Authors note: Hope you guys like it ;)


Emma Swan was - as many people would call it - a regular woman. Well except for being a bounty hunter, but you get the point. She lived in a regular appartment, in a regular city. She even had a boyfriend, even though he lived in another state. He was handsome, a little older but Emma liked that about him. Ever since her boyfriend Neal had dumped her, she was done with stupid 'boys'.


~ Six months ago ~

She let out a sigh as she stepped into the cramped bar. Her feet ached from traipsing around in crazy high heels all day. All because of some lame - unsuccessful she should add - undercover job. She needed to bring in a guy named Dofus, just Dofus. Who in their right mind would name their child Dofus?! So after running around all day, she really needed to sit down and relax with a beer. Yes, a nice cold beer would do nicely.

She pushed herself passed the hordes of drunken men, mostly Japanese businessmen, and some tattooed giants with leather vests. Which was so out of date by the way. Not that she would be the one to tell them that. She knew better.

Dropping herself down on a vacant bar stool she leaned both of her elbows on the stained wood. She felt the small crumbles of peanut dig into her bare flesh, but was too tired to care. "One beer." She said to the young man behind the bar, signaling a one with her finger for extra clarity. After a confirming nod she turned on her stool so she could stare at the people in the small establishment. To be fair this place was actually quite cosy, if you overlooked the drunken dumbasses that were scattered around the small space. Some playing pool, some just busy drinking or gawking their eyeballs out at the pretty barmaids.

And Emma couldn't blame them. They were quite beautiful in those short skirts and low cut tops their - probably perverted - bosses made them wear. She couldn't help but lick her lips when one bent over. Emma was no stranger to the seduction of females. If you wanted to put a label on it, Emma Swan was definely a bisexual. And she loved it.

"Here's your beer." The young man said as he placed the bottle on the bar foregoing a coaster for the wood was already beyond saving. The beer was cold, so cold that the droplets of water slowly slid down the glass."

"Thanks." Emma replied as she slammed a couple of dollars on the counter.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

Emma turned around when she hears the low vibrations of a man's voice. She was met by the sight of a handsome man from around thirty five years. His features were strong and his hair was a dark, almost black color, making his blue eyes stand out all the more. His teeth were white, almost blinding white. The same kind of white that they always showed in those toothpaste commercials, the ones where you just know that it's photoshopped. But apparently not.

"No." Emma said as she pushed down the blush that wanted to traitorously creep up her cheeks when he gave her such a dazzeling smile that she had the urge to shield her eyes. The way those dimples appeared in his cheeks whenever he smiled were really attractive. If Emma Swan wasn't Emma Swan she would've called them cute.

"Well, then I'm in luck tonight." He sat down on the stool next to her, never breaking eye contact. God those eyes...

"Oh and why's that?" Emma asked before she could be caught staring. Why the hell was she feeling nervous?!

"Because I get to sit down next to a beautiful woman." He took a look at her almost empty beer bottle and ordered another one signaling the barkeeper. "Who also likes beer. Well, you may be the woman of my dreams.." He looked at her expectantly, wanting her to tell him her name. He was so not playing fair, looking like that. Of course she felt obliged to give him her name.

"Emma." She said.

"Emma." He repeated with a smile. She should've really brought some sunglasses. "I'm Peter, Peter Johnson."

Peter Johnson. Even his name sounded upperclass. His charmes did too, by the way. He was smooth, Emma would give him that.

"And what, may I ask, is a man like you doing in this dangerous part of Boston."

"I could ask the same of you, Emma. But to sooth your curiosity, I will answer. I'm here on a business trip." He said as he placed one beer in front of the blonde.

"Ah, comes with the job, I take it." She said as she nodded a thanks before taking a generous gulp. The alcohol gave her a warm and pleasant buzz.

"Yes, it certainly does." He said with a laugh as he took a gulp of his own.


~ Present ~

To make a long story short, she had eventually ended up in the man's bed. Something she wasn't proud of by the way. Kicking off her old Converse sneakers, she walked into the kitchen. Her bare feet were padding against the hard wooden floor.

It had been a long day and Emma longed for a beer. No, she needed a beer. Opening her bright red fridge, she reached for one of the green bottles. Reveling in the way the cold numbed her fingers.

She was just about to place the glass bottle at her lips when she heard the familiar buzz of the doorbell. It was broken and making an annoying ringing sound. Emma scolded herself for still not having fixed the damn thing yet. She moved slowly as she placed the bottle on the kitchen counter with an annoyed sigh. Who in God's name would come over at this hour, or in general for that matter? Walking over to her front door she opened it with a huff. Really, she knew she was being rude, but come on, it was late.

"What do you want? I'm not looking to switch religions." She snapped as she finally looked up to see who was standing on her threshold. She instantly regretted her rudeness when she was met by the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.

Her hair was shoulder length and a dark brown, almost black. And her brown orbs were the most expressive ones Emma had ever seen. The woman was slim and curvy and she looked about six months pregnant, which caused Emma's stomach to sink, the pretty ones were always taken. The question of why the hell would this goddess be standing on her doorstep at 10 PM popped into her mind.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else." Well that was about the lamest excuse known to mankind. Emma felt like cringing even for thinking the words. She inwardly groaned. Way to go, Swan...

The woman looked up at her with her piercing brown eyes and Emma felt like they looked right into her soul. 'Terrified' was the word that fitted her feelings right about now.

"Are you Emma Swan?" Her low and sultry voice uttered and Emma felt her heart jump at the sound. Next her heart almost stopped. It was never good if someone knew your name before you had even met them.

"Yes, I am. Who asks?"

"I'm Regina Mills." The goddess said.

Regina... Of course that was her name, it seemed fitting.

"What can I do for you, miss Mills." She asked as she leaned against her doorpost nonchalantly.

"Oh, I only wanted to see you."

Alright, this was officially getting strange. "Why?"

"I just wanted to see the slut who has been sleeping with my husband and tell her that he died a month ago." She said, her voice sounding cold.

That came unexpected. Like really, really unexpected. So the bastard has - or rather had - a wife.

"I, I. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that he had a wife."

"Of course you weren't, dear. But nonetheless, you slept with the father of my two children. Nothing can change that."

Shit, now she really felt bad. "Children?"

"Yes, children. Have a pleasant night."

Regina turned around but seemed to remember something the moment she wanted to take her first step.

"Oh and miss Swan." She said as she turned around again to face the blonde.


She didn't even saw the hand coming from her left. It was too late to duck or step aside, for the small and tanned hand connected hashly with her left cheek, leaving a stinging sensation.

Through a blur of pained tears Emma could see the woman's form retreating.

Well, that was definetly something new.


I would love to know what you all thought of it, so leave a review! ;)