Hey guys! Here's another chapter! Thank you for all the reviews and for your replies to Be Mine becoming a full length story. I have decided that once I've finished Corpse I will begin outlining and posting chapters on Be Mine. Thanks for all the support! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Chapter 20: Decoy

"I have to get away," Kagura was flying on her feather heading to the west, the far west. She had to put some distance between her and that guy that caught her in midair and fucked her like an animal.

'He better not think I'm some easy whore he could come and fuck whenever he wants. Oh no, I'm going to teach him. If he wants me he's going to have to come find me.'

Goodness, a couple seconds back into the world of the living she was thoroughly fucked by a strong handsome stranger. She didn't even know his name.

But she did know one thing. That man was used to getting whatever he wanted. She'd stared at him for a long moment as she dressed and left. She'd actually surprised herself that she could move because they'd gone at it hard.

He was no gentle lover.

But that was okay with her. She liked it rough. She just didn't like the thought that this man might actually think to claim her as his.

Oh hell no. That wasn't going to happen. She'd finally gotten free of that bastard Naraku. There was no way she was going to be tied down to another man.

"That's right, whoever you are. I hope you hear my voice upon this wind. I will not be enslaved again. Not by anyone because I am the wind, the free wind."

Leader sensed the disturbance in the air. It was a lot breezier than usual and the scent was strange. Something big was happening in the West, very big. Curious, Leader decided to leave behind Onigumo, the man who would become the core of his new body, and head out to the West to find out what was going on.

Jumping into the air, he created a webbed balloon that would drift on the wind and take him to his destination. Onigumo would be all right. They'd found an abandoned house for him to stay in and rest. They were still in search of a grand house for him and his Kikyo. But they'd find it soon enough.

Until then, Leader needed to see everything that was going on around him. His plans needed to factor in every single event. There would be no miscalculations. He wouldn't allow anything to go wrong again.

"A club?" Rin stared at Shiori-chan.

Shiori had brilliant silver hair and the oddest pair of lavender eyes. She was gorgeous, Rin constantly felt herself staring at the girl and sometimes wishing her own features weren't so ordinary. Today Shiori was wearing this gorgeous white body-con dress that hugged her curves and two tiny blue bow clips in her hair.

"Yes, there's this new All Hours club that many teens are frequenting. It's called Club Lightening and it's very popular because it's opened 24/7. The club is owned by two brothers. The oldest one is named Hiten and he's pretty good looking. The youngest one is ugly as sin unfortunately for him. Anyway, not the point. We should go check it out."

Rin could see how excited Shiori was and she really wanted to go, "But I promised my dad that I'd be good."

"Define good, besides that was yesterday. Today's a new day and we're just going to a club that was created for teenagers. There's nothing bad about socializing with people our age. We'll dance a little, maybe grab a bite to eat, then call Jaken to take you home."

"I guess so but I should call him first," Rin pulled out her cellphone, but Shiori came to her and stopped her.

"Rin, if you call, he'll tell you no, and then all the plans will be messed up" Shiori said.


Shiori grinned, "well, I might have an ulterior motive for wanting to hit the club."

"Shiori what plans?" Rin closed her phone.

"Oh I might just know a guy who knows a guy who knows another guy that knows Kohaku."

Upon hearing that name, Rin went cherry red. "Shiori, you're lying. You-"

"That's right!" Shiori laughed. "He's confirmed. He'll be at Lightning and he's interested in meeting you."

"Oh my god!" Rin paled. "Shiori are you crazy? Why would you go and do that?"

Shiori frowned. "You've been going crazy over the guy so I thought hey why not help your love life out? Besides, when we reach I want to spend a little time with Dai. I can't go by myself because my mom would freak and send me to live with my strict grandfather Taigokumaru. I'll never see the light of day again and he'll have me shining his red collector orb with the piece of coral in it!" She shivered. "Please Rin. Come on, just for two hours and then you can call Jaken and go home.

Rin was conflicted. If she went to this club and her father found out it could break the trust they have and it was a known thing that trust was like a mirror, when cracked it could never be completely fixed.


But… she really wanted to talk to Kohaku. She admired him. He was the MVP of the basketball team, one of the fastest runners on the track team, he could swim… sports wise he was amazing. And so hard working, helpful too… and good looking.

If I miss this chance, he may think I don't want to get to know him, he might think I'm not interested… so I should just go, talk to him and then head back. Yes, okay we can do that.

"Let's go."

Shiori's eyes lit. "Yes!"

"But we can't stay long, I don't like doing things without my dad knowing,"

Shiori sighed. "Well, now it's no wonder you're still a virgin."

Rin gasped and then saw Shiori smirking and playfully hit her. They laughed as Shiori helped Rin get ready to hit Club Lightning. Honestly, she couldn't wait. She just hoped her dad never found out.

Leader made it out to the west in quick time, the wind was so harsh he nearly lost control of his webbed balloon. The wind though, was a lot calmer in the west though and as he stared around he noticed the humans falling asleep.

Taking a closer look he saw tiny little creatures wearing pink and carrying tiny white bags spreading dust all over the place.

'Soul is doing something here,' Leader realized. 'But why could she possibly need the humans in this area to be asleep? Is something going to happen that humans cannot know about?'

That made sense to him. Finding a tall building, he navigated to it and decided to rest and watched the scene unfold.

Sesshoumaru sensed something strange going on in the west. He stopped and took a moment to use his senses to identify what it was, but strangely he couldn't pick up anything scent wise. Pulling out his cellphone, he decided to call Rin.

But she didn't pick up.

He felt a tiny prickle of worry but he didn't do something as unrefined as panic. No, he just dialed his servant Jaken.

"Jaken, I want you to pick up Rin and take her home now," he said. "I sense something happening in the west, I am currently preoccupied so your tasked with her protection."

He'd missed her call this morning… sleep had never felt so good before, but he'd never admit that to anyone.

"Contact me when you both are in place." Then he hung up and continued towards where he sensed his brother. He could feel Inuyasha racing toward him.

Good brother, come to me as I come to you and I will take what is rightfully mine. The Tetsusaiga. I will claim it as mine.

'Over my dead body,' Ten thought, a response to his master's vow. Everything was going according to plan. The humans were falling asleep and Fantine's servant was going after Rin with strict orders not to harm her.

Once Sesshoumaru realizes Rin may be in danger. He will forget about claiming Tetsusaiga for the moment and go to rescue her. Master is far too predictable.

'You might as well forget about Tetsusaiga, Master. You will never claim him.'

"Like he will never claim you!" Suddenly a shrieking laugh broke into Ten's thoughts. Jin had awakened from his beauty sleep. Someone should've enlightened him to the fact that the sleep wasn't doing anything for him. "So Tensaiga, tell me, what's going on now?"

"If you were awake, you'd know," The Ten vanished into his physical body to keep an eye on things without having to be bothered by Tokijin.

"Hey Master," Jin poked Sesshoumaru's cheek disrespectfully. "Hey Master you think you could use me today, my joints are seizing up because of your neglect," a moment later he said, "use me or I'll tell Social Services."

When Jin realized he wasn't getting through to Sesshoumaru he huffed and began to lounge on his Master's fluffy tail. "Well, since Tensaiga always has a stick up his ass, I guess I'll have to figure this out on my own… from what I can see, Master is heading to someone in the East. There's a disturbance in the West but he doesn't seem particularly worried about it."

Jin yawned, his ugly teeth shining in the sunlight, his purple skin looked even more sickly. At least his clothes were of the highest quality unlike the Unclaimed Tensaiga. Jin smirked and looked at Ten at Sesshoumaru's hip. Then feeling mischievous he decided he'd prod Ten with his finger.

Smirking, Jin reached out with one long, disgusting finger and attempted to poke Ten…

"Ah! Shit!" Jin moved his finger back and saw that his entire hand was burnt. "Damn it Tensaiga, come out here! I'm gonna beat the shit out of you!"

Ten didn't respond.

"Fucking coward. The only reason you have all that extra power is because you're so worthless, master doesn't even use you! And he's never going to claim you because you're nothing but a useless son of a bitch! A pussy that can't kill or do shit! You're a waste of scrap metal, a waste of hip space! You're so…"

Jin continued to talk until he worked himself up into another sleep. When the time came, he knew he'd be the sword Master wielded. And he was confident he would always be.

"Just where do you think you're going Rin?" Jaken's squeaky, annoying voice asked as Rin and Shiori prepared to leave.

"Rin, let me handle this, stay quiet." Rin nodded and watched Shiori in action. "We're going to get something to eat," Shiori jumped in knowing Rin couldn't lie to save her life. They hurried down the road, heading for the nearest bus stop.

"Oh no! No! No! No! No! No!" Jaken went after them. He looked like a little green man because he was dressed in a dark green suit" "Master Sesshoumaru told me to take you home Rin. We must go now."

"Oh but didn't he tell you?" Shiori asked deciding it'd be faster to catch a taxi instead. She whistled loudly.

"Tell me what?"

"He said Rin could stay out a little longer and then take her home," Shiori lied swiftly and was pleased to see a yellow cab heading there way.

"He told me no such thing! I will confirm!" Jaken pulled out his phone and the cab pulled up. Shiori opened the door and ushered Rin inside. "No! Wait a minute! I must confirm with Master-"

Shiori got in, closed the door and screwed down the window. "Listen Mr. Jaken, Mr. Takahashi is a very, very busy man. You shouldn't question his orders or he'll fire you. Is that what you want? To be kicked out onto the long, cold lonely streets?"

Jaken stared at her and shook his head.

"Well then, I'll just keep this for you!" Shiori reached out the window and grabbed the cellphone. Then pulling herself back in she ordered the driver to drive away.

"Sorry Mr. Jaken!" Rin called out.

"Hey! Give me my phone back!" Jaken went racing after the vehicle but tripped and twisted his ankle. "Damn humans… always getting me into trouble! I have to do something! If Master Sesshoumaru finds out I'll really end up on the streets!"

"Oh my god! Did you see his face!" Shiori laughed and laughed until her makeup threatened to mess up and then she calmed herself. "Okay girl you look hot! Kohaku won't know what hit him when he sees you!"

Rin didn't think she looked all that good, especially not next to her beautiful best friend Shiori. But, she had to admit, she didn't look too bad. Her hair was curled and worn down around her shoulders. She was wearing this nice orange dress that hugged her budding curves and nude heels.

"How far is this club?"

"Where almost there," Shiori told her and then directed the driver through an alley way. They stopped when they reached a dead end.

"This is it?" Rin frowned as Shiori paid the driver and he left. Shiori went to a garbage bin, it looked so out of place because it was sparkling clean, brand new. She opened the lid and the wall opposite it opened up.

"What in the-"

"Cool isn't it?" Shiori grinned and pulled Rin into the entrance, not knowing that everyone outside was falling into a deep sleep.

It was time, Death, Fantine's wind eagle watched the girl and her friend enter a strange building and just like the wind he was formed from he slipped in through the very cracks and followed them. He remained inconspicuous, blending in with the very air and then when they reached a door, he heard the music banging from behind it.

"This is it," the girl with the white hair said. "Let's go!" She opened the door and inside there were tons of people dancing and drinking, smoking and just partying.

Death found an empty corner and materialized. He blended in with all the teens there, and kept a close eye on his target. In his head he called out to his Mistress.

"Target in sight. Awaiting orders."

Ten got the message from Fantine and decided it was time to alert his Master about Rin being in danger. It was one of his many gifts, being able to send suggestions and thoughts to his Master. Ten pulled out of his body and then into the moon shaped tattoo on his Master's head he entered Sesshoumaru's head.

Inside he kneeled, and with his long nail he began to inscribe words: Danger. Rin is in Danger. Rescue. Go and Rescue. Now. Do Not Wait.

That should be enough, Ten thought. Now he just had to be patient and wait for his master to take the decoy.

Sesshoumaru paused his flight in midair as he suddenly felt something deep inside of him. It was a warning. Rin was in danger.

He looked toward the West and then back in the direction of his brother. He could feel Tetsusaiga's powers already in his possession.

Sesshoumaru pulled out his cellphone and tried to contact Jaken but his servant wasn't picking up his phone. He made a mental note to throw Jaken out onto the streets. Then he called Rin's phone but she also wouldn't answer.

Rin is in danger.

Rin is in danger.

Go and Rescue.



But I am so close to gaining the Tetsusaiga.

He was hesitating. This was a first for him. He didn't like it so he turned around and prepared to head back to the West.

But then he noticed that a short distance away, his brother was heading straight toward him.

Ten was in panic mode. This wasn't supposed to be happening. What was his brother's master doing here?

"Damn it!" Ten connected with Soul. "Why didn't you tell me Tetsu's master was coming?"

"He's there? Impossible! Kagome is with Sango and Miroku. They aren't supposed to be able to leave each other." Soul said and then swiftly she entered Kagome's mind and read through the past few minutes stored in her memory bank. "Shit. So they figured this out."

"What? What did they figure out?"

"He's left her to protect her. He doesn't intend to leave for good. He's going to come back to her," Soul said.

"So what now?" Ten asked. "My plans will go all down the drain if my Master gets his hands on my brother."

"Well, there's only one way I see that can fix this," Soul told him.

"Do hurry, I don't like how they're talking to each other. My Master doesn't converse much. He'll be attacking- shit. He's started already. Soul what to do?"

"You're not going to like it but…"

"I'll do anything to keep my Master from claiming my brother instead of me," Ten said, he was feeling frantic as he saw Sesshoumaru punch Inuyasha in the face making his brother fall out the sky. Inuyasha smashed into the ground creating a massive crater.

"You have to join forces with Tokijin."

"What!" Ten's calm snapped. Was Soul seriously telling him to enlist Tokijin's aid in this?

"Listen, I know you hate him- disgusting bastard," Soul said with understanding. "But right now you need to realize that your Master is about to get the black pearl and Tess hasn't awakened from his rest. If you explain to Tokijin that Sesshoumaru is going to replace him with Tetsusaiga, Jin will do everything in his power to stop his Master. Right now, you need to swallow your pride or else you'll find yourself Unclaimed and I just know your Fantine won't like that."

Damn. No choice. God, he hated being put in such a situation but… right now he didn't have any other alternative.

"All right then,"

"I'm coming over now to help as well, I'll get Kagome's mate from there while you create a distraction."

When the connection was broken, Ten pulled out of his Master's body and went to Jin who was snoring on his Master's fluffy tail. "Lazy ass," Ten kicked him…hard.

"What the fuck!" Jin got up with purple fury.

"You've got a problem," Ten said crossing his arms and looking hella serious. "Since you haven't noticed let me fill you in on the situation. In a minute, our Master is about to gain possession of a portal that will take him to my brother's physical body, Tetsusaiga," He said. "When he does, he'd going to Claim Tetsu and we both are going to end up in the fiery furnace. What are you going to do?"

Jin growled at him, his red eyes flashing with his anger. "Looks like you're asking for help."

"I don't know what you can do but both of our lives are on the line right now," Ten said. "If you help, you'll remain Master's first choice of weapon for a little while longer."

Jin yawned and took in all the details of the situation. "Fine, I'll help. But only because you're so fucking pathetic.

Sesshoumaru reached the crater where his brother was struggling to stand. "You're still as weak as you always were."

"Fuck you."

"And your vocabulary is still as limited as your powers," Sesshoumaru said. "You should thank me for caring for your body all this time."

"Oh I'll thank you all right," Inuyasha growled cracking his fingers. "I'll thank you right after I rip your neck out."

"You'll have to reach it first brother, which you won't because I've got yours." And then Sesshoumaru had his hand around Inuyasha's neck. "I don't intend to kill you but there's something you possess that I want.

Sesshoumaru kept one hand around Inuyasha's neck, a firm grip on it. With the other he took his middle and index finger and put it to Inuyasha's right eye. Electricity began to buzz from his fingers.

"What the fuck are you doing-"

"Seeing but never seen. Protected yet unknown to its protector."

Inuyasha screamed as the electricity poured into his eye. It was gripping onto something inside.


It was time, Jin supposed. Moving off of his Master's fluff, he opened his palm and a big ball of green blue energy appeared. The two dog brothers wouldn't see it but they would surely sense it.

Taking the energy, he threw it in between the fighting brothers and a massive explosion erupted. Throwing them both opposite sides.

"Well, I'm done," Jin yawned, vanished and entered his physical body to go straight to sleep. After that attack, his body needed to recharge.

'Time for some more beauty sleep.'

Sesshoumaru didn't know what had just happened but the scent of his Tokijin was in the air. He glanced down at the swords at his hip. They were just how they had always been… but of course they were.

When Sesshoumaru focused back on Inuyasha, he found his brother had vanished in thin air. He couldn't even sense him anymore.

'What a bother,' he thought and then picked up his phone to dial Rin's number again. He was still getting that feeling, hearing that voice inside of his head saying she was in danger.

Rin felt her phone vibrating and knew it was her father calling. A bad feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. But she was talking to Kohaku now. Shiori had introduced them and things were going pretty well. Shiori was off in the crowd dancing with her boyfriend Daidai.

When the phone vibrated a second time, Kohaku noticed because he asked her about it. "Shouldn't you get that? It could be important."

Rin nodded. "Uh yeah, I'll be right back."

"I'll be right here," he shot her a grin and she flushed. She could hardly believe he was there with her. She would have to find a way to thank Shiori for the set up.

Heading to the back of the club she found an empty corner and went through. She needed to get away from the music and have a private talk with her father. Through the corner she saw a man leaning up against the wall. His hair was blonde with streaks of dark brown running through it, and he was brown skinned. He was dressed in a black leather jacket, underneath was a white t-shirt, dark wash, well fitted blue jeans and black combat boots. The way he leaned looked as if he was posing for a camera, he sure looked like model material.

He was hot but there was something about him that made the hair on her arms stand up. She was about to turn and find another corner to talk to her father but then he pushed himself off of the wall and walked off down the hall.

But this was no time to gawk at hot men. She had to call her father and tell him she was okay. Pulling out her cell phone she dialed and he picked up automatically.

"Where are you?" he asked, his voice never rose. She couldn't tell if he was angry or worried or anything.

She couldn't lie to him. He'd smell it from miles away.

Rin opened her mouth to speak when suddenly, a harsh breeze blew and she tipped off balance, dropping her phone.

'What in the world was that?' she thought and then looked for her phone. When she found it she got up and went to it. Bending her hand was a few inches away, when suddenly, two strong arms caught her from behind. She managed the scream before a large hand clamped her mouth shut.

"Now listen to me little girl, stop struggling,"

She didn't listen so he reduced the oxygen around them until she fell unconscious. Then he picked up the phone.

"I have the girl. If you want her back come and get her. I'll be waiting for you… in the West."

Sesshoumaru didn't need any further persuasion. He turned and set course back to the West. Whoever that man was, he was going to die. His death was assured.

Tetsusaiga would have to wait. He supposed he could always get it now that Inuyasha was awakened. Tetsusaiga's barrier had broken, now all he would have to do is retrieve the black pearl, enter the portal and claim the sword he coveted for so many years.

It could wait. It would have to because his daughter was in trouble, but when he found her she was going to be in trouble as well. He'd caught the sound of that wild music teenagers loved listening to, he recognized the voice of that Cyrus girl talking about how she couldn't stop something and wouldn't stop whatever it was she couldn't stop. Foolishness, that music was decay of the mind, in his opinion.

Obviously, Rin had gone somewhere she shouldn't have been.

As Sesshoumaru headed back he thought about all the privileges he was going to take from Rin after he killed the man that dared to kidnap her. Because of them, his goal of obtaining Tetsusaiga yet again had to be put on the back burner.

Mission accomplished.

Ten was proud to see that his Master had taken the bait. The decoy had worked. Now Tetsu could recover a bit more and be prepared for his Master's return. But for now, they could rest easy.

Ten contacted Soul and thanked her for her assistance. By using the Pollen Fairies she put the humans to sleep so they wouldn't see any supernatural going ons- like a high speed chase through the sky. And then he connected with Fantine.

"The decoy has worked."

That's that guys! I nearly named this chapter Perspectives because I jumped from one person to the next all through this. That was kind of fun actually. I hope it's clear enough. I really didn't want to end this here but I'm hella tired so I'm heading to bed! Thanks for reading guys! Please review!

Inuluver1990 goes to sleep.