"Remember Hally. The most important part of being a Mafia boss is to protect your family no matter the cost. There will be difficult times ahead and some of the decisions you will have to make will test your resolve. It will be then that in your most difficult time, your resolve will become clear. Your resolve will fuel a flame like nothing you have every seen before, and that flame will help you protect those around you that you truly love." My father smiled toward me as he lifted me off the ground and placed me upon his lap, gazing into my eyes. "You see my child. The Mafia world is full of cruelty and evil. Many people will seek to destroy what peace we have here, and many will seek to corrupt those that are pure. But you must always remember your resolve. Why is it that you fight?"

I hesitated a little as I continued to look into my fathers loving eyes. I gripped him tightly giving him a hug. "I don't want to fight" I spoke softly as I hugged him tighter. I didn't understand why my father suddenly wanted me to become Vongola the 11th. After all my brother was far more advanced than I was and had been on several dangerous training missions with the family guardians already. It seemed odd to me that I was being trained to become the next Vongola leader. After all I was only 5 and my brother was 12 and a child prodigy. It was clear to everyone that Devroux was the perfect candidate to become the boss, not me. So then why? "What about my brother? Isn't he?"

"Oh Hally child. Your brother is a whole other story. Indeed he is a strong fighter. A gifted genius in the art of battle and strategy as many of the vongola may even say. However through the past few months I have noticed his resolve becoming more clear. I am afraid he lacks the kind of resolve that I seek from a true leader. You are different. Your resolve is pure and true. You will become Vongola 11th. Not now. But in time. So now I ask you again. I know you do not want to fight but there will be a time you have to. Why is it you fight?"

"Well. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I want to protect them. But daddy. I don't want to become a mafia boss. I am scared." I spoke still a little confused about what was going on. It was only a month ago that the family was talking about my brother becoming the leader within a few years from now. Yet my father seemed set on me becoming his successor. So why the sudden change? He would not tell me exactly why he wanted me to become leader instead of Devroux. However something didn't seem right.

My father kissed me on the cheek and placed me back down on the floor as he reached into his bag pulling out a small box resembling a sky box weapon and giving it to me. "And that is why you must become Vongola's leader. There will be dark times ahead I am afraid, but you must be strong. I want you to hold on to that box. Do not tell your brother and do not let him see it." he spoke to me as if he seemed incredibly worried about something. "Inside that box is the key to the vongola's peaceful future. But in the hands of the wrong person it could prove to be the destruction of the entire world. My father then pulled off his sky ring and placed it into my other hand as my eyes widened. "You must protect that ring and that box with your life." I held the right tightly in my hand as I turned my head facing the ground, my eyes welling with tears. I didn't understand why my father would give me a special sky flame box and the Vongola sky ring as well. I was scared. Scared that something horrible was going to happen. It had been years since the Vongola family had been in any major mafia wars. It had been so peaceful and my child hood had been filled with reassurance that everything was wonderful. Any one that threatened the family would be taken care of by my father, his guardians and my brother. So why now of all times would my father give me his own sky ring.

"I... I... but Daddy. I don't want the ring. Thank you but no thank you. I really think you should keep it or give it to my brother. I don't want it. Dev... Dev.. he said that he wanted the ring. He couldn't wait till you gave it too him sooo..." I spoke as my tears continued to fall to the ground. I knew something was wrong. Even though I was only 5. I had this sick sinking feeling that the peaceful life we were all living was about to be destroyed. But I didn't want the ring. Not when it has been the cause of so many horrible wars. I didn't want any part of it. Although my father was a good man. There were many who had the sky ring who were nothing but ruthless murders. Evil men with cold hearts. It was too dangerous. It was too scary.

"Hally. Hally. " my father reached out and held my cheek lifting my head as I gazed into his eyes again, tears falling from my eyes. "I know full well what Dev want's but that is why he can not have it. That is why you must take it. You must never let anyone get there hands on it. You understand me. A dark time is about to unveil itself and I am afraid I am no longer strong enough to defend the family even with the ring. If something were to happen to me and the enemy were to get the ring. Well you know what will happen. Just protect it. If I tell you too run. Then Run. Just listen to me okay. Remember your teachings and always fight with your true resolve. Now I must go. I have a meeting to attend. I love you." He lifted me into the air spun me around in a circle and hugged me tightly placing me back on the ground as he walked out of the room.

Gazing down at my hand as I held the sky ring tightly I trembled a bit knowing my father was more serious then he had ever been. But why? I still didn't understand it. He still didn't tell me exactly what was going on. I don't think I could protect the sky ring and box even if I tried. Sure I had been trained how to use a dying will flame but again I was no where near as skilled as my brother. He was way stronger then me. Perhaps he was even stronger then my father. So the why?