The Runt Of The Litter

Chapter 1: Happy Birthday And Goodbye

Description: Dick Grayson had always been the runt of his family, and they were supposed to be short enough as it was! But, he had his mothers heart and looks and his fathers strength. But as it turns out, the child has always and probably always will adopt the runts of Pokemon nests that he finds. As he grows up with heartbreak, pain, tragedy and regret, he must depend on his Pokemon and friends in order to survive his sorrow. Will Richard become a legendary hero like he's always dreamed of, will he live to his thirteenth birthday even? Can he admit his love for a close friend... we can't be sure, unless we read The Runt Of The Litter!

A/N: This is me writing a short story for FFN and AO3 because I'm bored and this sounded nice to write after reading the story Together Forever on tumblr (Its a Pokemon AU of RoosterTeeth but I just got so hooked on it so quickly and was think about Teen Titans so I had to write this) so there. Please R&R or comment, really depends on which site you'll be reading this on.

March 20th, 1988, 6:00 AM

"Mama, papa, wake up, its my birthday!" A five year old Dick Grayson yelled happily as he hopped up and down happily, ignoring his fathers groan and his mothers giggle as they awoke to the hyperactive child.

"Alright Dickie, we're up." John Grayson said, rubbing his light green eyes as he let out a loud yawn, placing his feet on the side of his bed just in time to have his Jolteon come running in and licking his feet. "Calm down, Pluto." He ordered, making the Jolteon whine of sadness.

Mary Grayson rolled her eyes as her Vaporeon hopped onto her lap, she petted the water type kindly as she smiled at her husband, who failed to be a morning person like herself and Dick. "Oh come now John, you should be happy for our son, after all, everyone only turns five once in there lives."

"Yeah papa, I hope I get a Pokemon this year!" He cheered, he had wanted one since he was one.

His parents exchanged a nervous look, both of them knew that neither of them had gotten him a Pokemon seeing as the circus they worked for moved so much, it made it very hard to just go out and catch or buy a Pokemon for the child. hopefully, John's brother Jake would fulfill his promise he had made to Dick a month ago and had gotten him a Pokemon, after all, Jake had far more time on his hands then John since he had less work to do as a performer. With that knowledge, John gave Dick a very kind smile and picked his Jolteon up, rubbing its electricity filled quills back as he smiled at the five year old.

"Lets go see if your uncle Jake is up yet, I'm sure HE has a great gift for you this year." He said, at least if Jake came through like he had promised he wouldn't have to keep worrying about Dick playing with his Jolteon, which could accidentally shock him at any time.

Dick nodded happily as he followed his parents out of the trailer, running the whole way to his aunt, uncle and cousin's trailer. In seconds, Dick's thirteen year old cousin, Sam ran out of his trailer and hugged Dick, Sam's Aipom happily hopped around at the boys feet as they hugged. Sam was exactly eight years older then Dick, yet the two got along like brothers seeing as they had grown up together since Dick was born. The older had only been a trainer for three years, but never left home and trained by going from city to city with the circus and still acting as a trainer and performer as he did so. Sam ruffled Dick's hair as they separated, smiling down at the younger boy who giggled happily.

"So Dick, you excited to get your first Pokemon?" He asked excitedly, hugging Aipom as it jumped into his arms.

Dick nodded happily. "Yep, I hope its a flying type so that I can travel around the world one days!"

Sam smiled as he jumped with glee, he had always tried to act younger in order to help give Dick a friend that could at least ACT his age. "That would be awesome Dickie Bird!"

With that, the two children rushed into the trailer to see uncle Jake and aunt Georgia smiling at the table as they ate breakfast, chomping on donuts and coffee as they saw the two boys rush into the large trailer. Jake's Arcanine barked from the kitchen at the new arrivals while Georgia's Staravia simply nodded at the two, understanding that nodding could be seen as a sign of approval from a humans point of view. Jake quickly stood, holding a small box in his hands and winking at John and Mary, who stood in the doorway of the trailer as they watched there son bounce with excitement.

"Happy birthday, Dickie Bird." Jake said smoothly, handing the box to Dick.

Dick smiled and thanked his uncle before ripping open the box, and very slowly, pulling out a red Pokeball that shined with its newly bought looking gleam. "Wow!" Dick yelled happily as he stared at the ball in his hand. "Its beautiful... thank you uncle Jake!"

Jake smiled at the tiny. "Look inside Dickie, just push the white button and you'll meet your new friend!" He explained, watching carefully as Dick did as instructed.

The Pokeball quickly opened, a red light consuming the room before a red silhouette formed into the shape of a small bird spreading its little wings with ease, letting out a loud chirp. It was a Pidgey, it was tiny and looked to clearly be a female, its eyes shined a light brown as it stared at Dick, chirping with glee at the five year old. Immediately, Sam busted into a fit of laughs, falling to the tiled floor.

"Hahaha! Look at how tiny it is, you got him a runt!" Sam yelled as he pointed at the Pidgey, who glared at Sam and let out a low growl.

Georgia glared at Sam. "Sam, be nice, this is Dick's first Pokemon, you should treat it with respect." She said, although it was clear that she though the runt was rather pitiful.

Dick smiled as he hugged the Pidgey, that looked to be half the size of his head, making it look rather puny. "I love her, I'll call her Mary, since she's like mama!" He said, petting the soft bird Pokemon.

Mary smiled as she patted Dick's head, making the five year old giggle with glee. "You two will be a great team, I just know it."

"Yeah... Dickie and Mary, we're gonna do great things, right Mary?" Dick asked the bird, still petting her wings as he held her to his small chest.

"PIDGEY!" Mary chirped, hopping happily on the boys lap as it agreed with him.

Dick nodded in agreement, placing Mary on his shoulder and smiling out the window, as if seeing a beautiful and sad free furture. "We're gonna be legends." He whispered.

September 2nd, 1989, 3:23 PM

Dick exited the house with Mary flying at his side, he smiled brightly as he ran around outside. Currently, Haley's circus had decided to stop in a city called Gotham, although Dick had never heard of such a place. Before, Dick's mother would tell him never leave the circus grounds in Gotham, but seeing her distracted with practicing, Dick snuck off with Mary to go explore the large city. The sky was grey with a late spring and caused shivers to run down the spines of anyone without a coat or jacket, Dick hurried to a small building, and seeing that no one was looking, began easily climbing up the building by using the gutters and loose bricks. Upon reaching the top, Dick stared out at the city and smiled brightly, it felt so nice to be so high above the ground with his trusted Pidgey. Suddenly, A loud roar ripped through the air and made Dick jump in fright, Mary quickly formed a fighting position at her trainers feet and letting out angry peeps. To Dick's left was his trusted Eevee, a runt, as expected, of a litter his parents Vaporeon and Jolteon had given birth to. He had named the Eevee Addison, mostly because he liked the name. The said Eevee glared at the area where the roar had come from, forming a protecting position as well in front of Dickie.

"Buizel, use Water gun!" a voice yelled, a rush of water slammed into Mary and sent her spiraling off the side of the building.

"Mary!" Dick screamed as he reached out to her, but was unable to catch the falling bird.

Dick turned around, only to see a thug with a Buizel at his side and a Woobat as well, the acrobat shivered as he realized how strong this man, he could easily hurt him even. "Huh, I thought you were the Batman, oh well, I guess beating you up can be just as good. Woobat, use Assurance!" The trainer ordered.

Cartwheeling out of the way, Dick barely dodged a glowing purple hand that had been extended from the Woobat from using its psychic powers. No fair, I'm not a Pokemon!" Dick yelled to the trainer as he called out for help again. "I guess I'm on my own... Addison, use Shadow Ball!"

With that, Addison flipped expertly into the air and let loose a shadowy orb at the Woobat, hitting it directly for a super effective attack. The crook growled, not wanting to lose to a kid. "Alright brat, I guess I'll call for-"

Suddenly, a man wearing all black dressed like a bat appeared before the small boy, a Crobat by his side as he glared at the crook. "Crobat, deal with the Pokemon, I'll take care of the crook." He yelled before attacking the man.

Dick stared with large eyes before he heard a faint fluttering, turning around, he saw Mary joining him on the roof. Not wanting to get in trouble or be seen, Dick quickly snuck away as the odd superhero fought the common crook. As the small boy hurried to get away, he heard a small whine from inside of a box in the alleyway nearby. Addison perked up his ears and rubbed his trainers leg in worry, mewling at the box sadly, as if he sensed something inside of it. The timid boy was curious and terrified as he tiptoed to the half opened box, he saw a flash of an orange tail with a weak flame at the tip. Realizing that it had to be a Pokemon, Dick crept closer, hands open in a none threatening way as he stared at the moving carton. Opening the box, Dick's baby blue eyes widened at the sight of a very tiny Charmander, it looked downright puny in the box and malnourished. Seeing no one looking, Dick scooped up the tiny Pokemon and rushed away, shivering as he pushed the Charmander into his hoodie for warmth.

September 2nd, 1989, 8:56 PM

Later that day, Dick returned to the trailer to see his mother and father waiting for him, the poor boy looked awful and tired as he entered, still hiding the Charmander in his blue hoodie. His father, John Grayson, cross his arms and sent a stern glare at his six year old son, who looked at his feet and let out a small sigh, he was in so much trouble.

"Richard Johnathan Grayson, where have you been?" John asked, still giving his son that look that demanded and answer.

Without a word, Dick opened his hoodie to reveal the small Pokemon, rubbing its head as it emerged. "I found him in a box in an alleyway in the city after a man dressed like a bat saved me from a bad guy." He explained. "I've named him Bruce."

Mary, Dick's mother not the Pidgey, cupped her sons cheek and smiled as she kissed his forehead. "Figures, you have your fathers taste for adventure and your mothers heart in you, Dickie Bird." She whispered kindly.

John sighed, leaning on the table as he rubbed his head, it figures that his son would bring home such a tiny runt of a Charmander. Oh well, he was still Mary's child too. "Fine, you can keep him, but he's YOUR responsibility." He explained.

"Yes, papa." Dick said, rubbing both his Pidgey's head and his new Charmander's head as he giggled with glee, today would be a good day.

John quickly checked his watch and whistled dramatically. "The shows on in three minutes, you can watch from the side lines if you want Dickie, but please, don't scream witty phrases again."

Mary frowned at her husband. "Honey, its just how are boy is, its not his fault that he wants to be a funny person."

"Why do you always have to-" Before John could start an argument, the trailer door opened to reveal uncle Jake.

"Show time!" He announced.

"Alright... we'll be out in a second, Jake!" John yelled before ruffling Dick's head kindly. "See you soon, Dickie!"

Mary nodded and kissed her child's forehead before hugging him softly. "We'll be done soon, dear."

With that, the couple exited the trailer... never to return alive.

July 2nd, 1889, 9:12 PM

"MAMA, PAPA, UNCLE JAKE, AUNT GEORGIA, SAM!" Dick screamed as tears poured from his eyes, his Charmander clutched his leg while his Pidgey chirped in fear, cuddling the crying child's arm as it looked away. Addison, the Eevee, whimpered as it nuzzled its trainers neck as it wrapped around his neck, trying to give comfort to the boy.


Immediately, a loud crash filled the room after the Flying Grayson's fell to there untimely deaths. Chaos erupted. The crowd ran away and caused masses of crazed people to flood the tent as everyone tried to escape, not wanting to be the next to die. Young Richard fought to try and get to his parents dead bodies, but there were so many Pokemon and people moving that it was impossible to reach them. He kept screaming as he kept trying to run to them, tears still falling from his eyes. Suddenly, two large hands picked Richard up and placed him in front of the dead bodies along with his three Pokemon. When Dick turned around, he could see a man with white hair and a black eye patch disappearing into the depths of the crowd. Very slowly, Dick turned his attention to his dead family, holding his mothers hand and petting his fathers hair.

"Mama... papa..." He whispered in a broken voice, filled with loss and regret.

A hand fell upon Dick's shoulder, making him jump and look up to see Police Commissioner Gordon standing behind him, wrapping a coat around the acrobat. "Come on little guy, there's nothing you can do for them now." He said, leading him away as the commissioners Herdier let out a small whine, leading Mary and Bruce away as well.

As hours passed, Bruce Wayne, the man who had asked the circus to come to Gotham in the first place, gave Dick a regretful look as he approached. "Does he have... anyone at all? Anyone who can take care of him?" He asked.

"Nope, we can't ahold of any family and all of the safe-houses in town are full, he knows that Tony Zucco killed these people, but Tony might try to shut him up if we leave him in an orphanage. We're trying to find a place." He explained, sighing as he saw the poor orphan hugging all of his Pokemon to his chest. "Poor kid, he's only six for gods sake and he's already been screwed over."

Bruce nodded, giving Dick a long look as he rubbed his Mienshao's head as he examined the bloodied body bags that were being carried out of the circus tent. "I think I can help." He said solemnly.

A/N: There's chapter one, I hope it was good enough for you all! Please R&R!
