Chapter 1: The Nation's First Food Fight of 2014 with Penny Kirkland

"There is no sincerer love than the love of food." George Bernard Shaw

PENNY KIRKLAND, or otherwise known to others (meaning herself) as Sealand, a once used British Navel Port until the end of the Second World war where she declared her independence. She is a proud, kind-hearted, sometimes cheeky as well as annoying and loving child.

But there was one problem: she was not recognized by her fellow nations as a nation.

Proud as she was, she scoffed at the idea of not being a nation as she already declared her independence and has her own royal family who kept a responsible job of keeping things in perfect order. And because of this, she knew from the day she became free that she will be known as a true nation like any other.

But let us get forth with this tale.

It happened on a typical average Monday, the first day of the week where everyone obviously disliked the most, and it was the day that Sealand was going to make herself noticed by others around her. The skies were forget-me-not blue as fluffy white clouds in many shapes and sizes glided across the sky, and the conference was beginning to start.

It was almost peaceful…

Until a certain British yell ruined the first meeting of the year.

"Penny Kirkland, how many times do I have to tell you not to come here?" Britain shouted at the young girl. "How many times?"

Penny Kirkland looked up at the furious nation, eyes of blue like the rushing sea glared into Britain's lime green eyes. "About four hundred and sixty two times, I believe."

"Four hundred and sixty three!" the rude Briton corrected the young mirconation. "I have the right mind to kick you out..." he suddenly shut his eyes tightly and grunted unhappily. He lowered himself and hissed in her ear, "if your guardians weren't here! Now you have to stay here, but you better be on your proper behavior, or else!" Britain threatened the surprised Sealand.

Could this be it? Could this be the chance of actually going to her first conference?

Sealand got her butt into a seat as soon as possible, seating next to a trembling shortie known as Latvia who is a good friend of hers. Sealand knew the reason why he trembled: his boss Russia. Sealand knew Russia is one of the most (and maybe only) feared nations of all time.

And even she did not want to get him in her bad side.

Unless she needed to concur him, of course.

But that would have to wait, the conference was about to start with Germany announcing the first meeting.

"Nationen, we have an important meeting today," Germany announced and created wide sound music of lazy sighs. He quickly disregards their complaints and carried on. "Some of the economics from one of us is becoming a dilemma, so I suggest you take notes on-"

One nation suddenly stood up, the annoying dusty-blond hair was America. "Dude, this is just a boner killer! We need to rock out since it's a brand year, Germany!"

Germany shot a deadly glare at the American. "America, New Years passed, unless you were busy hibernating like a fat overgrown bear."

Some nations gave stuffed chuckles that only made America smirk in arrogance.

America bent down to get something... And that would be a pie AT4 rocket launcher in his hands as he aims it at all the nations to see while the cower under their tables, forgetting their chuckles and panicking over who would get shot first by this insane American.

Sealand got under the table along with Latvia who was shaking more frighteningly, hugging his legs on his chest while Sealand pulled up table cloth to see what was going on. She could see nations were ducking from the American's pies as some defended their rights by throwing their food at him.

"Wha-what made Mr. America act like this?" Latvia shrieked while tears of fear poured down his eyes.

Sealand did not listen to him as she watched in amazement on how amazing conferences were.

Soon after, Sealand found herself running out of the table and participated into this game, grabbing a piece of a half empty cream pie from the floor and looks around to find her target.

Britain passed right at her, ducking his head.


Right then, as she saw him run down the hall, she placed all of her energy into this one shot behind Britain's head. After carefully targeting her direct hit, she pulled her arm back and soon threw the pie with ultra-speed and it met its target with a tumbling Britain falling forward to the ground.

Those who saw her either clapped or laughed at Britain's failure of being hit by a mirconation.

And with that, Sealand declared her revenge with a smirk for the four hundred and sixty three yells to be four hundred and sixty two…

As for Germany, he's going to have a word with America after this ridiculous food fight frenzy is over…