ConNopales 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 09-29-09, id: 2099432
Author has written 6 stories | Naruto, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア.
β : ConNopales is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Sorry, in advance, for the text walls. The boxes turn my breaks into html. Anywho, I can be whatever you need me to be. I love to fall in love with stories. If you're looking for a person to soundboard your ideas on, check your flow and prose, review for general errors yadda yadda, I'm your person. I can also help keep your plot in check, if you feel you need that support, I am here for you. If you're writing in one of my fandoms, I can help make sure your story is consistent with canon derived plot lines, mechanics or logic. I will be honest, but not overly critical. And I hope you dont take any straightforward assessment as a negative. All-in-all, simply tell me what you want me to do, and I will let you know if I can. I work at different times of every day, so if its important to you to have something back in a certain timeframe, lets schedule a due-date. Otherwise, I generally read at my leisure. Again, be up front about your needs and I can more than likely accomodate you. br /br /br /

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Note: I am an adult. I have a career. I have a family. I am at the stage in my life where I have no problem setting boundaries and accepting them from others. If something comes up, and I cant return a chapter, I will let you know. If I flake, and dont say anything, assume I died or something happened in my family! Because there isn't a single day Im not on fanfiction. Even if its just to scroll endlessly through story lists. lol!

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Definitely good at detailing. As a reader, a story feels underdeveloped or flat if I can't get a sense of the motion of a scene, or what the characters are doing that adds to their dialogue. I can check for this. I'm also good for checking prose. If your dialogue and rhythm are on point then I won't be able to stop reading. The realistic or consistent characterization of dialogue, thoughts and actions just does something to a story that brings it to life. If I start to skim - that means you've lost me and I can help you see where your flow is broken up by clunky exposition or dialogue. Flow/Pacing, that kind of goes along with prose, but you dont have to be writing in that style for me to be able to read it. Good writing is good writing, no matter what the style is like. Amazingly enough, I cannot do much of any of this with my own writing because I am too critical of myself.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Punctuation. I can get you there in terms of flow. In general, when I'm reading, I can tell when grammar and punctuation are lacking because if it's bad enough, I stutter through the reading and get pulled out of the story. But, do I know the precise punctuation that is needed? Probably not. My spouse would though, so I can always ask. I majored in Urban Planning with a focus on food systems, not English. :D
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
If you have a story in one of my preferred pairings (Sakura/Sasuke)(Naruto/Hinata)(Jacob/Bella)(Gale/Katniss)(Tom/Hermione)(Draco/Hermione(Dany/Jon Snow)(Sakura/Syaoran), I would love love love to try it out. With that being said, I can handle any pairing as long as the writing is strong and the in story logic is consistent with your premise. Anything to help up the quality of available fics in my preferred pairings. /br /br /

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I also dont mind pairing-less stories - those can be refreshing. I LOOOOOVE AUs - IF DONE WELL. Various historical eras, Various Genres or subcultures, characters placed into an adaption of another story (I once read a really great Twilight adaption of Red Riding Hood that was unfortunately abandoned). But this means you have to have done your homework! :D I will also read original stories. But I tend to talk to my spouse and kids about what I'm reading a lot, so if youre saving yourself for publishing then maybe I'm not the one. I also love assessing time travel stories. lol. I am not a huge fan of looped time theory based stories but I will read them if they catch me. I prefer the alternate timeline creation/AU theory of time travel fics where the previous world continues on and the characacters are placed into a new timeline (effectively causing the previous timeline to cease to exist for them).

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I get embarrassed reading yaoi. So not my cup of tea. Crack fics are difficult. OC main characters, unless done really well, are just not my thing. Thats usually because I know it's bound to be a self-insert character and those just make me cringe so hard. Your plot better be boss and they cant be OP, or all-knowing or in it to steal the love of a pairing. lol. Cause I'll just cringe the whole time or get embarrassed reading. But feel free to try me.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Anime Ajin: Demi-Human/亜人
Anime Card Captor Sakura
Tv Doctor Who
Anime Evangelion
Tv Game of Thrones
Book Harry Potter
Book Hunger Games
Tv iCarly
Anime Naruto
Tv New Girl
Book Pride and Prejudice
Anime Sailor Moon
Movie Star Wars
Book Sweep
Anime Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン
Book Twilight
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for