It is a dark and stormy night. A slender figure hides at the edge of the forest, observing the quiet motel across the road. She consults the address scrawled on her hand again to be certain that she has found the right place. A baby wails and she turns her attention to the little bundle in her arms. She hushes the baby and holds it closer to give it what little warmth she has to offer.

"It's going to be okay," she tells the baby. "You'll be safe soon."

She is being hunted down and she has to keep her baby daughter safe. She has asked around and she got herself a name and an address of a motel. Dean Winchester is well known in the dodgier areas of town and no one has uttered a word against the man. Although she is reluctant to put her child under the care of a strange man, a woman running a bar assured her that there is no safer place than in Winchester's heart.

She hears a howl in the distance and runs out of the forest and across the road. Her pursuers are advancing; she doesn't have much time left. She has to get her daughter to safety and quick. She reaches the door behind which Dean Winchester is. She tries to smile at her baby one last time but her tears mingle with the rain drops on the child's face. The baby opens her bright blue eyes and smiles at her mother. Overwhelmed with sorrow, she kisses the baby one last time before setting her down and knocking on the door.

Inside, Dean Winchester is poring over newspapers for sightings of his brother and Metatron. He has been going around hunting down Gadriel and Metatron because Gadriel is currently using Sam as a vessel and Sam is nowhere to be found. He is alone in the world with no one to talk to or help with his mission. Not even Kevin is around anymore to provide him with information. He hears the knock and puts his glass of whiskey down. He opens the door but sees no one, he frowns. It's not exactly weather for naughty boys to be playing pranks in. He hears the faint cooing at his feet and looks down to find a baby with bright blue eyes and a toothless smile. He picks up the baby and notice that the baby is soaking wet with a letter tucked in nicely in the folds of fabric.

He unfolds the paper as carefully as he can with the baby in his arm. It reads: "Mr Winchester, I'm sorry to have to place a burden on you without asking or even meeting you face to face. I have heard many things about you and I have decided to place my baby under your care. Please raise her as your own for her father ran away when he found out I was pregnant and I may be dead. Her name is Mary. She was born 6th November 2013. She has no birth certificate yet and I must trouble you to do what is necessary to get that done. She might be young, but she is off mother's milk and any store bought milk powder would suffice. I must ask you to give her your last name for I fear for her safety if anybody knows of her ancestry. I trust you with my baby girl and I hope that she will find a nice home to grow up in. I am ever so sorry for giving you this unwanted responsibility but I have no other choice. Tell her that her mother loves her and is watching her from heaven."

No sooner has he finished reading the letter does he hear a sharp shriek tear through the rain and thunder. Some howling follows the scream and then nothing but the pouring rain. He knows what is hunting down the woman and he only wonders for a second what deal did she make with a demon. He only gets that second because a loud thunder clap came and scared the baby into crying. Dean shuts the door behind him and calms the baby down.

She keeps crying no matter what he does. He remembers that her wraps are wet and she must be cold. He strips the layers off of her and makes a hot bath for her in the bathroom sink. She doesn't seem to like the bath and Dean is soaking wet by the time he cleans the baby up. Even when she is warmed up in the bath, she doesn't stop crying and flailing her arms. Dean frantically dries her up and wraps her in the softest towel in his possession. Her diapers are soaked and useless so Dean improvises with an old shirt.

Once she is warmly wrapped up, Mary coos contentedly before drifting off to sleep in Dean's arms. Dean places her gently on his bed and watches her sleep with a smile on her lips. The poor child, he thinks, she has no idea that the screaming outside is the dying sounds of her mother and that she, like him, is alone in the world. She will never know what her mother looked like, much like Sam. Taking pity on her, Dean decides to raise the baby girl.

"Mary Winchester," Dean says aloud. He chuckles because the baby has his mother's name. "I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to take care of one ever again."

Okay, I'm gonna have to warn you right here and now. The next chapter is the most fluffiest thing I have ever written. It may be a bit short but it's really fluffy. I just needed to warn you before you proceed. But thanks for reading and I hope you'll like the next one.