Sum: 30 years in the future mack's and brady's daughter and son, Alexis and brandon get stuck in the movie 'west side story'. Brandon loves it. Alexis hates it. She would rather me at home and stay locked in her bedroom. Brandon loves it outside. He is the jock type. Alexis is more like the loner type. But she doesn't cut herself like most. What happens when Lela and Tanner fall for Alexis and brandon? Well the two let themselves fall into the movie? But how does Alexis and Brandon get out of the story? And does Brady and Mack found out there gone? Oc x Butchy Cheechee x Oc. Lela x Tanner Brandy x Mack.

I start reading this really good book but of course my brother had to come up to my room. He opens my closed door and comes straight through.

"Alexis" He says

"yes?" I ask

"Come watch west side story with me"

"Fine wait a minute please" I say.

I then finish the page , I bookmark it, And my brother and I walk downstairs t see that our mom and dad are watching it.

"Dad! You put it on without me" Brandon says

"Yes but that's only because you didn't come down fast enough" Dad says.

"Blame Alexis! She was reading her stupid book!" Brandon says

"Don't call It stupid, Stupid!" I say

"Oh yeah. HEY! I'M NOT STUPID!" Brandon yells.

"Okay guys that's enough" Mom says

"Okay, okay" I say going back upstairs, grabbing my book and going back downstairs.

"really? Alexis? Watch the movie with me" Brandon says. I don't answer. I start writing more in my own book. Brandon takes it from me and starts reading it.

"What does it say?" Mom asks.

"The six year old stared down the angel not ready to die. The angel just started to the laugh. The six year old started walking at the angel knowing what to do. "Witch Elena, Daughter of Katherine and Silas are you prepared to die?" (If you can find out where I out those names cookie for you) are you ready to die?" The angel asks. The six year old began to chant a spell in a different language. The angel fell but got back up. "Girly that's not wise" the angel says but the girl doesn't listen and runs at the angel knife in hand. The girl plushes the knife inside the angel" I say

"Does it say that Brandon?" Dad asks not believing me Brandon nods.

"I made it myself" I say (1).

"Come on Alexis, Let's go outside please?" Brandon asks

"okay I'm coming" I say I Finish what I was doing, Put my socks and shoes on and coat on.

We both run to the beach. I throw my coat off. We run into the ocean. A storm comes around us.

We both look at each other and that's the last thing I remember before passing out.

1) The book I come up with on the spot.