Chapter 6

Baldur thought he must be mad. Why had he agreed to join in this folly? Something had been brewing between Thor and Loki all week. Baldur would have been able to sense it instinctively even if it were not for the thunder a few nights ago. This was not going to end well, he could feel it in his gut.

Odin had always praised Baldur for his diplomacy and knack for defusing tense situations. But everyone knew Baldur's considerable talents were wasted on his brothers. When Thor and Loki were together, Baldur might as well be invisible for all they noticed. No amount of calming words in soothing tones could prevent his brothers from their squabbles.

Baldur wondered why he had been invited in the first place. As far as he knew there was a buffer already. That fellow from Vanaheim. Though at the banquet last night Baldur had begun to believe that was the problem.

Loki had never shown that much interest socially in anyone to Baldur's knowledge. Loki was a loner, he always seemed to prefer books served with a side of solitude to people. Now that he was suddenly showing interest in someone else. Romantic interest perhaps, well that would rub Thor entirely the wrong way.

Thor had always been the only one that Loki seemed inclined to deign to give attention to. Even if it was mostly in the form of petty sibling quarrels. Thor would no doubt be ill equipped to handle being ignored in favour of someone Loki seemed to genuinely like.

Baldur sighed and reached for his warmer cloak. The forest would be cold and he had no doubt they would be going nowhere fast.

Just then Thor burst into the room. "Hurry up, brother. We do not want Loki to leave without us."

Baldur rolled his eyes and followed Thor out. The whole walk through the halls, Baldur had to endure Thor's senseless complaints about how improper it was for the Vanaheim ambassador to have asked Loki for a stroll in the woods alone.

Baldur wanted to point out that Loki was hardly a virginal maiden in need of a chaperone, but he knew Thor would not listen to reason. Instead he just nodded and let out small noises of agreement every now and then.

They met up with Loki and the foreigner at the main doors of the castle. Baldur was surprised to see that Loki seemed ill prepared for a chilly walk in the forest, his heavy cloak not withstanding. The robe Loki had on seemed made of gossamer or some similarly ephemeral material. Baldur was shocked that he could make out the dusky outline of Loki's nipples through the thin fabric. It sure seemed to shut Thor up, whose eyes had grown to the size of the platters in the great hall. Thor's mouth was also gaping open as he followed Loki outside.

Baldur did notice how Loki was practically hanging off the arm of their guest. Loki kept leaning over to whisper in the man's ear. Why were Baldur and Thor even here? They were clearly unwanted. Out of the corner of his eye, Baldur could see Thor's face getting redder by the second.

Baldur increased his already brisk pace, catching up with Loki and his companion. "I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm Baldur." He extended his hand to the stranger.

"Valinad." The man said as he clasped Baldur's hand firmly. "It would seem the ballads have done justice to the forests of Asgard after all." He continued smiling warmly. "Not that all this greenery even begins to compare to the verdant depths of your eyes, Loki."

Just like that Baldur had gone back to being an invisible third wheel again. This was ridiculous. He never should have agreed to come in the first place. Damn Thor's big puppy dog eyes.

In the distance Baldur heard the rumbling of thunder and glanced back at Thor who was angrily kicking the heads off some flowers on the side of the path. The electric tension was clear in the air around him. Perhaps he would rain out this absurd excursion and free Baldur from this nonsense.

The thunder cracked again. It seemed both louder and closer. Baldur could see the dark grey clouds moving closer on the horizon.

Loki must have noticed too. He let go of Valinad and spun, stalking angrily toward Thor. Baldur stepped aside to get out of their way. Loki put his hand on Thor's chest shoving him back roughly. Lightning flashed. The two just stood there a minute, staring each other down like two tigers about to fight.

"Cut it out, Thor!" Loki snarled through clenched teeth. They were still circling each other. Sizing each other up as the rain began to fall thick and fast.

Baldur shivered. The rain was cold as ice. He was glad he had chosen a cloak with a hood.

Thor was still silent. The wind was whipping about the two of them. It was clear that soon Loki's flimsy robe would be obscenely plastered to his body thanks to the rain. Thor licked is lips as if that was the very thing he was waiting for. The thunder and lightning seemed right on top of them now.

Loki strode towards Thor. Indeed the robe was now stuck to his skin like a second skin. Valinad's eyes looked about ready to pop out of his skull. Time seemed to grind to a halt as Loki hauled back and slapped Thor across the face.

Thor grabbed Loki's wrist. Loki tried in vain to twist out of Thor's strong grasp, but it was of no use. Thor's grip held and he was backing Loki up to a nearby tree. His eyes were wild with fire. He still said nothing as he slammed his brother up against the tree trunk.

Uh oh. Valinad was moving now. He was going to intervene. Baldur wanted to say something to dissuade the man, convince him that it was better to let the two of them sort it out. To convey how useless it was to attempt to get in between his brothers when they quarreled. On the other hand, it would have been hard to make himself over the sounds of the storm that was raging on top of them.

Before Valinad could do anything, Thor crashed against the tree. Loki had used his seidr to vanish out from under his hands. He reappeared further up the path next to Valinad. He grabbed the shocked ambassador's hand and dragged him back towards the palace.

Baldur started after them. The whole thing was crazy. He never should have agreed to this. He had seen this coming. This was the last time he was going to Thor talk him into something. The cold rain seemed to be sinking into his very bones as he trudged back to the castle, leaving Thor alone in the forest.

Baldur was hardly surprised to see that Thor missed dinner that evening. The storm hadn't let up in the slightest. Norns only knows what Thor was still doing in the forest. But at least their dinner was conflict free, the odd encounter in the woods had certainly done nothing to curb Valinad's courtship. Even now the man was almost feeding Loki by hand. Better then that Thor was not here to witness it.