So this is the new version of Protector. I decided to give Yuki an a little more troubled past and things will get even worse for her. As before, she's 18 and Shisui's 19. As always, ideas and critics are welcome. I am happy to see that people like my story and have ideas on how to continue or ameliorate a chapter. So please write me anything that comes to mind.

Chapter 1: The Mission

The sun shone down brightly on the little village. It lay in the middle of the desert, a day away from Sunagakure. It was nothing big, but the village was peaceful. People were talking to each other and kids were playing together. A few vendors shouted from their stalls, trying to get the attention of the people close by to get them to buy something, their shouts echoing through the empty desert. It was hot, as expected from the desert, but the people weren't bothered by it in the least. Having lived there their entire life, they were used to it.

A girl with white hair sat alone on a bench, kicking her feet back and forth, kicking up dust in the process. She looked at all the people and had to smile to herself. They all looked so happy, like they didn't have a care in the world. But the girl wasn't happy, her face being void of any emotion.

A boy with short black hair and black eyes ran up to her, stopping in front of her and trying to catch his breath. After having calmed down, he grinned at the girl and said to her in a childish voice,

"Ne, nee-san. What are you doing?"

"As you can see I'm sitting here, little brother. Now I have a question for you; why are you running like mad?"

"Oh right! Dad sent me. He told me to tell you that you are supposed to be at the council meeting in 15 minutes. He said it was important." The boy stood straight and waited for his sister's response. He knew that she didn't like the council members and would most likely refuse to go. But to his wonder she agreed without complaints.

"Oh, well then. I'll be off training some more. Have fun at the meeting!" He waved over to her while running to the training grounds which lay a little outside the village. It wasn't a hidden village, but there were some shinobis from Suna living there. They weren't on active duty anymore. Because the village was so isolated and thieves often crossed the village, the parents had decided to ask the shinobis to teach their children some taijutsu. If worst came to worst they wanted their children to at least be able to protect themselves a little. Even if it wasn't much, as long as they could somehow survive an attack, the parents were happy. Even if they themselves should die. So the shinobis had agreed and taught the kids everything they knew about fighting. Of course, some were more talented than others, but all in all they were all at the same level.

The girls walked down the street, her long white hair slightly swaying in the wind. She was a tall beautiful girl. She had deep red eyes and a nice figure which often caused men to look at her twice. But no one dared to make a move on her, not wanting to experience the wrath of her father, the leader of the small village known as Yuga. Her arms were slightly tanned due to the fact that she was wearing a sleeveless white shirt which was held together by a black piece of clothing in the middle. Her arms were lean and strong, but no muscular from the years of training taijutsu. Her legs were long which made her taller than the other females of the village. She wore black pants which went to the middle of her upper leg and black ninja shoes to tip the outfit off. It wasn't anything expensive, but she like her clothes because they were comfortable.

She continued her way to the centre of the village until she arrived at the entrance of a building that towered over all the others. It was beige like the other buildings and had the kanji for "Yuga" hanging proudly at its front. It had five floors and was the centre of the village, people often passing by and looking at it.

The girl pushed open the double doors of glass, entering silently and closing the doors gently. She walked to the left and knocked at another big door, this one being made out of wood. Waiting for a command to enter, she patiently waited. Finally hearing a 'Come in' from the other side of the door, she turned the knob and entered, losing the door behind her. Turning around, she bowed once and then looked up again.

"You called for me."

"Yes, Yuki. That we have. Actually we have a mission for you." The man who said this sat at the other side of the room, looking at her with his red eyes. The other members, all being far older than the man with red eyes looked at her worriedly.

Yuki blinked once, surprised to hear that she had a mission. No one had ever received one, seeing as they weren't a hidden village. She looked around the room, seeing the worried looks of the other members, making her wonder what this mission consisted of.

"And what might that mission be, father?"

"You will be going to Konohagakure and ask for protection."

"Why Konoha? Suna is only a day's walk away whereas it would take three days to get to Konoha. And why ask for protection?"

"You know why we need protection. The gold resources lying underneath our village are the problem. You know exactly how often thieves have already come to attack us and rob the gold," the man, Yuki's father, said in an angered tone.

It was true. She knew why they needed protection from a hidden village. Her mother once died in such an attack. She'd witnessed everything. She'd only been 8 at that time.

"I understand. But why Konoha?"

"You don't need to know the reason for that. It will not be important for the mission." Her father looked at her with a stern look.

"But Shigure-sama, are you really sure that she will be able to complete this mission. To travel through the desert is dangerous and she is a girl. What if something happens to her?" the member on the far left said to Yuki's father. He seemed to consider his words for a few seconds before looking at his daughter.

"Yuki, will you be able to accomplish this mission?"

"Of course. I will not disappoint you," she said.

"There you have your answer."

"But perhaps it would be better to-"

The man got cut off by a hand slamming onto the table, silencing him.

"Enough! My daughter will do this mission and no one else." The room was silent, nobody daring to say anything.

"You will be taking a scroll with you. Everything is explained there. You will give it directly to the Hokage and no one else. He has already been notified and accepted that you go to Konoha. It is best when you set off today. Any questions?" Even though he asked her that, his tone made it clear that any question was unwelcome and would most likely not be answered.

"No question. I will be off then. Goodbye," Yuki said as she bowed one again, leaving the room.

She went up a flight of stairs and went to her own room, located at the far end of the hallway. The building where the meetings were being held was not only the City Hall, but also her home. She entered her room, going over to her closet, looking for her backpack. Finally finding it, she took some clothes, mostly copies of the shirt and pants she was wearing, and laid them on her bed. Taking a top and some boxer shorts as pajama, she also laid her undergarments on the bed. Going to the bathroom and fetching her toothbrush and toothpaste, she packed them into a small pouch and also laid it on the bed. Looking over everything to see if she hadn't forgotten anything important, she began to pack everything into her backpack. Noticing that she had forgotten something after all, she grabbed the picture of her mother that was standing on her nightstand and carefully put it into the bag. Looking over her room once more, she hoisted her backpack onto her shoulders and left the room.

Descending the stairs, she noticed her father and brother at the entrance. She quickly went over to them and looked at the scroll that her father was handing to her.

"Here's the scroll. Make sure you don't lose it." She took the scroll and laced it into her backpack. When she looked up again, she noticed that her father had already left. She looked over at her brother who had a sad look on his face.

"Do you really have to leave?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Why? I could go in your place."

"No, you're only 12. You're too young and you have to train to get better. I promise I will come back. So don't worry about me."


"Really," Yuki reassured her brother while smiling slightly. He hugged her once and hen let go of her, grinning.

"Alright. But make sure to come back and take me to Konoha once. And watch out for men. You know why." This made Yuki slightly blush as she hit her brother's shoulder playfully. This only made his grin widen. She shook her head and then took off, promising him that she'd take him to Konoha once she was back.

And so her journey to Konoha began. She prayed to God that nothing would happen to her village while she was gone.