Author's Note:

I hope that I can finish this story fast and in one go. Reviewers had been urging to me to update faster, but sadly, that's not possible. Too much homework and three weeks left of school! The teachers are trying to end everything as fast as possible. Don't give up hope, though. I will finish this fic, no matter what. I think I'm going to edit this fic, a littlee after I'm done. If a chapter or two suddenly popped up from the story, make sure to check it out!

Chapter 19: The Show Must Go On!

"…Thank you all for showing up for the NYBSG Talent Show! I hope you enjoy the following performances, first on, please welcome Alayna Millers and her ballet display!" The principal then walked off the stage.

"Places, everyone!" The director hissed frantically, waving his arms around. "Places!"

Applause echoed around the studio as Alayna herself pranced soon after the principal came down smiling brightly and waving. Thalia, who was standing next to me, scowled.

"Who do she think she is? Little Miss America?" Thalia openly complained.

Percy opened his mouth to reply.

"That was an rhetorical question."

We sat on the floor by the stage where all the performers were warming up. Some were quickly running through their act, others were just plainly trying to calm themselves down.

"Okay, I'm going over to get the microphone," I announced walking away. I wandered around a bit and try to locate the director who was suppose to hand me the microphone so I can narrate. But he was zooming around so fast I couldn't possibly speak with him.

"Hey—" I started. He ran right, to help a girl with her trampoline.

"Can I—" I tried. He ran left, to yell at a couple of parents who got lost and ended up in the back stage.

"Please, can you—" I said desperately. He ran through me, shoving me aside with a shrill "I'm busy!"

I glared at his disappearing figure, hoping he'll trip, faint and I can spend the next 45 minutes trying to enjoy the Talent Show. But I can't, since I needed that microphone. So I chased after him with a exasperated sigh.

I was almost able to corner him next to the curtains when someone dragged me aside. I turned and shot the person the deadly-glare I would muster. It was then when I noticed it was Momo who was not at all in a happy mood. She was freaking out a little actually, and I'm pretty sure that's not caused from my glare. Something serious is bothering her.

"So," I said, "Need help with something?"

"Annabeth! Tomoyo fainted!"


We arrived at the nurse's office after reuniting with Thalia and Percy. She was lying on a bed in the corner of the office, still unconscious.

"She'll be fine," The nurse assured us. "Just need a little rest, maybe too stress out lately."

"What about our Talent Show performance?!" Thalia exclaimed.

"Oh, sweetie," The nurse smiled at us although it looks like a grimace. (Afterall, she's just a nurse. Can't expect too much.) "It will be alright." She said unconvincingly.

We exited the office, and tried to think of an solution.

"What should we do?" Thalia groaned.

I start rubbing my camp beads hoping an idea will pop into my head.

Mom? I prayed, Athena? I can use some guidance right now…

After a while nothing happened and I was about to give up when a gust of wind, stuck a flyer (namely, a flyer about an afterschool study session) in Momo face.

"Mmph!" She screamed in surprise. Percy, who was next to her, helped her peeled the flyer off her face.


"No problem. Here," Percy handed her the flyer. "Somebody wants you to participate in the…" He squinted at the paper. "After school study session?"

I looked at them intensely. It must be a sign from my mom, I thought, no wind would have just 'accidentally' blew a flyer on Momo's face. There was no wind that day, it was a little shady, but absolutely no wind.

Then suddenly, I got it. How could I not have think of that? It was so obvious.

A smile crept onto my face and I turned to face Momo.

"Hey Momo, can you sub-in for Tomoyo?"