So, this is a story I am writing with I love power rangers7135. I hope you all like it

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for Dylan, Nikki and Charlie.

Chapter 1

'Ugh, this is so boring,' Elizabeth thought to herself as she studied in the library. She put her long wavy brown hair up in a ponytail so it would be out of her face and pushed her glasses up in front of her brown eyes. She was studying for her history test. They were studying major strikes of the 19th century. Right now she was reading about trolley strike. 'Why is there nothing on the newsies strike?' she wondered. 'That would actually be interesting to study.' Thinking about Newsies she started humming Carrying the Banner. She was a huge Newsies fan. She and her three best friends Dylan, Nikki and Charlotte, who was better known as Charlie. Every Friday night the four got together at one of their houses for a sleepover and thye, of course, watched Newsies. Tonight was Friday and this time they were going to Elizabeth's house.

She was so zoned out with the song she didn't hear anyone come up behind her.

"Flashpots are shooting bright as the sun! I'm one high falutin' son of a gun!" Dylan sang as Elizabeth jumped in her seat.

"God Dylan!" She grabbed at her heart. "One, don't ever sneak up on me. Two, that wasn't even the song I was singing."

"So, King of New York is my favorite song in the movie."

Dylan had long straight bright blonde hair that was right now in a long side braid and blue-green eyes.

"So, what are you doing here? I thought you had gym right now."

"We're doing the pacer test."


"And? You know me! I don't run! Besides, I can't be sweaty for tonight."

"Tonight? You know we don't care what you look like when you come to the sleepover."

"Yeah, um, that's kinda why I'm here." Dylan played with her hands, looking down at them. "I kinda can't come tonight."

"What?! But Dyl, we always get together on Friday nights. What's so important?"

"Owen wanted to meet with me tonight."

"But your boyfriend's been fine with you not being able to go out on Fridays before."

"But he said he has something really important to talk to me about. That it can't wait. I think he might be saying the L-word tonight." A huge smile grew on her face as she said that.

Elizabeth sighed. "Fine. Go and have fun on your date. But I'm expecting you to come over as soon as it's over and give us all the details."

"Deal." She opened her arms and the two friends hugged.

Just then the bell rang.

"Well, I gotta go," Elizabeth said, closing her textbook. "Off to fail a history test."

"Don't say that girl. You're smart. You'll ace it."

"Fingers crossed. See ya later."

"See ya."

That night, the three gathered at Elizabeth's house and set up in the basement.

"Where's Dylan?" Nikki asked. Nikki had medium length curly red hair and green eyes.

"She's out with Owen," Elizabeth answered.

"She ditched us for a guy?" Charlie repeated, shocked. Charlie had shoulder length dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Apparently it's a really important date tonight. She thinks he's gonna say he loves her."

"Well, they have been going out almost a year," Nikki responded.

"Besides, she said she'll be here after her date to tell us all about it." Then, they heard the doorbell go Ding-Dong. "That must be the pizza."

"I hope it's the hot delivery guy," Charlie hoped, a smirky smile growing on her face.

"Well, there's only one way to find out." The three ran up the stairs, all fixing themselves and giggling as they went. But when Elizabeth opened the door, their smiles fell. Thee stood Dylan with all her stuff in a black mini-dress with her hair down and curled. She looked beautiful except for the fact that her eyes were bloodshot and there were tears falling down her face. "Dyl? What's wrong?"

Sniffing, Dylan said, "Ow-Owen…broke up with me." The three girls pulled her inside and brought her down stairs immediately. Once they all sat down, they wanted to know what happened. Once she had calmed down, she told them the story, "So, Owen came to my house to pick me up and we went to the restaurant. And then he told me that he met someone else."

"WHAT?!" all three exclaimed.

"Who?" Nikki questioned.

"Beth Samson."

"Boobs Beth?" Elizabeth clarified. "She's such a slut. Why would he dump you for her?"

"She's head cheerleader, he's the basketball star. Why wouldn't he want to be with her?"

"Well, he's stupid and a douche."

"And he doesn't deserve you," Charlie backed her up.

"Ugh!" Dylan exclaimed, hitting her pillow. "I feel like an idiot. How could I not see this coming?"

"Cause he's a stupid douche!" Elizabeth told her. "How dare he do this to you?"

"Look, I don't wanna talk about this anymore," Dylan stated. She dried her eyes and put on a smile. "So, have you guys started watching the movie?"

"Of course not. We've been waiting for you," Charlie told her. "So now that you're here, let's put it in."

Within minutes they were watching their favorite movie. And of course, they were talking about their favorite guys.

"Omigod, David. I-I just can't," Elizabeth swooned.

"I don't get why you like him. He;s so nerdy," Nikki wondered,

"He's cute, he's sweet, he's smart. What's there to not like?"

"How about he's not hot like Spot?" Charlie rebutted.

"Oh please, we all know Skittery's the best out them all," Nikki put in her opinion.

"You know, maybe it's a good thing I'm single now," Dylan said. "Now I can gush over Jack."

"So it's Jack you fancy huh?" Elizabeth commented. "All this time we've never heard anything from you about any of the guys."

"Well, now you know. I like Jack." They kept talking like this throughout the movie. Dylan didn't hide her distaste when Jack kissed Sarah Jacobs. "What's so special about her? She doesn't even have a real part to play in the movie. She's just there to be a little tramp."

"Somebody's jealous," Elizabeth commented, snickering.

"I am not jealous! I'm just…jealous." Her friends gave her looks. "Oh shut up. Don't judge me!" She buried her face in her pillow.

Her friends laughed.

When the movie was over, Charlie asked Dylan, "So, how are you feeling?"
"Better. Much better. I really needed this girls. Thank you. But do you know what would make me feel even better?"
"What?" Elizabeth wondered.

"If we lived with the newsies."

"That would make everything better," Nikki agreed.

All of a sudden there was a huge crash of thunder.

"Whoa!" they all jumped.

"I never heard anything about a storm tonight," Elizabeth told them.

"Must be a freak one," Charlie added.

Rain started to pour down as more thunder and now lighting appeared. The girls all huddled together. But then, the power went out. They screamed.

"Okay guys, we don't have to panic," Elizabeth calmed them. I have some flashlights upstairs. I'll go get them." Carefully, she made her way up the stairs and to the door. She opened it and walked out. "What the hell?!" She went back inside and closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Dylan asked.

"Um…I-I don't know." Exchanging weird looks, the three met their friend at the top of the stairs. Dylan opened the door and was met with pouring rain and a view of the outside. And It wasn't just outside. They were looking at a city.

Wherever could they be? Gotta keep reading to find out. Read and review!