A/N – This was supposed to be a oneshot but thanks to the invasion of plot bunnies in my head, this has turned into something much more. I've not written for quite a while so I'm quite excited to start this one.

And I suppose I should say that I don't own Merlin, if I did, Season 5 would certainly never have ended like that.

So without further ado…

Chapter 1 – A Peaceful Hunt

It wasn't that Merlin didn't like it when things went his way. In fact he loved it when everything went smoothly and as expected, with no one getting hurt and no tragedies befalling anyone. Unfortunately Merlin knew he just wasn't that lucky. If fate could throw something unwelcome towards him, chances were that it was already on its way.

That was why Merlin found himself on edge, sitting even more cautiously on his horse, as he trudged behind the rest of the company on their way back home. Every twig that snapped under the many hooves only caused him to jump more. Something that did not go unnoticed.

"Cheer up Merlin! I'm sure you saved more than we managed to catch." Gwaine laughed as he fell back to let Merlin catch up. "Even the princess isn't too grumpy for once."

It was true. Arthur was indeed happy with how successful their hunt was and at the thought of how well stocked their reserves for the coming winter would now be. And why shouldn't the King of Camelot be happy. They had completed a successful hunt without any problems. Not a single problem. Not even a smidge. And that was precisely why Merlin was worried.

"It shouldn't have been this easy." Merlin muttered, more to himself than Gwaine, as he focused ahead.

As if sensing his manservant's stare, Arthur turned slightly, "What on earth are you complaining about now Merlin? Did you get a splash of mud on your petticoat?"

"Don't you think this was too easy? That it is too quiet. We should have run into some trouble at some point, some bandits or…something." As he finished Merlin realised that maybe it would have been better to keep quiet and not give Arthur more ammunition against him.

"Correct me if I'm wrong Merlin, but you're complaining that there are no bandits for you to hide behind a tree from, whilst the rest of us save your sorry backside."

Merlin's eyes narrowed as he decided for now at least it would be best to ignore his King's comments and focus on the lack of danger surrounding them.

"When have any of our hunts been so easy? Hmm? I just have a funny feeling."

"Don't be such a girl, Merlin! Besides before you came along, this is exactly how our hunts used to be." Ignoring his manservant's prattling voice was proving to be much harder than his own small doubt over the smoothness of their hunt. But he couldn't admit that to Merlin. "And I don't want to hear any more about your silly feelings. If it makes you feel any better, I'll have Gwaine over here pick you up some nice pretty flowers ok."

"I'm serious, what if ther-"

"MER-lin" This time the King could not stop his frustration from seeping into his voice.


"Shut up!"

Not wanting Arthur to ever have the last word, Merlin opened his mouth to retort when an arrow came flying from his right, just barely missing his head.

The shout of "Bandits!" was unnecessary as the first few arrows had been enough to warn the knights. By the time the next assault of arrows had started, the knights were ready. Years of training had prepared them well for these types of situations. (After all the knights of Camelot weren't known for their ability to whip their hair, well maybe one was. )

Wishing he could have been wrong just this one time – although he would never miss a chance to prove Arthur wrong – Merlin fumbled off his horse. Narrowly missing another arrow as he searched for Arthur, finding the blonde haired royal fighting with three bandits.

Hoping no one sees the tell-tale gold in his eyes, Merlin whispered a spell and smiled as he saw one of the three bandits fall unconscious. No doubt the King would put it down to his own might. Before he could take another one out with more words from the Old Religion, a thug appeared in front of him brandishing a sword in his hand and an ugly smirk twisted on his face.

"For-", the first syllable was all Merlin could choke out as the thug landed a hefty blow to his chest, with enough strength to knock him to the ground. Merlin twisted painfully to the side as a heavy boot missed its target, and fell angrily against the dirt. Merlin didn't have to see the sword come swinging down to realise he was in trouble if he didn't do something quick. Within seconds the sword came crashing down, only stopping inches from his face, embedded in the branch Merlin had managed to find. Furious at having missed his target again, the thug raised his arm once more.

Merlin saw the hate flashing in the thug's eyes- but suddenly it changed to shock mirroring his own surprise to see the tip of a sword poking out of the thug's chest as a pool of blood started flowing from the fatal wound.

The body fell to the floor, bringing up dirt, as Merlin took a second to realise that it was Arthur who had helped him.

"Get up from the ground Merlin, wouldn't want to get dirt in your pretty hair now would you." Arthur smirked, offering his manservant a hand.

"You think I'm pretty?" Merlin couldn't resist a fast quip, even if this wasn't the time for jesting. His big smile wasn't missed by Arthur.

"Oh, so you're happy now are you Merlin?"

"Over the moon actually."

"How is it that even after all this time, you cannot fight one little man? I have just managed to knock a man unconscious with barely a touch."

Grinning at the unhidden smugness in Arthur's voice, Merlin replied "Smell your dirty socks, did he?"

"Go find a tree!"

A/N – Hope you enjoyed reading it. Please pay some attention to the review box too. :)

Let me know your thoughts! I know it's only the first chapter but I hope I got the relationship between Arthur and Merlin right, their bromance was definitely one of my favourite things in the show.