The train pulled to a stop with a screech, steam hissing from it. A boy stood alone on the large platform. He closed his book and nodded his head, a small smile gracing his features.

"Right on time." The accent the boy had was a thick British, his hair was a messy bright blond. His eyes were a stunning green that went well with his hair. Another thing gracing his face was a pair or ridiculously huge eyebrows. He adjusted his scarf and gripped his suitcase tighter as people started to come in through the wall and into the platform 9 ¾.

The platform began to fill up with people, parents taking their children to the train. Those parents had accompanied their children to say their goodbyes. Their children were headed to Hogwarts, the school of witch craft and wizardry. The school had a grand reputation; for it was there that the dark wizard was killed and where the great wizard had went to school.

The boy moved out of a family's way, pulling his suitcase with him. The name "Arthur Kirkland" was printed on a piece of paper attached to the front in beautiful cursive. Arthur looked around at the children who were hugging their parent's goodbye. A handful of the mothers were crying, Arthur quickly looked away and scowled.

His own parents had not attended his departure; they had only attended when his older brothers had gone to Hogwarts. They were to be third years while he was only a first year. His brothers were the pride and joy of his family, excellent grades, good looks, and they all were popular in their houses. They all belonged to Gryffindor, a house that young Arthur wanted to be in more than anything. He wanted to prove to he could be a powerful wizard, not to his family but to himself. He had been called a failure at everything he has tried to do, this time would be different.

He gripped his ticket in his jacket pocket and decided it was time to now board. He took only a few steps before someone shouted,

"Look out!"

Next thing Arthur knew he was lying face down on the smooth floor with his rump high in the air. He blinked a few times and finally realized that someone had crashed into him. He groaned and sat up, rubbing his nose and glaring at the back of the person who had hit him.

"Al, you alright?" He looked over at the two who were accompanying the rude boy. Said kid was sitting and rubbing the back of his head. He fixed the glasses that were barely hanging on his face before nodding.

"Yeah I'm good."

"Oh my, don't look now Alfred but it seems you've hit a troll." One of the boys said. His voice was thick with a French accent. He had wavy golden locks that reached his shoulder. His eyes were a bright blue that matched his flashy appearance. He had on a fancy trench coat of a dark cerulean colour. He placed one hand on his hip and flipped his hair and gave a slight laugh at his own joke.

Arthur's face warped into a violent scowl and he gritted his teeth, standing up and glaring at the boy. He then glared down at the boy who had run into him. He had also stood up and was proceeding to dust himself off. The boy looked up at Arthur and gave a cheesy smile.

Arthur's eyes widened slightly at how blue the others were. They seemed to reflect the very sky he adored to see when it was not raining. The boy was dressed in a baggy gray jacket and jeans. He had beautiful blond hair with a piece that seemed to defy gravity. He held his hand out to the Brit who looked down at it suspiciously.

"Sorry for running into ya. Name's Alfred Jones. "He flashed a pearly white smile at Arthur. Arthur took in the fact that he was obviously American. He took his hand and shook it.

"Arthur Kirkland…" He said cautiously.

"Woah dude, your eyebrows are freaking huge." Alfred chuckled.

Arthur sputtered a response and yanked his hand away. He glared at the rude American and grabbed his suitcase. "You bloody tosser, next time watch where you're going!" He hissed out and stormed away. His cheeks burned in embarrassment, he had been made fun of for his eyebrows since childhood.

Out of his entire family, he apparently had inherited his grandfather's eyebrows. His brothers didn't have that problem, it was just him. Therefore they had made fun of him for it and so had everyone in his elementary. He stormed up the train steps and searched for an empty cart to be in. He found one and quickly went inside, stuffing his suitcase away and sitting down next to the window. He sighed and pulled out the slip of paper from his pocket with the information of what he needed written down on it. He checked over the list twice to make sure he had not forgotten anything. He had bought everything he needed the day after he had gotten his acceptance letter. He had it sent to Hogwarts ahead of time along with his owl. His wand he kept in his suit case, intending to change into his robes when they got closer to the school.

He glanced up as the door opened. A boy with black hair and eyes stood there. He appeared flustered and he bowed slightly.

"Excuse me, would you mind if I shared the cart with you? There seems to be no other empty carts." He had on a light gray coat with a white scarf and black slacks. Arthur smiled at him and flicked his head to the seat in front of him.

"Oh be my guest, I would enjoy the company." Arthur watched him walk in, he bowed and said thank you before putting his suit case away. Arthur held out a hand and smiled again. "I'm Arthur Kirkland, nice to meet you."

The boy hesitated before accepting the hand, "Hello, I'm Kiku Honda. It is a pleasure to meet you." He sat across from Arthur and they remained in total silence. The silence wasn't awkward, but comfortable. Arthur stood up and pulled one of his books out of his suit case, a book on magical beings. He opened it up and began to read, glancing up when he felt eyes on him.

Kiku jumped and looked out the window with a flustered expression. Arthur smiled slightly and closed his book, tilting his head to the side. "Excuse me, Kiku, would you like something to read? I've brought many of my favorite books along with me."

Kiku quickly looked back at Arthur and shook his head. "No there is no need to go to such troubles."

"Oh bullocks, there's no trouble at all." Arthur dismissed his response and stood up, pulling out one his books on dragons. He smiled and deemed it suitable before handing it over to kiku. Kiku thanked him and traced a hand over the front of the book, noting how it looked dearly cared for.

Arthur sat back down and opened his book, sighing in content as he started to read. The only thing that would go lovely with this book is a nice cup of tea. Arthur thought to himself. He soon began to get wrapped into his book, not noticing the train whistle blow or the sound of it beginning to move. Arthur completely forgot about his horrible meeting with that blasted French kid and his American friend. He leaned against the seat and silently read, him and Kiku both sitting in comfortable silence as their books wove stories.

The train ride to Hogwarts had been uneventful; Kiku and Arthur quickly became friends over books. Kiku had enjoyed Arthur's books, reading quite a few of them. Arthur had learned that Kiku was a second year in Hufflepuff. He had also learned that Kiku was Japanese and his parents had sent him over to attend Hogwarts. Arthur had stuck close to kiku, who had known where he was going.

Kiku was rather quiet for the most part and Arthur didn't push him to speak unless he was willing. They soon separated when Kiku went to sit at his house table while the first years were led down the center and stopped in front of a chair with the sorting hat resting on top of it. Arthur looked around the tables and spotted his brothers. They were sitting together at their house table and he noticed Allistor, the second oldest, pointing at him. They all trained their eyes on their little brother, eager to see which house he would be put in.

The head master, Vladmir Romania, stood up to give a few words. Everything went silent as he cleared his throat and smiled. "I welcome you all to Hogwarts! Please keep in mind that the dark forest is not to be entered under any circumstances what so ever! We will be having professor Ivan read off the names for the shorting hat." He nodded to a man with ashy gray hair and cold violet eyes. He was smiling softly, a long white scarf wrapped around his neck. He had on the black robes that almost everyone in Hogwarts wore.

The man moved over to the sorting hat and pulled out a long roll of paper which appeared to be containing names. He cleared his throat. "I will call out your name and then place the sorting hat on your head. It will then sort you into your houses."

He began to list off names, one after the other. Arthur glanced up when he heard Alfred's name. The fool strolled up to the sorting hat and sat on the stool like a child, rocking back and forth eagerly. Arthur forced himself not to roll his eyes at the pure excitement radiating off of the boy.

"Ah, a strong heart in this one. You would do nicely in….. Gryffindor!" Alfred practically yelled in joy, but he caught himself just in time. He didn't however hide the slight bounce in his step as he sat down at his house table.

"Francis Bonnefoy." Ivan read the next name. Arthur grimaced as that stupid French frog strutted up to the hat and sat down.

The sorting hat hummed as it thought to itself before shouting out, "Ravenclaw!" France stood up, flipped his hair and moved over to his table. Arthur glared at him from over his shoulder, noticing how he had seemed to captivate the girls of his house's attention. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking back at the creepy man.

"Matthew Williams." Arthur recognized the other boy who had been with Alfred and Francis. At the time he had not realized that he and Alfred looked completely the same except for a few things. Like how his hair was more wavy and longer, and how it was a few shades darker than Alfred's. His eyes were also darker than Alfred's and less stunning.

He moved up to the stool, far quieter than his lookalike. Arthur made the conclusion that they were twins, though the lasts names threw him off a bit.

"Let's see…. You seem to be a very hard worker….. Lots of patience in you too. I think you'll do nicely in…. Hufflepuff!" Matthew let go of the breath he had been holding. He moved to his table and was greeted kindly. Arthur smiled as he was greeted by Kiku, if the quiet Japanese boy had greeted him, then he couldn't be as bad as his brother.

"Arthur Kirkland!"

Arthur's head snapped forward and he swallowed hard, he could practically feel his brother's gazes. He moved forward, squaring his shoulders and straightening his posture. He lifted his chin up in a proud manner and sat on the stool, not uttering a sound. The hat was then placed on his head and he closed his eyes and let out a small breath.

"Oh what's this? Another Kirkland I see, And such strong magic in this one… yes… very strong indeed. A great deal of ambition to go along with a powerful mind… I think you would be best suited for….." There was a pause and Arthur swallowed, glancing over at his brothers who were also waiting. He caught sight of Alfred watching him, before he could register that in his mind the hat declared its answer. "Slytherin!"

A/N: Well i finally started to write a fanfic, i've been meaning to but i really never had any inspiration. Thank you for taking the time to read this!