Hello there!

A few days ago I read, because I was frustrated with glee and fanfiction is awesome compared to the poorly plotted episodes, this fanfiction called "Little numbers." that I think most of you have read already (if you haven't, go google it and read) and it was perfect so I decided I wanted to write a more snarky a lot less perfect Kurtbastian version of it, I hope you like it and be gentle it's my first time writing and publishing anything!

2nd September.

(5:38 pm)

I know we probably fucked but I'm having a hard time remembering your name so can you we skip the guessing part and just tell who the fuck are you?


First no, since you aren't my fiancé. We didn't. And second who are YOU?


You have a fiancé? That's a whole new level of cheating for me.


Told you I haven't been with you. Are you blind or something?


Then why do I have a text from you? And why would I be blind?


Because… dugh never mind I'm not wasting time explaining that. And I didn't text you.


If it works for something I know your name starts with A or E, just in case you are angrily lying because I don't remember you.


So you are the kind of person that sleeps around and don't remember names?


So you are the kind of person that has the same boyfriend your entire life and end up getting married in a horrible church just to find out he's been cheating as bad as you has?


I have better things to do than clarify you a hundred times that I haven't been with you. Whoever you are.


Then have a nice life with your boring boyfriend stranger. (I'm being sarcastic by the way)


Have a nice life, hope you catch some STD (I'm not being sarcastic by the way)

3rd September.

(2:03 pm)

Gonna hate myself a lot for this, but sorry.


Please tell me you are the annoying stranger from yesterday and not that all the sudden the entire country decided to text me.


Skipping the annoying part, yes I'm the stranger from yesterday. And you better forgive me because you may be the second 'sorry' I ever said in my life.


I suppose I should take that as a good thing, shouldn't I?


Well yes.
I run into the guy, who by the way is called Liam, and turned out is not you.


Ha. I see your good memory.


Your point being?


Just saying you said the guy's name started with A or E and since Liam is with L…


Apparently you have a better memory than I. And for you to know, the nicest thing to do when someone says sorry is forgive him.


Why do you mind? we don't meet.


I don't. Figured I should do something good because my over sensitive and pretty irritating sister suggested —forced me. Thank you, I proved her it was pointless, and that I was right.


Also Liam is way more pleasant than you.




Friendly reminder that I don't care.

(4:38 pm)

You are mean.


Thank you?


You are the stranger aren't you?


His sister. I stole his phone to tell you to be nicer with people.


Now this is creepy.


I'm not creepy, I'm just giving you a life lesson. If you are nice with people, people are going to be nice with you and the world will a much happier place to live.


Still creepy because I DON'T know you.


And about that life lesson, your —I assume— brother doesn't seem like the best person in the world, so…


You can't say that. You don't know him.


Now you are getting my point…


Be nice with him!


Oh god you are really persistent, aren't you?



4th September.

(10:00 am)

Okay just because I'm afraid you and your sister are like mobsters or worst like wizards who are going to witchcraft me if I don't, I'm saying I'm sorry for treating you shitty before.


Do I need to say that your text sounded disturbing or you just notice by your own?


Sure I'm disturbing, but when your sister takes your phone to —without even know me— lecture me a 'life lesson' is not disturbing at all.


She did what?


Seems like she needs a talk about how perfect the world would be without people messing around with others' stuff.


What does that suppose to mean?


Nothing. Just let her know I'm a lovely human being so she'll stop texting me.


I can't. I haven't lied at her and you are not lovely. Not even a little.


And that you know my sister is weird.


Tell me about it. And don't even start with the fact we keep talking.


Guess our life is boring enough to do this.


Does that means that your life is boring and I'm an entertainment to you?


Not exactly. Do you want to be my entertainment ;) ?


If that meant as it sounded, then no. This situation is bizarre by itself, let's not do it worst.


Then you are not fun.


Never say I was.

7th September.

(11:15 am)



Hello? Why are you texting me again?


I'm bored, and I guessed you are the only one in my contact list that won't criticize me for texting in class.


Do you have me in your contact list?


Since you figured I was the one texting you I think you saved my number too. Or you are stalker enough to learn my number by memory, you choose.


Touché. But I saved just in case your crazy sister decided to text-lessoning me again.


She is harmless.


So tell me what's my name?


… sorry to disappoint you but I'm not good at guessing games so I'm not sure if I can tell your name. You could ask your mother though.


No, idiot. The name you saved my phone number with.


—Hoping the idiot part was friendly— I saved you as 'weird stranger'.


How creative. (ironic, just in case.)


Would you have preferred if I have saved you as 'mobster/wizard creepy bizarre someone' instead?


Would've been thoughtful of you.


And why do you critique me, I don't know how did you save my number.


'The guy who I haven't fucked but seems interesting'.


That's long for a name. I should say I'm touched by the 'interesting' part but I'm not sure if that a good or a bad thing.


It's good, I think.


Should have been easier if I've known your name though.


I'm not saying my name to a complete stranger.


Why not? It's not like I'm going to kidnap you just by knowing your name.


I guess. You tell me.


Why? I asked first.


Really? don't you think that's childish?


Fine. You can call me B.


I'd prefer not to.


From all the letters in the abecedary your name had to start with 'B'?


Who said my name stars with B? and why I can't choose the B?


Don't like it. Find another one.


You are demanding. You can call me Bas. (If it's okay with you than I'm using A and S)


Bas? As BAStard?


Oh don't flat me this much! I'll blush.
Your turn by the way.


You can call me K.


K as Kate? (see I'm nicer than you)


No you are not. And I'm a he…


My bad. As you said you had a boyfriend I figured.


Well as far as I know you are a guy and slept with someone named Liam… so we are pretty much in the same boat.


If we are on the same boat, how come I don't know you?


Because I don't sleep around with creepy strangers?


Oh yeah, that.

Disclaimer: Mistakes are all mine, characters sadly no