I'm Baaaack! ;)

And once again, it is that time of the new year where I am going to ask you a very important question!

What was the Best Austin & Ally story of 2013?

This is the second year I'll be holding this contest, and just like last year, it is to remind us of all the beautiful fanfiction's we've read in the past year!

And it's so simple to get involved in this! Just make sure you REVIEW to nominate all the stories that you think deserve a shiny gold medal for their Rossomeness! Make sure you spread the word so everyone can get involved!

Nominations are going to end on January 24th.

Now for the rules, it's been a while, so I'll refresh your memories on the qualifications…

I've split this contest into TWO categories. One for Multi-chaptered stories, and One for Oneshots.

You may nominate ANY story as long as:

For Multi-chaptered stories

-It's from the Austin & Ally archive (Obviously xD)

-Was COMPLETED in 2013*

-Has two or more chapters

-Is more than 1500+ words in length

For One-shots

-Austin & Ally archive

-Published in 2013

- One Chapter OVER 1000 WORDS**

These requirements are pretty basic, but if there are any questions or confusions, let me know!

*If it was completed January 1st 2014 at 12:01am IT DOES NOT COUNT

**I say over 1000 words because anything less is usually a drabble. However, if you would like to make an argument about this, let me know, I'll read the one-shot, and tell you if it qualifies. (:


So now, all YOU have to do is leave a REVIEW that says:

"I nominate the stories (Insert Story Name Here) by (Author Here) and (Insert Story Name Here) by (Author Here) for the Best A&A story of 2013!"

Now you can nominate as many stories as your heart desires!

I will PM all authors whose stories are nominated!

**If you would like to nominate your own stories, you may nominate a maximum of 2 (This means two multi-chapters OR two one-shots OR a multi-chapter and a oneshot. NO EXCEPTIONS)**

But please keep in mind, I have to check EVERY single story that is nominated, to make sure it fits the qualifications. And I don't mind checking, but please keep in mind the requirements when you nominate!

If anyone has any questions or concerns, PM me! (:

Now send in the Nominations! You have until January 24th!
