AN: Ok so I believe around 600 words will be the base for each chapter and I've planned 26 chapter(I may do each social link for the female even if it's the same as the male. I'll see.) which then means it'll be about 15,600 words. A lot of words.

Unbreakable Bonds: Chapter Three

The Empress; Mitsuru Kirijo

Mitsuru was one of the first to get onto the roof and was preparing to give Minato a lecture on skipping the graduation assembly when Aigis raised her head, tears streaming down her face and they rushed to see what was wrong. Akihiko searched for Minato's pulse, but he couldn't find one and yelled for Mitsuru to go get the teachers.

Mitsuru immediately ran, she would never as a principle, but this was an emergency. She took the stairs three steps at a time. She breezed past Kazushi and Hidetoshi at some point, but she doesn't allow herself to get distracted.

She burst through the teacher's office door. "Miss. Toriumi! Call an Ambulance! Minato Arisato is in need of medical aid!" She orders. Miss. Isoko seems startled, but she picks up the phone and dials the number.

"What's going on Kirijo?" Miss. Isoko asks. Mitsuru felt her throat go dry, she had to tell her what was wrong though even if it was hard to face.

"Minato Arisato has stopped breathing." She forces out the words and Miss. Isoko drops the phone. Mr. Ekoda grabs the phone and is there to answer the operator when they pick the phone up.

"Hello? This is Mr. Ekoda from Gekkoukan High School, I need an ambulance. A student has stopped breathing. His name in Minato Arisato. Where is he at the moment Kirijo?" Mr. Ekoda asked.

"He's on the roof." Mitsuru felt slightly sick. She barely noticed that Miss. Isoko had left the office. She found she couldn't force herself to move from the office straight away, Mr. Ekoda left to meet the ambulance staff, Mr. Ono pulled a chair over to Mitsuru so she could sit down.

Mitsuru half fell into the chair and let her façade of calm fall as she began to cry.

It was raining the day of the funeral.

Mitsuru stood, letting go of Fuuka's and Akihiko's hand as she did, and shakily headed to the podium. She placed her speech on the table and forced herself to remain calm, to not panic and not break down in tears.

"I wish this could be any occasion other than this. I've given many speeches before... But none have or ever will be as difficult as the one I have to do now. I never got to do one at my father's funeral... I think that's why this one is so hard. Minato was a great, loyal friend and he will be missed, more than we could ever say. He had a bright future and it is a shame that it had to be cut so short." Mitsuru had to stop herself to take a deep breath.

She was trying not to think about the dorm now that Minato was gone, he had always known what to do when something like this happened. "I wish there was a chance for all of us who owed Minato for something he did for us had the chance to thank him in return or even return the favour..." Her voice hitched and she felt her eyes sting. She swallowed a few times and then got down she couldn't say anymore. She was too upset.

She sat back in her place and Fuuka grabbed her hand again, while Akihiko stood to do his speech.

Mitsuru had taken over her father's company as he would have wanted, she still kept in touch with everyone from the dorm, she knew Minato would want them to keep being friends. She was very close to Yukari and was quite close to Fuuka as well. Akihiko came and went from time to time, he often travelled and trained in different areas.

She knew as long as she was happy, Minato would be happy.