odd habit, chewing on toothpicks, but it replaced an even nastier and more expensive habit of smoking. Something that a good fourth of the GCPD went into.

Bullock turned his attention away from his toothpick dilemma to come across a very ragged looking James Gordon who slipped into the station. Everyone who knew Gordon said that the man aged about five years in the past couple of months and it was hard not to see why.

"Sorry about having to face Dent last night," Bullock said. "You look like you've been thinking about him. Still think you could have done something else?"

"No, I was just talking with our new DA," Gordon said.

Bullock responded with a gruff nod. There was really no need for Gordon to say anymore. Bringing up the new DA told them pretty much all he needed to know.

"She's persistent in trying to get us to hunt vigilantes," Gordon said.

"Yeah, well, I'm not fond of them," Bullock said. "But, has she realized we have far bigger problems than a couple of clowns in capes? We got a far bigger clown, don't we?"

The members of the GCPD all persisted with very grim looks on their face. Things had turned out for the worst tonight to be honest.

"And now, looks like you've got just a lot more to deal with," Bullock said. "Heard that you're going to be Commissioner. Which, given that you're trying to reign us in line, guess you're the perfect man for the job."

Gordon did not really know what to make of everything that happened.

"Not going to be easy," Gordon said. "But, I guess none of us would be cops in Gotham City if we went for the easy way."

"No, if that's not the truth, I don't know what is," Bullock said. "Still, can't believe Dent did what he did. But, then again, I still have trouble wrapping my head around Loeb being the cop killer. The guy might have been an immoral bastard, but to kill his own people, I don't know about that."

Gordon did not know about that as well. There was no use of digging up past crimes, but something about Loeb being the cop killer seemed less right. He just believed Harvey's evidence, but with Harvey now having gone off the deep end, Gordon did not know what to believe anymore.

"It's all clean."

The men in the lab turned up, and Renee looked at them with wide eyes.

"You've got to be kidding."

"No poison, no razor blades, not even cat excrement," the lab boy said.

The Joker made them spend the better part of the morning looking over Halloween candy which he did not bother to taint. Bullock cleared his throat.

"Well, then I better dispose of it," Bullock said.

Early Monday Morning brought the girls up bright and early. The first rays of sunshine indicated a surprisingly beautiful November morning, which all of them could not wait to be a part of. Each girl woke up at this time. One of them was Emily Potter who stepped into the living room.

Last night, she assisted Gwen in being in the big chair as Oracle to take over for Barbara who made her way out on the field. Needless to say, four eyes were better than two in this particular situation. Emily hated how last night ended and even as she woke up on this early morning, it was very hard to reconcile what just happened.

"It's been a busy night?"

Amanda stepped around the corner down the hallway and handed Emily a cup of coffee. She took it and the two twins made their way in. The other girls would be moving around the Penthouse soon enough. They bumped into Donna who greeted them with a smile. Lois sauntered in, followed by Rebecca, Ella, Lyta, and Artemis, and then pretty much all of the occupants of the penthouse stepped in.

'You could say it's been one for the ages,' Emily thought. 'It took two of us to do the job that Barbara normally would do if she's not out on the street. Make of that as you will.'

'Well, if Barbara ever figures out how to create some artificial intelligence to run the Clocktower, you might be out of a job,' Amanda teased her sister.

'That's something,' Barbara thought. 'Although, it would be more of a digital assistant than anything. I'd be more comfortable with some real human hands running things. And besides, you and Gwen did fine.'

And speaking of Gwen Stacy, she stepped into the Clocktower, along with Barbara Gordon. Also, one Reilly Parker showed up, figuring she would swing by the Penthouse.

"Good morning," Amanda said. "Hope you are all well this morning."

"I don't know about you, but after last night, I'm ready for a long vacation," Gwen said.

The girls shrugged, they had been unfamiliar with that particular term if they were perfectly honest. Never the less, the older girls all sat around while the younger girls went off to get breakfast and to start getting ready for school.

"Looks like school's being canceled today," Lois called from the living room. "GCU and GPA both!"

Amanda had been very surprised and also very concerned to be perfectly honest. She moved over to see the news and the bulletin that schools had been closed for today and potentially for the rest of this week as well.

"It's pretty bad," Ella said. "Schools never get closed in Gotham, especially due to something like this. I mean, we're ass deep in about six feet of snow and they still make us go to school, don't they?"

"Pretty much," Amanda agreed.

Amanda, Barbara, Gwen, Reilly, Emily, and Donna all settled in among the younger girls. It was an unspoken agreement they would be locked down in the Penthouse today. Unsettling images flashed across the screen of several clowns on the screen.

They started to rattle some homeless people laughing, before throwing one of them on the ground. One took out a can of spray paint and sprayed a crooked smile on the face of one of Gotham's homeless people. The man whimpered as the clown looked over the top of him.

'That's awful,' Kara thought.

"We are Gotham City!" they all yelled. "We are what happens when you're heroes fall!"

More images flashed across the television screen. Amanda reached over to shut off the television, but she paused for a second. They all attacked a billboard with Harvey Dent's face.

"You all believed in Dent! When will you learn that no one in this city is safe? Stand with the Joker! He's the face of what it truly means to be in Gotham City!"

The screams echoed when the last image they saw on the television screen was the billboard with the right half of Dent's face burned off now. It was a symbol of everything that changed in Gotham City, and a symbol of what was to come.

Oswald Cobblepot topped over a table when he moved through the bar area of the Iceberg Longue. He was not getting in any business today in Gotham City because half of the city had been shut down. He found himself fortifying his entire territory, and for one reason at all.

Two of his men picked up the table and set it back up. Cobblepot turned to the edge of the club and took a very deep breath. He tried not to lose it, even though it would be the easiest thing in the world to lose.

A whirling sound of a wheelchair announced the arrival of one Dudley Dursley, better known as the Walrus.

"That son of a bitch, he's going to screw up everything," Cobblepot said. "I thought at first, he was just another flavor of the week freak. But, everywhere I turn, there's nothing, but clowns. And there's a small, sadistic cult of people in the city who worship him like some kind of savor."

"Who are you talking about boss?"

Penguin turned to one of the thugs as if he was a complete moron.

"I'm talking about the bloody Joker!" Cobblepot raged. "You see, I never knew what to make of the freak at first. I figured, he was just more of the same. But he's just the type of person who just tips over the entire applecart. He upsets the balance of power. I don't like it. I don't want to have to deal with it!"

Two beady little eyes fixed upon the face of the Walrus who sat up in rapt attention when looking at his boss.

"He's the type of freak myself and good old Vern would have taken out in the back of a pub and kicked the ever living shit out of. He's some kind of ponce, prancing around in that get-up, and Vern and I used to straighten that type out back in the day."

Cobblepot took his cigarette and took a long drag from it. He gave a hacking cough which turned into an angry squawk. He took a deep breath.

"But, now, now, that son of a bitch is pretty much untouchable," Penguin said. "He has an army, and Falcone's army, Maroni's army, and every other two-bit low-life who wants a small little sliver of Gotham. He has them all. And that son of a bitch is going to ruin everything!"

They all backed off from their boss. The last time Penguin got like this, some poor thug got beaten to a bloody pulp with an umbrella. The mobster turned to face the entrance of the Iceberg Longue as if he expected someone to come in the door.

"It's bad enough that he brings his little Circus of Crime into town," Cobblepot said with a loud grumble. "Now, he's got the actual mob on his side. He's just snapped up Falcone's land, and I doubt very much he's going to give it up without a fight."

Cobblepot readjusted some furniture in the Iceberg Longue. He stepped back and picked up his umbrella before swinging it. The men jumped back the second the umbrella waffled across the table.

"You know something, if he wants a fight, I'm going to give it to you. I'm sick and tired of people like Joker taking the piss out of me. Well, I can make some calls as well."

On cue, several well dressed gentlemen stepped into the club. Penguin's thugs grew tense, as did the Walrus, who reached for a button on his wheel chair. Black Mask sauntered into the Iceberg Longue. He stepped into the shadows where he faced Cobblepot. Black Mask slipped off of his face to reveal Roman Sionis underneath.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Sionis," Cobblepot said. "I have a business proposition for you that I think that you would want to hear."

"I'm listening," Sionis said.

Both Cobblepot and Sionis looked over their shoulders to their men. On cue, they backed off and allowed their bosses to have the floor. They sat down on a table. A woman dressed to the nines brought a bottle of wine to the table along with a couple of glasses.

"You hate the Joker."

The eyebrow of Roman Sionis raised up. He clutched the wine glass. It was difficult to hold the glass of wine without it popping in his hand.

"Yeah, I hate him," Sionis said a moment or so later. "That bastard ruined my reputation."

A year later, he was still recovering from what the Joker did. Roman Sionis would have liked nothing better than to stuff a gun down the Joker's throat and blow his guts out. The problem is the bastard always had to be one step ahead of him.

"Son, he presents a problem," Cobblepot said. "And we're going to have to work together."

"Yes, all of us."

Rupert Thorne joined the party and walked in. Cobblepot inclined his head at Thorne with a very brief nod.

"We might have all had our problems in the past," Thorne said. "Any issues we have is going to pale in comparison if the Joker gains control. We'll get the city back in order and worry about dividing it up later. Or go back to war over the scraps."

"That sounds reasonable," Cobblepot said.

"Yeah, it does," Sionis said. "Guess we're going to have to work together, or we're going to burn up resources dealing with each other that could be better off with stamping out the clown problem in Gotham City."

"And we're going to need everything that we can," Thorne said. "Some people say that the Joker's not even human. He might be a manifestation of a demon Joseph Blackfire conjured up…or so that's what some people are saying."

"Bunch of bullocks if you ask me," Cobblepot said. "Regardless, we have to work together…make a deal, and then figure out what to do next only after the clown's out of the picture."

"I tried to talk to Sofia Falcone," Thorne said. "But, she's insistent on doing things on her own."

A very ugly scowl crossed over Cobblepot's face. He poured himself another drink. This morning, he would need one. A bit of his territory had been chopped off thanks to Dent and later the Joker, and he had been very surly about it this morning.

"Stubborn bitch, that one. Not that I'd tell her to her face."

"Yes, he's dead," Sofia said. "It's a shock to me as well. And yes, I swear, it was Alberto who did it."

Currently, Sofia had the honor of being on the phone discussing some matters with her brother, Mario, from halfway across the world. As far as she knew, in the months after being deported, Mario kept his nose clean. Their father's death, Sofia feared that something would happen to trigger something deep within in Mario.

"So, Alberto killed our father?" Mario asked in a surprisingly cool voice. "And then, he's incarcerated? He's going to be in the Arkham Wing at Blackgate, isn't he?"

Sofia took in a deep breath. According to her father's sources on the inside of the GCPD and in the Mayor's office, Alberto was going to be locked away with the rest of the lunatics. Sofia could not say she disagreed with this. She just kicked herself for not recognizing the warning signs.

"To the new wing in Blackgate, and then over to Arkham Asylum when they rebuilt it next year."

"I see," Mario said. "I see."

This oddly measured reaction made Sofia a tiny bit nervous. She waited for the other shoe to drop and for Mario to lose all sense of himself. It did not come yet. Regardless, she remained as calm as possible, despite this situation being very unsettling for them both.

"I'm going to make arrangements for you to come back for the funeral."

"Thank you," Mario said. "You know none of this would have happened if it wasn't for that dumbfuck Cobblepot ruining everything. He's the reason my brother was like that. If he wouldn't have been kidnapped….."

"Listen to me and listen good!"

Sofia saw the signs were there from a long time ago, about how Alberto was not exactly mentally well. She just decided to ignore it. It was easy to blame Oswald Cobblepot or Gotham City in general, or their father, but something really was wrong.

"I want you to get over yourself and not do anything stupid when you're back here," Sofia said. "If you have any respect for our father, you won't do anything stupid. The funeral is next week and our father is being buried in the Falcone Family Mausoleum right next to Mama like he wanted to. Is that clear?"

She would have sooner buried Alberto in a landfill if she had pretty much anything to say about it.

"You're coming back to the country just to pay your respects, and you're back on the plane the next day," Sofia said. "It's my father's requests if something happened to him."

The implied statement that Sofia would not have done anything with Mario if she had her say hung in the air. The man on the phone grunted in response as if he understood.

"I'll have collect you. And if you do anything to cause trouble, the next time you get deported, you're being deported in a box. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sofia," Mario said. "I'll be on my best behavior."

Sofia could not be bothered to figure out whether Mario had been sincere in his words or he had been flippant. Regardless, she hung up the phone.

'Selina might be the only family member I can half stand. Well, Lucia, at times, every now and again, but she has her own agenda that I don't necessarily like.'

The next move would be an interesting one, as Sofia had to take some kind of control. Her father's operations remained up in the air and she had been so busy preparing for his funeral that it remained secondary.

Someone knocked on the door and Sofia took her strides over the door. She swung open the door only to see Harry on the outside with three of her bodyguards crowding around him.

"What are you waiting for?" Sofia asked. "Let him in!"

The bodyguards moved back at their boss snapping. Sofia could not believe this. The bodyguards chose now of all times to be competent and not when she was about ready to be attacked by a serial killer. She moved in to see Harry step into the penthouse. She shut the door behind them.

"Sorry about that," Sofia said.

"It's fine," Harry said. "They were just doing their job."

Sofia's only response was to give a very long sigh. She reached over towards the cabinet and thought about getting a drink, but she thought better of it. She did unbutton a couple of buttons on her blouse before turning around to face Harry.

"I just wish they would have done a better job the other night," Sofia said. "I wouldn't have needed to get saved by Nightwing of all people. He is pretty remarkable, but not as much as some people."

Harry could only smile in response at her.

"And I know I already offered my condolences for your father, but I'd like to say how sorry I am that he's gone."

"Well, I am as well, and the way he died….I'm not particularly pleased with."

Sofia only could barely care about the fact that Alberto was getting the help he needed. She drew in a deep breath and looked at Harry. She made sure his eyes were focused on her, her dark hair, youthful face, with a couple of freckles on it, ice-cold blue eyes, and a skirt which she subconsciously tugged up to show her stocking clad legs. Also, her breasts which were quite round and perky as well.

"I'm glad you're here," Sofia said. "Because, I can use someone to help me take my mind off of things."

A small smile tugs on the corner of her lips. "Stay a while, why don't you?

"I will."

A steady crowd of people from both within Gotham City and also outside of Gotham City gathered around on a chilling November morning to pay their final respects to the late Carmine Falcone. Many of the people respected Carmine Falcone, even though they clashed with the mob boss.

An elderly preacher stepped over to dress the crowd. He had not seen this crowd of this magnitude for a number of years. It almost overwhelmed the gentleman. Truly, the turnout was one that was fit for a king and one could consider that to be Carmine Falcone. He was a glorified king in Gotham City.

The preacher cleared his throat and turned to address the immense crowd who gathered around to pay their last respects to one of Gotham's most prominent citizens.

"Welcome today, as we say goodbye to Carmine Falcone. Who left us at only fifty years of age, an age many of you might say is all too soon. The good Lord works in mysterious ways as he enacts his grand plan. And his grand plan has recalled his servant, Carmine Falcone, to the eternal plane on October Thirty-First, the year of our lord, Nineteen Ninety Nine."

Everyone watched as the preacher shifted his eyes over to look at the crowd.

"Carmine was a man who loved and respected the arts, and was a businessman and an entrepreneur, who also supported the dreams of many men in Gotham City and beyond. He leaves behind three children who have grown up to be remarkable in their own ways. Sofia, Mario, and….Alberto."

The pause in the preacher's voice at Alberto's name did not go unnoticed. There was a sense of general unrest from the funeral goers.

"Carmine would not have wanted to you to stop your lives on the account of his death. Rather, he would want you to have realized that this was all part of some grander plan. For his death, was not in vein. For his death was not out of some chance. But, rather, his death was something which served a grander and greater purpose."

Mario Falcone looked a bit unrestful. He knew better than to cause a scene at the funeral. Still, the way he looked at certain people at the party, they all knew. Sofia seemed to be ignoring him, just sitting alongside of her cousin Lucia, and behind them sat Selina Kyle.

That particular woman flustered Mario to no end. He took a deep breath and turned towards the ever imposing force of Bobby Gazzo who sat next to him. He came in from Metropolis to pay his respects to the Roman, and also to keep a close eye on him. Sitting a few feet behind Gazzo was one of his biggest rivals, Bruno Mannheim, who had been also here to pay his respects.

"No, Carmine would not have thought his death in vain. For, he understood his role in this world. And he understood his role was to serve our savior, Christ the lord."

Mario took a deep breath. Gazzo's eyes burned on the back of his head. He realized it was a good thing they did not let Alberto out to attend his father's funeral. That would have been difficult.

'Then again, I'm not the one they have to worry about stabbing the bastard.'

Still, the fact Alberto was not there, caused them to have a little bit of peace of mind.

"I look out there and I see many men and women who share the same sentiments they did. We are going to want to say goodbye to him. We are going to want to say farewell to Carmine. And most importantly, we are going to want to say thanks. Thanks to all he's done. For he is a father, a loving husband, a great man, and someone who has constantly given back to the community of Gotham City."

One Oswald Cobblepot sat in the background, his head inclined, and hands wrapped around the umbrella. He took a deep breath and gave his respects. Dudley and Tracey sat on either side, with a couple of Cobblepot's bodyguards. Roman Sionis sat down, his head inclined and not really making eye contact with everyone.

Thorne positioned himself in a place of prominence. He had been moved to tears from this service, as the music kept playing in the background. He respected Carmine's contributions, and intended to consolidate Gotham City further after today.

Off to the side, Selina Kyle mourned the death of a man who she always did respect somewhat even though she did not respect two of his children. Also the death caused some unanswered questions in Selina's personal life which would eat away at her for the rest of her time. She took in a deep breath and took out another deep breath when focusing her eyes on the top of the stage.

Many men and many women stayed her to pay their respects. Selina watched Sofia who had been in near tears. Her cousin, Lucia, handed her a box of tissues. It had been hard to see the tough as nails Sofia. Selina, who sat with Alex and Harry Potter on either side of her looked down.

'A shame,' Selina thought. 'An even bigger shame that you just left this world without explaining much of anything. You've left a lot of questions behind. And sadly, not as many answers as we would like to have.'

The preacher's spiel continued as he looked around and put his eyes on the family

"As we prepare to say goodbye to Carmine Falcone today, remember, those who believe, will be rewarded in their lives. Those who believe will always have a place, as the humble servant of our savior. Let us all bow our heads in prayer as Carmine is guided to his humble reward for his service to our Lord and Savior."

Everyone bowed their heads for a moment, although some kept their eyes open. It was second nature given that enemies sat pretty much shoulder by shoulder. The members of the Gotham City Police Department sat with the mob and security had been ramped up for this funeral.

It had been an unspoken agreement by everyone to put all of their differences aside. It was a time for them to mourn the loss of the man who many of them knew and many of them respected. All of them bowed down to prepare for this moment of great mourning.

"And today, as Carmine is laid to rest in his family mausoleum, next to his also departed love ones, we remember, that the legacy of this great family will not die with one man. For Sofia, for Mario, and for Alberto, and for any of their heirs, they will live on the great legacy. They will cherish the future, and cherish the memories that this man had left behind. And today, Gotham City says goodbye to a great man, as do all of you, who have known this man."

The preacher stepped out and the first person who he greeted was Sofia. She leaned forward and shook his hand.

"Thank you," Sofia said.

The preacher moved over to shake hands with Mario. Mario managed to speak for the first time.

"Thank you."

The preacher moved and shook hands with Bobby Gazzo, and then the moment that was done, everyone started to file out of the funeral home. Harry moved next to Sofia, who had been walking forward. Sofia did not even acknowledge Mario, who had been trying to catch her eye.

Gazzo grabbed Mario by the shoulder and whispered something to him. Mario's head inclined down and he looked sternly reprimanded.

A long second paused when Dudley wheeled out right in front of Harry. The two locked eyes, and Dudley motioned for Harry to go on ahead. He did, with Harry, Sofia, Selina, and Alex made their way out, followed by Sofia's bodyguards, and Lucia and her bodyguards.

Sofia was not going to sigh in relief until they had passed and until her father's body had been safely entombed with her mother and grandparents.

Everyone filed out. A lone figure stood on the hill overlooking the cemetery and the mausoleum next to it. He covered himself in a heavy raincoat and a hood pulled over his head.

"Carmine Falcone's death will just speed up Gotham City's nature state of decay. We are going to have to act quickly."

The gentleman turned around to the larger man who stood next to the fence and out of sight. He also wore a raincoat which covered himself.

"Ubu, let us depart."

James Gordon took in a deep breath. He had been thrown in the deep end, so naturally it was important for him to take a couple of deep breaths. Gordon tilted his head back a small amount and allowed the oxygen to fill his entire body. The members of the press gathered to see what the new Gotham City Police Commissioner had to say.

'Commissioner Gordon,' he thought. 'I never thought I would see the day.'

Gordon had been through a lot during his time in Gotham City. The gentleman stepped forward and could see the members of the press. Standing at the edge of the stage, were the trio of Harvey Bullock, Sarah Essen, and Renee Montoya. Other members of the GCPD stood and politely applauded their new commissioner. Gordon could not help, but think they thought he was a temporary fix for Gotham City Police Commissioner at any rate.

'We'll see,' Gordon thought to himself.

He stepped over and Hamilton Hill stood off to the side of the stage. It had bene hard to read the man in this case. Gordon figured Hill had still been upset he had to bury a good old friend in Peter Grogan. Regardless, the moment the lights were on the eyes were on his face, Hill was all smiles. He reached over and patted Gordon on the head. He leaned forward and shook hands with Gordon.

"You deserve it, Jim," Hill muttered.

Those words of endorsement took Gordon aback. He just responded with a nod when shifting back on the stage. He could see that Hill was about ready to make an announcement.

"We've been through a rough year which started last Halloween," Hamilton Hill said. "But, I'm confident that adversity builds character. And we are going to build a lot of character over the coming months in Gotham City. And the man I bring before you today has character."

Hill turned his head towards Gordon who waited on the stage. His hands firmly wedged in his pocket when waiting to be given the announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome to you, a man who has proven himself to be a true leader in his field. And the man who will finally get a chance to show what leadership is all about. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, James Gordon, the new Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department."

Gordon made his way to the top of the stage to applause. The members of the press sized him up, as did some of the members of the GCPD. The remaining members of the SWAT, who had not resigned at the death of Branden, looked uncertain about their futures.

The new Gotham City police commissioner would have to figure out what to do with certain members of this department in due time. He waited for the applause to die now. It put a small on his face, even though some of it just looked to be put on.

"I'm not a man for speeches," Gordon said. "And I know for a fact none of you want empty words and more broken promises. You want men and women who will step up and make sure the Gotham City streets are safe. As a father, I understand that I want to live in a world where I don't have to lay awake at night, worrying about whether or not I'll get a phone call confirming my worst thoughts."

Gordon took a deep breath and allowed his words to sink in.

"As Gotham City Police Commissioner, I intend to make this department and this city, something to respect," Gordon said. "I intend to work with the Gotham City District Attorney, Janice Porter, to determine the best and most efficient way to bring in the dangerous criminals which plague our city. And I hope that I do a job which will make you proud."

The members of the press started to buzz. Some of them wanted to ask questions.

"Mr. Gordon, are you intending to bring in fresh blood to the GCPD?" one of them asked.

"We're always looking for good men and women who want to serve," Gordon said. "As long as the people involved are willing to work and able to serve and protect, there will always be a place for them in Gotham City."

It was true, Gordon had been looking to expend the Major Crimes Unit, to help better police Gotham City. He would have liked to also officially endorse Batman, Nightwing, and other protectors of Gotham City, and make them honorary members of the Major Crimes Unit. In this current political climate, Gordon knew it was something that he would never get away with it.

"Mr. Gordon, what are your feelings about the fact that the last two Gotham City Police Commissioners left their post in a bodybag?"

The question would have been expected to come up. Most people would have been thrown off for it. To his credit, Gordon had taken it in stride.

"I'm sure a few people in this city are eagerly counting down the days for that happening with me," Gordon said.

He learned a few laughs from the crowd. Some of his co-workers, those who worked the closest to Gordon, shifted uneasily. James met the death glare of a redhead college student standing in the crowd amongst her friends.

"And my daughter, thinks that's a case of too soon, apparently. But, I can assure those who support me, that I will take every step to ensure my safety. Gillian Loeb and Peter Grogan, they put in their time of distinguished service, and I do not want to disparage them in death, but I intend to be Gotham City police Commissioner up until the time where I'm ready to retire from this madness."

Those who were in the know sadly knew that retirement in Gotham City did not mean a gold watch a lot of the time. Unfortunately, retirement meant a bullet right between the eyes.

"Commissioner, who will be taking your place as the Gotham City Police Department's Captain? What about the head of the Major Crimes Unit?"

Gordon cleared his throat and smiled at the press. He turned to a couple of individuals.

"I've been looking into a replacement to run the Major Crimes Unit," Gordon said. "My good colleague Harvey Bullock has graciously agreed to help run the department in the meantime as I look for other qualified candidates. And another woman who is more than qualified for the job, Sarah Essen, will be the new Captain of the Gotham City Police Department."

The two people in general rose and they had gotten applause. Gordon thought they would do good, even though Bullock had been placed into his role as a very temporary measure. Gordon hoped to find someone else in the New Year.

"What are you planning to do with the SWAT?"

"The Gotham City Police Department's SWAT Team had gotten a fair amount of criticism thanks to unique management style of Howard Branden," Gordon said. "Branden's gone, and him and I rarely agreed on philosophy. I think that the SWAT needs overhauled. Therefore, I think that we need a fresh perspective, and my new SWAT supervisor, Renee Montoya will help myself and Captain Essen overhaul it."

The members of the SWAT looked up, and had been in shock. They were not happy about Branden's replacement. Regardless, they all saw Renee who rose up to nod at the stage.

"I would like to remind everyone that over the months and years, I intend to earn your trust. And ensure that the Gotham City Police Department takes a turn for the better."

Gordon cleared his throat and turned around to face a certain Mayor of Gotham City who stood with his arms folded.

"And now, I've talked for long enough," Gordon said. "I'm going to give the floor to Mayor Hill, who has wanted to speak on a very important issue. The floor is all yours, Mayor Hill."

"Thank you, Commissioner Gordon."

Hill stepped to the front of the stage. Ever the politician, he looked towards the people on the stage with the standard amount of swagger.

"I would like to officially announce the renovations are under way at the former Arkham Asylum, and the Asylum will be reopened after the first of the year," Hill said. "I know this has some controversy, but I think we can agree that with men like Edward Nashton, William Fugate, and Jervis Tetch, a more secure facility is needed."

"Mr. Mayor, what about the Joker?"

"Well, he goes without saying," Hill said. "We still have not been able to determine his true identity, therefore to refer to him only by his moniker will encourage him in the wrong kind of ways."

Hill hoped he could get by without talking about that crazed clown for one day. The GCPD had not been able to capture him, the Mayor's office received a fair amount of criticism because of it, and now the heat was being turned up.

"We will not let anyone trample over us," Hill said. "And this man, Quincy Sharp, will be the new Administrator of Arkham Asylum."

A balding gentleman with a dull grey suit and thick glasses stood at the top of the stage. He inclined his head and looked at several people.

One Harry Potter narrowed his eyes ever so briefly. He stood next to Barbara, who was here to support her father as he had been named Gotham City Police Commissioner. Dinah stood behind them, alongside Sara, who had been in incognito.

'You don't seem like you're much of a fan of Sharp,' Barbara thought.

'He's got some interesting ideas on how to rehabilitate criminals,' Harry thought. 'But, I doubt they're going to be too practical. And he's former colleagues with Hugo Strange.'

'Hmm,' Barbara thought. 'We haven't seen Strange much after Kathy's little ordeal. But, at least we know he hasn't dropped off the face of the earth like Somnambular did."

Sharp stood at the stage and made sure everyone got a look at him before Hill continued his spiel about the re-opening of Arkham Asylum.

Change has just dawned upon Gotham City. The old era is out and a brand new era is in. Many prepare to see what opportunities had been presented for them to take.

And Harry Potter laid in wait to see what his next step would be.


And we reach the end of Ascension Book Two: Eternal. All three hundred and fifty chapter of it, and I have to say that in the end, it's been a hell of a ride over the past almost four years.

Unfortunately, there were some missteps along the way, more than I care to talk about. There were times where I thought about rebooting the entire universe, but common sense and sanity stopped me from doing so.

Now, I'm certain people are going to ask about a continuation regarding this series. And I'll be perfectly honest, I don't really know when it's going to happen. Well, I have a good idea, but I don't want to tell people because I don't want to put pressure on myself to deliver on the date that I plan on delivering.

Should I return, there will likely be a few mini-series stories which will close off a couple of dangling plot threads.

And maybe someday, there will be an Ascension Book Three, but that's a ways away for me to even consider that. And thankfully it won't be as long as this. I hope.

For those of you who constantly have read this story from the beginning and have kept with it through this overly long and grueling journey, I thank you. You're awesome, if not almost as insane as I am.

We'll see what ways the wind blows. Thanks for reading.