So this is a challenge I received from Lolzersgirl.

There is so much I can do with this prompt! But she requested the Team, Harley, and Joker, so I'm going to go with it.

As a side note, if any of you guys ever have a challenge for me, I'd love to try it. I know I have a couple I need to be working on, and I will get to those, although a reminder would be good sometimes.


Also, this story is in no way connected to Tribulation.

It had started out as a normal mission. Recon, don't get involved. Stay out of sight, report back what you see, don't engage unless absolutely necessary. And then Wally had tripped through a skylight.

It all went downhill from there.

Seriously. How do you trip INTO a skylight? Robin's voice was somewhere between highly amused and majorly irritated.

Well how was I supposed to know there was no glass!? Wally was currently racing around the room, collecting guns from the people shooting at them.

Yeah, there were guns.

Gee, I don't know, replied Artemis, firing some arrows from the rafters. Maybe you could use your EYES, Kid Idiot.

I did use my eyes! he protested. It's just that I couldn't tell that there was no glass, so I thought I could run across the roof, but then-

Enough, came Aqualad's voice. We have the mission to focus on.

The mind link quickly falls silent as each member of the team focuses on their own mini-battle. Robin was fighting four men at least twice his size, and winning easily. He cackled as one lunged at him and missed by at least three feet.

"Is that the best you have?" he asked with a grin and another laugh. Almost instantly, the man swung again with his fist. Robin ducked with ease and knocked the guy off his feet.

Dude, quit with the laughing. It's making my head hurt. Wally sent a glare at his best friend before zooming off to the other side of the room.

Robin paled slightly. Wally, I'm not laughing anymore.

What? The yellow flash that was Kid Flash stopped moving. If you're not laughing, who is?

Get out. Robin's voice was dead serious in their minds. Wally could see his friend vanish into the shadows across the room as the laughter gets louder.

"Hello, kiddies!" Joker grinned, entering from the shadows Robin had just vanished into. The room fell silent, gunshots and fighting at a momentary pause.

"You're supposed to be locked up," said Superboy. "With the rest of the Injustice League."

The Joker fell into a fit of hysterical giggles. "Lighten up, Supey!" he said between breaths. "That place was just so boring… So I made a few calls!" More laughter sounds from the darkness.

Wally paled significantly. Harley, he thought to himself. He brought Harley along.

Who? asked Miss Martian, confused.

Grunts and the sounds of fighting came from the shadows. The Joker turned around, confused. "Harley?" he asked curiously.

"Look who I found, Mistah J!" Harley sounded simply elated.

The Joker cocked his head to the side. "What is it, darlin'?"

Robin, handcuffed and gagged, was tossed from the shadows towards the Joker's feet. The team gasped in horror, but the Joker looked absolutely delighted.

"Isn' it great, puddin'?" Harley walked up to the Joker's side, an oversized mallet over her shoulder and a huge grin on her face.

"Bird Boy!" The Joker ignored Harley and walked closer to said hero, a huge grin spread across his cheeks. "It's been simply forever! Why don't you ever come to visit your good ol' Uncle J anymore?"

Robin flinched and edged away. Wally swore under his breath.

Joker hauled Robin to his feet, pulling a knife out of his pocket. He placed the switchblade against Robin's throat. Robin swallowed hard and fell silent.

Superboy growled and started forwards, but Kid Flash gripped his arm. You'll make it worse.

I'll save his neck.

Not before he slits my throat.

Wally breathed a slight sight of relief.

For having a knife to your throat, you seem awfully calm. No one missed the slight waver in Artemis' voice.

Yeah, I've done this before. The Joker leaned forward and began muttering in Robin's ear. The color in the boy's face vanished. Wally, get Batman.



Okay, okay! I'm going! Wally bit his lip in concern, then pulled his goggles down and ran for it.

W-where are you going? asked Miss Martian.

To get Batman. Stay here.

Like we have a choice, grumbled Superboy.

Suddenly, Joker threw Robin back to the floor. The Boy Wonder moaned and allowed himself to roll across the floor. Harley shrieked with excitement.

Omigosh, Robin, are you okay?

I'm fine, Miss M. His voice was just a little bit softer.

That Joker girl is really getting on my nerves, muttered Artemis.

"Harley, be a dear and go get my bags," said the Joker with a huge grin.

"O' course, Mistah J! I'll be back before ya know it!" She skipped off.

She does that, muttered Robin, getting slowly to his feet.

"Look at that!" Joker grinned and walked forwards. "Always resilient, aren't you, Boy Blonder." He continued to walk closer, pausing inches in front of the bird. "It's really quite funny." With that, the Joker, punched the gagged hero in the gut backhanded him across the face, sending him back to the floor.

Robin! Superboy took a turn as the mature one as Artemis started forward.

Don't, he warned.

The Joker laughed as Robin stayed on the ground. Don't worry guys; I'm fine. Stay traught. The slightest trace of a grin passed over Robin's lips behind the gag.

How can you joke when you're like this!?

Relax, Arty; I've had years of practice. His voice sounded worn out and tired.

Before Artemis could reply, an obnoxious voice sounded through the room. "Oh Mistah J!" called Harley in a singsong voice, dragging a duffel bag behind her.

"Did you get it?" The Joker was practically hopping with glee, and Robin's eyes widened.

"Of course I did!" She placed the bag at Joker's feet. "That thing's heavy. Whatcha got in there, puddin'?"

"You'll find out, Harley dear." He unzipped the bag. "Let's see… What are we going to play with this time?"

Play? What does he mean by play? Robin?

Not now, Artemis…

"Hmm…" He tapped his chin in thought. "How about this?" He pulled out a blood spattered baseball bat. Robin flinched away as the Joker brought it towards his face. "Oh wait; I haven't cleaned that yet!" He began to laugh again and threw the bat away from him. It rolled near Miss Martian, who backed away from it.

Robin, that's not your blood, is it?

He didn't reply as the Joker continued to dig through the bag. "Maybe this?" The clown pulls out a pistol. "No… Too quick, right Bird Boy?" Robin said nothing, closing his eyes. Shrugging, the Joker threw the gun across the room.


"Ooo! How about this?" After fishing through the back for several seconds, the Joker somehow managed to produce a small flamethrower.

"Hey! Boy Blundah!" Harley planted a kick in the side of the bound hero. Robin winced and his eyes flew open. Most of the team winced. His eyes caught sight of the flame thrower and grew wide again.

Not again.

Again!? The cries of his team mates rang out in his head, and he cringed.

I forgot this thing was up… Robin sounded very guilty.

Joker giggled and pulled the trigger. Robin's entire body tensed, and he clenched his eyes shut again.

"Oh phooey." The Joker sighed. "All out of fuel." He tossed the weapon away.

The entire team- Robin included- let out a sigh of relief.

"That all, Mistah J?" asked Harley, sounding almost sad.

"Of course not, Pooh." He grinned evilly and dug around in the bag again. Robin kept his eyes shut.

Robin, has this man used that weapon on you before?

Robin felt immensely guilty at the sound of his team leader's voice. I-it was only once and it wasn't really that bad… He swallowed hard.

Wasn't that bad!? Robin, that's a flamethrower; how can it be "not really that bad!?"

Artemis, please; it's just-

"Ah ha!" The Joker sat up, clutching a crowbar in his hand. "There we are!"

Robin paled even further. H-hey Miss M?


C-can you take me out of the link?

What!? Why!? demanded Artemis.

Joker started to laugh. "Remember this? Look! There's still some from last time; see?" He pointed out the little blots of blood covering the metal.

Is that yours? asked Superboy quietly

Robin didn't reply.

"Why so quiet, Little Bird?" The Joker's voice darkened dangerously, and even Harley moved away a bit. In a sudden mood swing, a smile split his face once more. "It's the gag, isn't it? Here, let me get rid of that…"

Robin flinched away as the Joker produced another knife with a flourish and a grin. "Just hold still, Birdie." He twisted a hand into the hero's hair, holding his head still. Joker swept the knife down, slicing easily through the gag and part of Robin's face. Robin winced as the gag fell to the floor.

M'gann, please. You have to take me out of this. My memories will start flying into your head, and you don't want that.

"Now, back to business…" The Joker walked back to his crowbar. Robin turned his head to meet Miss Martian's gaze.


Tears streaming down her face, M'gann slowly nodded. Her eyes glowed green for just a second before Robin smiled sadly and mouthed, 'thank you.'

"Here we are! Just like old times, right?" The crowbar swung down and everyone looked away as the metal made contact with flesh. Robin grunted with pain as the Joker laughed.

Hits rained down over and over and over. Even Harley wasn't watching anymore, instead fascinating herself with the tears streaming down Miss Martian's face. The team had moved closer to each other, but stayed away from Robin and Joker, for fear of worsening the situation.

"What's wrong, Miss Greenie?" she taunted, grinning at the Martian. "Ya don' like that?"

M'gann turned away towards Superboy, who glowered at the clown.

A sickening crack rang through the room, followed by a short cry of pain from Robin.

"Ooo, I hope that wasn't anything too important!" Joker laughed, clutching his stomach. "That sounded pretty bad… Rib, Bird Boy?" He kicked Robin in the side, who cried out again.

Robin began breathing heavily, his face screwed up in pain. Joker was curled over in a fit of giggles, while the team watched on in horror.

A crash of glass came from the other side of the building. Almost instantly, the Joker fell silent.

"I-I'll check it out, puddin'." Harley handed the Joker her mallet before heading into the shadows.

Silence hung heavy in the air for a few moments before Harley shrieked. "B-man? But you're supposed to- oof." A thud was heard from the darkness.

The Joker's grin dropped. "No! No, no, no, no, no!" Batman stepped out of the darkness. Robin could see him. The Boy Wonder smiled in relief.

"Let him go, Joker," growled Batman,

Joker frowned, which Artemis thought was much scarier than his smile. "Fine. If I can't have him, no one can."

"Robin!" Batman started running towards his protégé.

Robin looked up just in time to see the Joker swinging down the oversized mallet. It crashed into his skull. There was a blinding pain, and then nothing.

Oooo…. I haven't even gotten into the challenge part yet, but I promise that's next!