So sorry about the unforgivable lapse in updating. It seems my smut was broken. I just couldn't manage anything. This may even be rubbish, who knows?! I tried for you, my lovely friends and reviewers :) xoxo I hope it satisfies.. ;)

Elsie curled even deeper into Charles' embrace as she woke to his soft snore in her ear. She smiled as she realized how wrapped up in each they were. Their arms and legs were tangled together and their naked chests pressed together as closely as possible. She purred happily as she snuggled even deeper into him and kissed along his shoulder. "Mmm...Mr. Carson, I believe we need to be getting up. What time is it dearest?"

Charles moaned as he was awoken by Elsie's soft Scottish lilt. The gentle purring of her r's rolling through his body like an electric charge. "I could lay here and listen to your sweet voice all day." Charles whispered deeply against her ear. "You make the most beautiful sounds when you are sleepy." His kisses moved along her cheekbone. "I do love you so. You know that, don't you?" Charles asked very seriously, as he kissed her mouth tenderly. "You do know there is nothing as important to me in this world as you? That you are my everything. Your kindness, your heart, your grace. You make me a better man, Elsie Hughes." He pulled back to look into her eyes, caressing her cheek softly. "I know I have asked this many times before. You've always had your excuses, your reasons for not answering me as I prayed you would. However, we are older now, love. I think it's time." Charles slid his hand under his pillow and pulled out a small dark green velvet box. He could feel Elsie tense and her breathing quicken. He propped himself up on one elbow and gazed down at her. Her soft dark curls lying across the crisp white pillow, her tear filled eyes staring up at him. "My darling Elsie, will you do me the honor of finally becoming my wife?"

Elsie looked up at the man above her. The man she had loved for nearly twenty years. The man she already considered her husband, whether they were bound by law and God, or not. Tears slid from her eyes as she whispered softly. "Yes, Charles. Yes, I want to be your wife." She slid her arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to hers. She could feel his hot tears falling onto her cheeks. She took his face in her hands and softly brushed away his tears with her thumbs. "My dearest man." She whispered sweet words of comfort and love as she kissed along his cheeks and eyes.

Charles felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. The one thing he had wanted more than anything in this world, was finally happening. It wouldn't have mattered if there were consequences or repercussions for his actions. He did not care. Elsie had always been more important to him than anything else. His job, financial security, even his loyalty to the family. Nothing compared to his deep love and connection to the woman before him. He kissed her slowly and deeply, hoping to convey the feelings in his heart and soul. "My wife." He softly rumbled against her lips.

"Yes love, your wife." Elsie whispered back as she nibbled gently at his lower lip. They gazed deeply into one another's tear filled eyes, so many words silently passing between them. Such a deep and honest connection radiating around them, enveloping them in a state of peaceful warmth and love. They kissed passionately and Charles slid his body over onto Elsie's. Her strong and lean legs instinctively wrapping around his broad thighs, cradling him to her. Their mouths never left one another's as their all consuming love for each other brought them to a whole other plane of pleasure and intimacy. Elsie could feel Charles solid length against her center, probing gently against her waiting warmth. He pressed into her so slowly, a divine feeling of fullness rolling through her body as he moved so steadily. Every movement was slow, gentle, a need to make this moment last. To never again have to part or hide their love. They were one, as solid and steadfast as the stone walls in which they lived. Their heartbeats, breaths, moans, all coming together in a perfectly orchestrated composition of their love. The gentle rolling of their lovemaking, a slow burn between them. They rose steadily together, ascending towards their sweet climax. Charles ground slowly against Elsie sensitive area as he slowly pushed in and out of her, his mouth still pressed firmly against her swollen lips, his tongue playing against hers. Charles pulled back as Elsie gasped loudly and began to shake beneath him. Her thighs quivering around his hips as he groaned loudly and felt his release wash over him. Their eyes locked onto one another's as they found this mutual release. Charles lowered his forehead down onto Elsie's and he kissed her lips. No words were needed now, they had shown each other the strength and depth of their love and devotion. Charles slid beside her and took her in his arms, laying her head on his chest. Elsie's fingers played in the soft silver curls next to her cheek as she let out a soft sigh against him. "I never want to leave this bed. Can we not just stay here forever?"

"I wish that too. Soon enough, my darling, we will have our very own bed. Much larger than this, and hopefully with very sturdy bedposts." He laughed deeply, as he teased her. "I do think I'd like to try that again."

"I think that's an entirely possible proposition, Mr. Carson." Elsie said cheekily as she continued to stroke along the soft patch of hair on his stomach.

"I'm glad you think so, Mrs. Carson." Charles said deeply, loving the the way the name rolled off his tongue.

Elsie smiled broadly and turned her lips against his chest, kissing him softly. "Mrs. Carson. I do think I could get used to that."

"I should hope so, since it will be your new name in just three short weeks." Charles stated plainly.

"Three weeks?" Elsie sat up quickly. "Charles..I ..I .. We.. How?"

"It's fine dearest." Charles sat up and propped himself against the headboard. "That's how long we will have to wait for the Banns to be read."

"I'm fully aware of how long the reading of the Banns takes!" Elsie snapped. "What I'd like to know is how we are going to survive? Charles, this is precisely why I've been saying no all these years. We need our positions. What will we do?"

"Elsie... Please. Please don't do this." She could see his face falling quickly and the crack in his usually strong and steady voice.

She placed both hands on his chest and leaned into him, her full, bare breasts, pushing against his chest. She kissed his lips gently before pulling back to look into his sad eyes. "I'm so sorry, Charles. I love you more than anything. None of it matters. I'll do whatever it takes to be your wife. Whatever it takes." She kissed him again, a promise of her love.

"We are staying on Elsie. We are both staying at Downton." Charles stated as she pulled her lips from his.

"But how, Charles. How do you know it will even be possible? Accepted?" Elsie questioned his certainty.

"They know... They all know." Charles spoke quietly.

"They know!" Elsie shrieked.

"Well, not everything obviously." Charles chuckled, his eyebrows raising suggestively. "They know I love you. They know I was...I am, willing to give up everything for you to be my wife."

"Oh Charles." She brushed her fingertips across his cheek.

Charles pulled her closer until she was lying flush along him. Her soft, silky, skin pressing against his. "Thankfully, that won't be necessary. They were actually quite shocked." Charles laughed deeply, his chest rumbling against her breasts. "All but Lady Mary. She claims to have known we were destined for each other all along."

"I'm surprised she's willing to share you." Elsie rolled her eyes, making it clearly known her feelings for Lady Mary would not be changing, approval or not.

Charles just smiled knowingly, not caring to discuss Lady Mary, or anyone else for that matter. He just wanted to enjoy the this moment with his beautiful Elsie. His hands stroked up and down the soft freckled skin of her arms and back. "Now if I remember correctly, there were three sheets of paper you handed me yesterday." Charles teased, as his hand went to his coat laying upon the nightstand. He withdrew the sheets and from his pocket and held them up over his head. Elsie slipped off him and into the crook of his arm giggling.

"Charles Carson! Don't tell me you've been carrying those around with you?" Elsie smiled brightly as she scolded him.

"I am a man who is always prepared, my darling." He answered truthfully. "Now lets see. We did this. Mmmm, we definitely did this last night." He said smirking, while he leafed through the papers. "I believe number one was in fact something we've done before. Hmmm. Lets see. Oh yes... We have done this before, if I'm not mistaken. The night Lady Mary was out with Charles Blake and the pigs?"

"We did. I found you in your pantry. Sipping your sherry and half asleep." Elsie answered quietly, her face blushing.

Charles turned to her, propping his head up with one arm and wrapping her securely in his other. "I remember you suggesting something highly improper about them."

"And I recall you looking me up and down like you were ready to pounce on me." Elsie smiled knowingly. "And pounce, you did."

"And you enjoyed it, didn't you?" Charles whispered seductively before bending to kiss along her chest.

"I did, Charles." Elsie purred softly as he kissed his way up her neck. "You were so strong, so in control."

"Do you like me in control?" Charles whispered deeply against her skin.

Uncomfortable with her true feelings and desires exposed, Elsie laughed and slipped from Charles' embrace, taking the sheet with her. She wrapped herself up and looked down at him, lying across the bed as naked as the day he was born. "I don't think we have time, love. Everyone will be up soon, and I really think we'll both have to wash up before going down. As much as I love the smell of you upon my skin.." Elsie blushed at her words and turned to grab her dressing gown off the chair.

"Elsie Hughes, are you embarrassed?" Charles asked, slightly amused, as he stood and walked over to her. "You like it when I'm in charge, don't you?" He said deeply as he grabbed the wrist of the hand holding up the sheet. They locked eyes and Elsie and was gone. He tugged the sheet from her body and pushed her backwards until her bottom was pressed firmly against the cool wall.

"Charles, don't be silly." Elsie said blushing, trying to remain composed as all rational thought began to leave her.

"You do." Charles stated firmly. "I can see it in your eyes, hear it in the quick panting of your breath." Charles reached down in between them and cupped her center. She was so wet for him, so ready. "I can feel it here."

Elsie sighed and whimpered as he kept her pinned against the wall, his hand toying with the sensitive nub at her center, as the other held her wrists above her head. "Charles?" She begged as he pressed his hard length against her hip.

"Say it, Elsie." He kissed her forcefully and Elsie curled one leg around his thigh. "Tell me you like it." He said forcefully, nipping at her neck. "Tell me you like me in control."

"Oh Charles...Yes... I do! You are! Please!" Elsie gasped and moaned into his hair.

That was the only invitation he needed. Charles grabbed her around her upper thighs and lifted them both, wrapping them around his waist. His hands clenched her firm bottom and kneaded it gently as he pushed inside her. He thrust into her hard and fast, pinning her high up against the door. He sucked roughly at the base of her neck and breasts as he drove into. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him claim her. The intense strength and masculinity radiating from him and driving her mad with lust and need. He was forceful, yet loving. Strong, yet gentle. She loved the feeling of him taking charge. He rarely tried to pull rank over her, but there was something so delightfully sexy about him when he was in control. He had such a powerful and formidable presence. Looking into his dark eyes was her undoing, she felt her climax overtake her and she shuddered wildly against him. He continued to pump into her as she bit down hard on her lip to keep from crying out as wave after wave of pleasure went through her body. She whimpered against his shoulder and he groaned loudly. A deep growl escaping his chest as he released inside her. His thrusting slowed as he shuddered and began to drop her legs. She slid down his body and they held each other tightly. Elsie kissed along his chest. "You are quite the man, Charles Carson."

"And you, Elsie Hughes, are the only woman in the world for this man." He whispered against her lips as he kissed her tenderly...

I hope you all enjoyed this last chapter! Please let me know. Your reviews mean more to me than I can say, and each time I read one I'm sending you out a big hug :) Now it's back to 'Hold Back My Heart'! I do believe I have a wedding to plan :) Lots of love, Mona xoxo