"Come on, Hinata," TenTen picked up her pace as they scurried around the corner to class. Hoping to not attract any unwanted attention from the group of rowdy guys holding up the wall. Hinata looked over at the group. Her eyes immediately met blue. The blonde licked his bottom lip and smirked then winked at her. The indigo haired girl felt her cheeks heat then she looked down at her black flats and shook her head.

After school Hinata managed to get away from her friends without any questions asked. She ventured into an old rundown park that she used to play at as a child. A small smile graced her lips as she recalled some of her most precious memories. She walked around the playground and saw a black clad figure layi back on the double sided slide. She heaved a heavy sigh, marched over and sat on the unoccupied side of the slide. "So you found me," his voice was low and gruff, probably from the blunt in between his fingers. He took a slow drag and blew the smoke out.

"It wasn't very hard," she pulled two tall canned beverages out of her book bag. She handed one to him.

"Fruit Punch. You're so clutch, Hina," he popped the can open and took a sip and she opened her can of green tea.

"You never come around anymore," she whispered.

"I figured Papa Hyuga wouldn't want someone like me around tainting his baby girl," he rolled his eyes.

"He's away on a business trip. Gone all week." A smirk crept upon his face behind the can on his.

"I might drop by then. See little Nanbi boo," he chuckled.

"She's hardly ever home. She has a little boyfriend now."

"What! I'll have to kick the little bastard's ass so he knows what's coming for him," he laughed, lifting the blunt in his hands in her direction with a smirk on his face and asked, "You wanna hit?"

"No! You know I don't," she sputtered, "Especially not with my medication."

He blew smoke out the side of his mouth after finishing off the blunt the threw it on the ground. His brows knit and he sat up,"You're still taking that shit?"

"Y-yes. I have to," she looked down at her hands in her lap.

"Stop taking all that crap. Nothing's wrong with you," he laid back down on the slide.

"I have-"

"Depression, low self esteem and self worth yada yada yada," he waved his hand in the air,"There's nothing wrong with you. Hiashi is just a prick who doesn't pay attention or listen to his daughter, so he pawns her off to shrinks. Your mom died, you have the right to be sad. Stop taking that shit, Hinata. It's not good for you."

She huffed, "I thought I was coming here to lecture you."

"I'm full of surprises. You should know that by now, Hina," he smirked up at her. She lay back on the slide beside him.

"What are you doing out here smoking all by yourself in a rundown park. I thought you weren't suppose to smoke your own supply," she smirked right back.

"Hey! I earned it," he chuckled," Why am I here? It's where all the good memories were before everything changed."

"It can be like old times. You don't have to do this Naruto," she spoke softly.

"Things will never go back to the way they were."

"It doesn't have to be this way."

"We're not twelve anymore, Hinata. I'm not that little boy anymore. Shit happens."

"You've changed."

"Tch, I've missed you too."

"Naruto, I don't want you doing this anymore. I don't like you hanging around with them," she stared up at the cloudy sky then bit her lip as it started quiver,"You're going to get yourself killed."

"Won't make a difference," his tone was flat and monotone.

She sat up and looked over at him, "I love you, Naruto and I want better for you." He sat up slowly. Naruto stared into her eyes and caressed her cheeks.

"I love you too," he moved in closer and pressed her lips to his. Hinata leaned into him. Reveling in the sensation. The kiss was everything she'd dream it would be. She had been imagining this since she was eleven. He moved and adjust so he was on top. Her back pressed against the worn yellow slide. "I've always loved you," his hands snuck under her blouse.

"Really," she asked in between light pecks.

"Yea," he replied huskily as he fingertips worked their way up her torso. Her brows knit as he played with her bra. She set her hands on his chest and pushed him back.

"Y-you don't mean it," her lips pulled into a tight line,"You're just saying that to try to get in my pants like you do all those other girls." She thought of all the times she saw him whisper sweet nothing in other girls ears. She remembered hearing about how he talked Shion right out of her panties one weekend then Temari the next. To think she almost let herself believe that he could love her.

"Really, Hinata? Is that what you think I'm doing," he shouted,"Well fuck it then." He jumped up, grabbed his orange backpack and stormed.

"Na-Naruto," she called out to him.

Hinata opened the door and brought hands up to her mouth as she gasped. It was dark outside but she could still see him and the grimace on his face. "Wh-what happened," she ushered him in. The orange shirt under his black coat was splattered with spots of blood. She was sure it wasn't his. His left eye was swelling and purpling.

"Oh nothing, just thought I'd drop by," he smirked.

"Geez, Naruto! Lay down," she hurried into the kitchen then back over to him as he lay back on the champagne colored sofa. "Augh that shirt," she shook her head. He sat up and wiggled his arms out of the coat then pulled the blood stained shirt over his head. Hinata knew her cheeks were red and she couldn't tear her eyes away from the rippling muscles of his back. "Lay back," she stuttered out as she sat down. He lay his head on her lap and she set a pack of ice on him.

"You're still blushy," he chuckled,"That's what I love about you. You never change." he reached up and caressed her cheek,"Just as sweet as you want to be." Hinata sat wide eyed for a moment then silence over took. Not an uncomfortable silence but a very comfortable silence neither felt the need to break it. Naruto played with her hair as she just tried to make sense of it all. "You're just like her," he said uncharacteristically quiet.

"Like who," she gave him a quizzical look.

"Your mom. You're just like her," he continued to play in her hair.

"Thank you," she brought her hand to his head and started gently stroking his golden locks. He was right they weren't kids anymore. He wasn't that little boy she knew. He always had a smile on his face and a sparkle in those deep blue eyes. She had watched his bright smile turn into a sly smirk over the years. After the accident everything changed. He lost both his parents, she lost her mother and her father was put in a wheel chair. They weren't those carefree eight year old who spent all day running around in the park. He was still the boy she loved though. It hurt her to see him stop smiling. It hurt her to see him hanging around the wrong people. She'd cry every time he got into a fight and her heart shattered the further he fell.

"Can I crash here. It'll be a hassle trying to get back," he looked every where but her but she knew. He doesn't want to be alone.

"Of course," she nodded and they fell back into silence.

"Cool," he reached up and grabbed the ice pack but she lightly slapped his hand. He smirked, "I'm tired."

"Well let's go to bed then," she sighed as he sat up. Hinata stood to her feet and he followed behind her as they went upstairs. He didn't need to, he could probably maneuver through the house blindfolded he's been here so many times and it still hadn't changed.

"I don't have to sleep in the guest bedroom, do I? It could be like old time, y'know," he did that smirk as he leaned up against the door frame and her cheeks grew hot.

"I-I don-. Ok," she looked back up at him only to avert her eyes again.

"Great," he clapped his hands together then walked in the room. He looked around taking in everything, "You changed it."

"Huh? Oh yea," she looked around her room,"We're not twelve anymore, remember."

"Right right," he chuckled lightly.
"You want some pajamas. I think I have some of Neji's clothes in here," she shuffled over to her dresser and pulled out the bottom drawer.

"It's good," he started unbuckling his pants,"I only sleep in my draws."

"N-Na-Naruto," she knew her face was as redder than it had ever been before.

"I'm kidding," he laughed,"Well not really but I'm just messing with you. Can I get a pair of shorts?"

"Right and you know where the extra blankets are," she tossed a pair over to him expecting him to go change somewhere else but no! This was Naruto Uzumaki for crying out loud. He dropped his pants right in the middle of her room. She hurried and crawled into her bed. Threw a pillow for him over her shoulder then pulled the covers over her head. She knew he had that big, mischievous smirk on his face, it mostly like doubled when she squeaked and practically dove under the blankets of her bed.

"Scooch," he nudged her shoulder.

"Wh-what," she peaked out of the comforter and saw him standing beside the bed.

"Scoot over, so I can get in," he did that damn smirk again.

"Wha- why? No," she furrowed her brows. He groaned then pushed her over to the other side of the bed then plopped down.

"Relax Hina," he settled in the bed,"It's like old times." Naruto stared up at the ceiling then chuckled," I remember you practically had your own room at the house. When you'd spend the night, I'd sneak in the room. Then the next morning Ma would come in and see us both in the bed then yell out at me," he sighed in nostalgia, "She'd smack me upside the head and say it's not right for little boys and girls to sleep in the same bed and tell me I have to be a gentlemen but all the while she had a smile on her face."

Hinata giggled and he looked over at her in shock, "I remember you asked her why we can't sleep in the same bed when her and your dad did and she turned redder than her hair." Naruto laughed and for the first time in a long time he didn't feel sad when he thought about his parents.

"I missed this," he sighed.

"Me too," she giggled. He turned toward her as she was still looking up at the lavender ceiling. He reached over and turned her face towards him.

"What I said at the park about me loving you, it's true. I've probably loved since I was eight," a small smile graced his lips,"You probably think I'm so kinda playboy or whatever but you're the only girl I wanted. Every other girl is trying to be where you are. You're the only one that matters because no matter how much I change. No matter how many mistakes I make, you stay the same. You look at me the same way you did when we were kids. It doesn't matter to you because I'm still just Naruto in your eyes. I love you, Hinata."

"I-I love you too, Naruto," she wiped at her eyes. The smile she so longed to see spread across his face. He stared her for a little, studying her.

"Go to sleep," Naruto turned over on his side, still smiling. He reached back and intertwined her fingers with his like he used to when the were younger.

A/n: I'm sorry I just kinda like the idea of bad boy Naruto.