Tony did not like being hurt. In fact, when he was, he denied it. It was kind of like watching a person watch tv with the volume at 100% while they're telling they aren't. Cause let's face it, Tony new how to deny everything.

Nobody liked having to knock out Stark in order to get him to an infirmary. But it ended up happening. Tony, though, put up a fuss at any hospital. He'd take off all the wires, and when they told him to stop taking them off, he'd just do it again when they left. Nobody had the heart to restrain him( or the guts).

And when Tony was hurt, he was bored. and no one wanted to see Tony bored. He'd get extremely mischievous. Like, I'm-going-to-burn-your-entire-underwear-collection bored.

So what would it be like to have his seriously injured? Like hospital and surgeries for days injured? The Avengers were about to find out.

The fight began with a simple bank robbery. Nothing Tony couldn't handle. So he went alone, first mistake. He followed the robber until they got to a empty ally, second mistake.

" So are we just gonna play tag? Cause I have to be some where in, oh, twenty minutes. So can we just rap this up?"

" Your not going anywhere metal boy." The robber said.

And his third mistake was not running for his life when he heard this. And as they say, it's three strikes your out at the old ball game. And Tony was getting benched.

Tony fell to the ground. But let's face it. when you get hit with a rocket launcher, you tend to fall. these guys were equipped. He should have had JARVIS scan these idiots. Tony tried to make a quick escape but was rewarded by another assailant whacking his mask with a pipe. Really? A pipe brought down Iron Man? this is just downright humiliating.

" Ya know I got like work to do, I don't have time for rookie criminals." Tony said getting up.

" Quite or we'll make you into soup." The attackers laughed.

" Ok games over, daddy's getting angry." Stark smiled using the blaster he'd made a week ago. One of the men ( there was currently Five ) got thrown ten feet.

" Ok who's next? " He asked.

And the four attacked.

So the fight was an easy one. They only got one good hit to his leg and the rest was Tony beating them. He deposited them at the local police force and flew home. He tried to forget about the immense pain in his leg. What had they hit him with? He didn't even remember.

" JARVIS evaluate."

" Well sir, you have a bad concussion and a broken leg. And the ac is out in the suit so your probably boiling. I would suggest cooling of, sir, you may be on the verge of a heat stroke." JARVIS answered.

" Great, so nothing serious?" Tony said sarcastically.

" Sir? Your temperature is spiking. try not to jostle your leg."

" oh like this?" Tony said jumping onto the building he was currently above. He landed on his injured leg and cursed himself for being arrogant. Pain arced through his body and he fell to the ground. perfect, now he could barely see. black spots covered his eye sight.

"JARVIS, get me home. Preferably in my room. Somewhere the team isn't." Tony said before his world darkened.

"Tony. Master Tony. Steve, Clint, Natasha, and Thor are on the verge of knocking down the door. they think something is up. I did not tell them anything. I believe it is because of you sleeping for the last two days." JARVIS said waking up Tony.

" Ugh, tell them to can it and I'm fine." Tony said rolling over.

" They seem not to care, Bruce has just come to join the group. but Clint is gone" JARVIS updated.

" Crap! lock up all air vents" Tony exclaimed.

" To late," Clint smiled dropping through the vent closest to him.

" By, by birdy" Tony said using the gadget he had used earlier.

Clint fell unconscious by the door.

" Now I'm going to sleep." Tony mumbled.

" Is he ok?" a gruff voice asked.

" Well he has a concussion, a broken leg, and it looks infected. So no." Bruce's voice said.

" What? I did not infect my leg. I just fought some dudes in ski-masks. What are you doing in my room? Get out, I'm going to bed."

"NO!" his team yelled.

" You can get yourself in a coma for that!" Banner cried.

" Calm down big green, God." Tony groaned as he shifted his leg.

" Hospital. Now." Steve said.

" No. Ya see spangles, I am perfectly fine." Tony tried to convince him.

" You need to go to a hospital. I don't have enough equipment." Bruce told him.

" No." Tony glared at the wall.

" Yes."

" Oh ok, oh wait no." Tony smiled.

Suddenly Natasha hit Tony in the jaw. He immediately fell back onto his bed.

heartbeat. The horror of hearing your own heartbeat slow down. he saw the Enemy ship explode, the last thing he saw. How sad. He fell through the hole, but Tony was already dead. Nobody knew what it was like to die. He wouldn't recommend it. He looked over and saw Pepper with her heart in her hands. She shot a pleading look at him before falling down and dying. then each member of the Avengers, one by one did the same thing, the last being Bruce. that's when he heard Hulks roar.

Tony had a theory about hell, when they say fire, the mean the fire of seeing who you really are. And hell had shown his what kind of monster Iron Man could be. that's why he had started to change. He didn't want anyone hurt.

A/N So do you like it. this is a multi-chapter fic. okay?